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Crypto Murders: Introduce

Kim enjoys the evening within her chemical romance.

By Skyler SaundersPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Crypto Murders: Introduce
Photo by Nicole Plunkett on Unsplash

Kim puffed from her vaporizer. She looked at the figures from her bank account. After a round of news correspondents asking her questions, she felt relaxation caress her like a warm sweater. The marijuana vapor permitted her to lay back and listen to classical music.

This was just a time for her to regroup. She took her role as professor which meant she would get to grading on Saturday. This Friday evening was all about being within the realm of getting in touch with herself. She thought of him. All of the time in her life she just wanted to be at home alone, however. After yet another landmark case she helped to solve, she took the time to be connected to her own soul.

By Avery Meeker on Unsplash

When she received her contract to write her next three books, she felt the need to be honest with herself. She could write ten books and they could not contain all that she had tallied up in her life.

Just these past cases provided enough material and she was glad for the eight figure deal and her contract renewal. The marijuana made her dream with lucid exactitude. Her senses had been fully engaged. In her time, she had kept her mind focused on being an inventor of her own life. As an architect of her own existence, she specified her time.

By Holi Concentrates on Unsplash

Once she turned over on her duvet and let the fireplace crackle, she felt the coziness of the drug and completely relaxed. She just had…the THC cost five thousand dollars a liter. Kim leaned over and refilled the vaporizer. Despite her hallucinations and easy feeling, she didn’t spill the liquid. She put the vaporizer on the charger and allowed it to juice up some more. In the meantime, she considered the past few years. She considered this moment in her life to be especially important. It took her so long to realize how well she had it. How she had persevered through all of the problems that had taken place.

That’s how she was built. Black and wired to withstand the various nefarious factions that threatened her life. Through the scars and close calls, through the shouts and yelps that rang in her ears, now she was safe in her walk up.

By Rick Proctor on Unsplash

The strength of her ego allowed her to be the number one in all of this. She saw missed calls from Darby and St Kitts next to news agencies. She wondered how they got her number. Then, she extracted the vaporizer from its electronic cradle. She pulled slowly and evenly for the desired effect of a smooth and controlled high.

This was why she felt that she could smoke PCP or crack or take fentanyl. She was in the frame of mind to begin thinking about how these drugs had been legalized but she would never use them. She would, however, support other people in doing exactly what she was doing now.

She was high. She switched off the fireplace and made her duvet her bed. Still, images floated through her consciousness. Everything seemed to stream by like a TV show and introduce characters that quickly vanished. She saw the faces of Brandon, Tall K, and Captain Framingham. They all melded and molded into a single vision of her past few years. The colors of red and purple and green invaded her consciousness along with the faces. As this hallucinatory episode continued she laughed. And laughed. It was a silent, vivacious giggle that she could not control.

Every ounce of her took her to the next phase of her life and what she was always destined to be.


About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

Cash App: $SkylerSaunders1


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