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A smart wedding ring that lets you feel your partner's heartbeat in real time!

If you've always wondered why your partner doesn't respond to your messages, a smart ring that reassures you that they're still alive might be the only answer.

By News CorrectPublished about a year ago 5 min read

And the £400 HB ring makes it possible to feel your partner's heartbeat in real time with just a double tap.

As long as your partner's phone is connected to the Internet, the ring will beat in the same pattern as your partner's heart. It also flashes a red line around the edge to trigger a heartbeat like a hospital EKG, making it an alternative to the classic gold wedding ring.

This follows the introduction of a new smart ring for women that monitors the wearer's menstrual cycles and sleep patterns.

The rechargeable ring is made by a Czech company called The Touch.

The HB ring detects the wearer's pulse and transmits this information to a companion app.

And since two ring wearers can be connected via the app, each user can double-tap their ring to see and feel the other's heartbeat. The heartbeat is a real-time reading, unless the other wearer is offline (in which case it would be the heartbeat from the last time it was online).

The ring comes in a range of colours, including gold, rose gold and black. Source: Daily Mail

United States Arresting a man who pierced his son's ear

A father in the US state of Arkansas is facing a criminal charge after he was arrested about a week ago, after he pierced his son's ear.

According to the police, an official at Sprigdale High School told them that a student told classmates that his drunk father "pinned him to the ground and pierced his ear."

Jeremy Sherland, 45, admitted to piercing his son's ear, but refused to allow officers to speak to the boy and did not answer any further questions.

Police later returned with an arrest warrant issued by the Washington County District Attorney's office, sparking a mayhem that was caught on video and spread across social media.

Sherland has been released on bail and his family is raising money online to cover legal fees. Source: "New York Post"

King Charles rejects a request for Heathrow Airport

British media reported that King Charles III asked ministers not to use his name at one of the terminals at Heathrow Airport in London.

King Charles rejects a request for Heathrow AirportTrump publishes a message from King Charles without the latter's consent so what does it say?

Heathrow Airport reportedly wanted to celebrate Charles' coronation as king by renaming Gate 5 after King Charles III, nearly a decade after Gate 2 was named after the late Queen Elizabeth II in 2014.

However, Buckingham Palace invited ministers to politely decline the offer without causing embarrassment. All of this comes as the royal family prepares for the king's coronation on May 6.

A government source said that "environmental considerations" made the king reluctant to accept the offer, while another source indicated that the request was rejected due to the lack of close contacts between King Charles and the airport.

The king has long been an environmental activist. At the Cop26 conference in Glasgow last year, he called climate change an "existential threat" and called for a transition from a "fossil fuel economy" to a sustainable economy.

However, Charles has faced criticism for his frequent use of private jets and helicopters. Source: The Mirror

“Satan played with my head.” Confessions of the “Butcher of Fayoum” lead security to a new crime in Egypt

The Egyptian media revealed a surprise in the case of the Fayoum butcher, who killed a boy named Tawfiq, almost a year ago, in a crime that shook Egyptian public opinion, after he tried to steal his private tuk-tuk.

The killer of the boy, Tawfiq, from the Fayoum governorate, revealed a new surprise during his interrogation about the killing of the boy a year ago, when he confessed that he also killed his 38-year-old partner, cut his body, put it inside a mobile phone and threw it into the waters of Bahr Yusuf, after he put fire water on his body ( acida) to hide the evidence of the crime.

He justified his crime by the existence of financial disputes over the price of artifacts, which he allegedly found during excavations on Al-Amoud Street in Fayoum.

And he said during his confessions: I cut him into parts and then mutilated his body with a chemical substance, with fire water, before putting him in plastic bags with a stone inside them and throwing him in Youssef’s sea to dive into the depths of the sea and hide the signs of the crime.

Thus, the perpetrator has committed two crimes, the first is the killing of the child, Tawfiq, the owner of the tuk-tuk, almost a year ago, and the second is the one that was revealed during the investigations, which is the killing of his partner.

The incident of the child, Tawfiq, dates back to Sunday, July 23, when the security services were able to solve the mystery of the murder of the boy, Tawfiq Mamdouh, and the theft of his tuk-tuk. His body was found slaughtered and dumped after his absence in Shawwal, in Bahr al-Jaafra in the center of Itsa.

Investigations, after unpacking the surveillance cameras, concluded that a person named Hani was behind the crime. a. A. He resides in the village of Bajij in the Fayoum district, and he was arrested, so he gave his statements and confessions in full that he had committed the incident, and added that he was going through a financial crisis and witnessed the victim.

Investigations showed that the devil played with his head to lure him and steal the day’s revenue from his work on the tuk-tuk and took the vehicle and sold it in Cairo or continued to work on it in the 6th of October City, but during the assault by beating the victim and trying to intimidate him to leave the tuk-tuk, the boy resisted him, which made him start killing him and he got rid of of his corpse in a watercourse.

A report of the incident was drawn up, the necessary legal measures were taken, and the case was presented to the security authorities to conduct an investigation, which decided to detain the accused for 4 days pending investigation. Source: Cairo 24

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