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By Frank MaccgreyPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

A disturbing phone call disrupted the calm of Darlington, Indiana in the early hours of November 17, 2016. Brandi Worley, a mother of two, contacted 911 and calmly admitted to a heinous crime: "I just stabbed myself and killed my two children." She had stolen a battle knife and used it to take her own children's life. She then turned the firearm on herself, determined to die with her children.

When the cops came, they were faced with an unthinkable sight of terror. Brandi's children, Tyler and Charlee, were discovered dead in their beds, while Brandi herself was nursing self-inflicted wounds. Brandi Worley's story is one of an unfathomable crime committed by a mother, the reaction of a community, and the aftermath of a tragedy that left a father orphaned and a town in shock.

Who is Brandi Worley?

Brandi Worley was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on July 5, 1986. She grew up in Crawfordsville, Indiana, and was renowned for her upbeat and gregarious nature. Her parents split when she was young, yet she managed to have a cheerful attitude. Brandi was a cheerful and well-liked youngster who had a younger sister.

She went to Crawfordsville High School, where she was involved in extracurricular activities and was known to be kind and well-liked. She continued her study at Indiana State University, where she received a bachelor's degree in elementary education. This led her to a profession as a teacher, which she held for several years before electing to remain at home with her children.


Brandi met Jason Worley, a fellow student who would eventually become her husband, during her high school years. They started dating in 2001 and married in 2009. Darlington, a little town roughly 50 miles northwest of Indianapolis, became their new home.

The joyful arrival of their first child, Tyrel Daniel Clinton Worley, in 2009 marked the beginning of a new chapter in Jason and Brandi's life. Their joy was multiplied when their daughter, Charlee Rose Jean Worley, was born in 2013. Their lives appeared to be ideal, with Brandi caring for the children while Jason worked.

The Breakdown of the Marriage

Despite the image of a happy family, the Worleys' marriage suffered a setback in 2016. Jason filed for divorce, accusing Brandi of cheating on him. Brandi rejected the charges, and they decided to try to work things out for the sake of their two young children. However, tensions remained high, and Jason filed for divorce again in November 2016.

Brandi was struggling to cope with the imminent divorce and the stress of maybe becoming a single mother. She had a history of sadness and anxiety, for which she had been prescribed medicine. Her mental health problems increased as she got more alienated and secluded herself from friends and family.

The night of the Murder

Brandi performed an inconceivable thing on November 17, 2016. She dialed 911 and said that she had just murdered her children. When police arrived, they discovered Tyler, 7, and Charlee, 3, dead in their beds from numerous stab wounds. Brandi had also tried suicide by slashing her wrists.

The family had gone to their daughter Charlee's dancing recital earlier that day. Despite the impending divorce, everything appeared to be normal. Brandi mentioned after dinner that she needed to go to Walmart to acquire pipe cleaners for her son's project. Instead of heading to Walmart, she enticed Charlee into Tyler's room, where she had concealed a combat knife. She stabbed Tyler in the neck many times before moving to Charlee, who had awoken from the ruckus. Brandi encouraged Charlee to go back to sleep before repeatedly stabbing her until both children were motionless and covered in blood.

Brandi Worley’s call to 911

During the terrifying 911 call, Brandi Worley surprisingly confesses to stabbing her two children and herself to death. Worley remained unnaturally calm and cool as she frantically asked police aid, adding, "I just stabbed myself and killed my two children." The heartbreaking conversation also showed that Worley had contacted her mother before calling 911, who instructed her to hang up and dial 911.

Worley emphasized her desire to assist with police in a harsh disclosure, telling them that she would not oppose arrest. Worley stated, "I did not want him taking them, so I stabbed them," underlining the very terrible circumstances surrounding the case.

The Trial and Sentencing

Brandi Worley's trial in Montgomery County, Indiana, commenced on August 7, 2017. The prosecution provided evidence that Worley committed the killings in retaliation for her husband's death. They alleged she committed the killings with calculating and premeditated intent, leaving a letter at the crime scene claiming that she "couldn't live with this mess."

Her counsel said that she had suffered from mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety for many years prior to the killings. They stated that her mental health had worsened considerably in the months leading up to the killings as a result of marital troubles and the hardship of parenting two small children.

Despite these reasons, the jury convicted Worley guilty of two counts of murder and suggested a 120-year jail term. Judge Harry Siamas sentenced her to 120 years in jail without the possibility of release in December 2017.

Following the incident, the community rallied behind Jason Worley. They collected $50,000 to assist him with expenditures, demonstrating their support during his difficult time. Meanwhile, Brandi began her sentence, a harsh reminder of the heinous crime she had done.

Jason Worley had accused his wife of infidelity and filed for divorce the day before the event, according to court filings. Jason had planned to divorce Brandi, but when they considered the welfare of their children, they decided to try to work things out. Jason's suspicions about Brandi's adultery, on the other hand, remained, and it appears that this tension may have led to the terrible events of that fateful night.

Jason Worley asked Reddit for help

Jason turned to Reddit for assistance after discovering that his wife had cheated on him with their neighbor. When his wife applied a password to her phone, he grew suspicious. He subsequently realized she was messaging the neighbor and discovered that she had erased the texts after a particular amount of time. He then placed anti-theft software on her phone and learned that she had planned to have sex with the neighbor. Jason's wife and the neighbor emailed each other about sex acts they wanted to conduct at a meal with the neighbor and his girlfriend. When Jason confronted them, his wife denied everything until he gave her the evidence. She then threatened to take their children away if he left her.

While the actual circumstances for the killings are unknown, it is apparent that the family was going through a difficult time, and Brandi was suffering from mental health concerns. The story serves as a reminder of the significance of getting aid and support during times of distress, as well as the devastation caused by domestic abuse. May the children rest in peace, and may their story serve as a reminder to others to seek assistance when necessary.

interviewjuryinvestigationinnocenceincarcerationguiltycapital punishment

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