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52 Lock Up Stephen Christopher Grant

True Crime

By CadmaPublished 2 years ago 25 min read
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Welcome back to 52 Lock Up, I am your Appletini Cadma of Bitten Apple TV. 52 lock up is a series I started to talk about one of my biggest passions of true crime. A new episode on every Cadmaniac Monday for 52 Mondays. Hope you guys enjoy, be sure to comment feedback, like and subscribe.

Today’s episode begins with Tara Lynn Grant she was actually born as Tara Destrampe on June 28th 1972 in Perkins, Michigan to her parents Mary and Gerald who was known as Dusty.

Tara Lynn Grant

She also had a sister named Alicia Grant who came around 3 years later. Her mother Mary Destrampe was considered to be a steady religious type and whom kept her home spotless. Mary was a big fan of tradition and worked as dental hygienist. Her father Dusty on the other hand was a utility worker at K. I. Sawyer Air Force Base in Gwynn. She was described as ambitious from a very young age and whatever she wanted people knew she was going to achieve it.

Both of the sisters attended Michigan’s public school Mid-Pen High School. She is described as an exceptional student, athlete, cheerleader, was a former school basketball player, very goal oriented. This was a young lady that was planning on going places and would have done so. She was such a bright light to others that her one time English teacher Mary Brayan said “She was one of those students that when you went home for the night and got up the next day, made you want to come back and keep teaching,” Tara was remembered as setting goals and making them a priority in her life to achieve; she was simply inspiring.

She was very much like her father with a temper so during her teenaged years they bumped heads a lot but they still remained to be close; especially for their rabbit hunting trips on the weekend. However, apparently she was so loquacious that her parents would reward her for not talking so much in school as a trade. She graduated high school third of her class. She was raised that she could achieve anything she put her mind to. However her temper earned her nicknames like Terror or Terrible. She began dating Jamie Hanson from high school into her 2 year program at Bay de Noc Community College, her temper would include unleashing it with no regard to who was around. She even bursted into Jamie’s home with his parents there and scolded him in front of his parents. She is described as likable but had to have things her way! It had to be her way. Their relationship became an on and off again type of relationship. After they are officially over, Tara was called to be a bridesmaid at a wedding for her friend Amy and that is where she met Scott Sabourin in the fall of 1992. They hit it off but Scott had to finish school elsewhere. Their long distance relationship only lasted about 6 months. For the next few years she focus on her schooling.


Stephen Christopher Grant

Stephen Christopher Grant was born in January 18th 1970 in Michigan to his parents Susan and William (whose nickname as Al) and his sister Kelly who was born in 1967. He loved to build floats to ride down the river by his house with his friend Ken McCauley. The floats were poorly constructed but they had fun riding and pretending they were surfing across. He met his friend Ken when Ken’s family moved to Riverland Drive in 1977. Steve had a stuttering problem growing up which eventually ebbed over time; meaning it gradually went away. Both of parents are described to have enjoyed a heavy cigarette smoking habits, playing tennis and working hard. They loved each other and their kids. In memory, Stephen’s family were described as a traditional fairytale because there were 2 kids, boy and girl, they had a black lab named Princess and a poodle named BJ short for Black Jack. William aka Al was a successful entrepreneur as a supplier of tools and bearings to the auto industry which was a booming business to part of. Unfortunately, the magic would not always last. Although the family moved to Riverland in 1971 by 1978 Susan his mother left Al. Her reasonings was cited as a “breakdown in the marriage”; nothing else was further explained. They separated briefly then they reconciled and moved back to Riverland again. Stephen would be described as a very energetic kid, curious and fun loving and perhaps a little impulsive. Even before he had his driver’s license he would take his mother’s car out for a spin when she wasn’t around. However his father Al was an avid hunter and bow and arrow enthusiast who would make his own shotgun shells; the supplies needed for this provided Stephen with the supplies to make firecrackers.

Apparently growing up this encouraged Stephen’s creativity. May of 1984 when he was 14 years old he made a device with a long copper tube, tightly packed with gunpowder, buckshot, capped it with a fuse coming out one end; he made a bomb. He showed his best friend Ken. They searched for a safe place to light it and they chose his backyard. It blew a hole in the lawn about 8 inches wide and 6 inches deep and shrapnel went everywhere. His father saw the hole the next day and called the police. Stephen denied everything and told the police he saw 2 people lurking in the backyard and was home alone. The police end up hauling his friend Ken because Ken told them that it was Steve that brought the bomb to his house asking for help to set it off. As stated in the book “A Slaying in the suburbs” A police report concludes that “Stephen’s only explanation for not telling his father immediately and waiting until his father discovered the hole in the backyard was he was frightened of any discipline coming from his parents . . . due to the fact that he has been to numerous hunter safety courses and is very careful with firearms when hunting with his father.” And his friend Ken stated “It was a case where all he would have had to do is apologize and tell the truth…But that’s how Steve worked. Fiction was always better.” Afterwards Stephen would be caught shoplifting Circus World for a remote control airplane; which became his personal favorite hobbies. By his teenage years he showed a strong interest in weaponry like his grandfather’s military weapons he had at his home. His friend Ken noticed he had a habit of burying things and then unburying them to take it out again; like a machine gun he took from his grandfather’s home. As a teenager he carried his .32 pistol with him everywhere. He never targeted animals or people but everything else was considered to be fair game. However as his attention to causing mayhem increased by 1984 his parents fighting escalated too much that even Stephen hated it; and the parents finally divorce.

In 1988 Stephen enrolled into Macomb Community college for a 2 year programs but in 1989 he was pulled over and it was discovered that he did not have a permit for the gun he had in the car and was arrested. By 1991 he realized he wanted to become a teacher. After his 2 year program at Macomb Community College he attended Michigan State University, where he began also working at Denny’s; he would continue his fabricated stories of coming from money, and sports cars and how he raced his Mazda. Which stories are true? Only Stephen would know. He began dating Deena Hardy a childhood friend and they went everywhere together. Everyone thought they were going to get married but Stephen said that they couldn’t live together so they broke it off in 1993.

Stephen refocused himself into politics and worked as an intern at the office office of state Senator Jack Faxon to secure his part time student position through Michigan State. By 1994 Steve was a legislative aide answering the phone at Faxon’s office across from the state capitol and was very well trusted by Senator Faxon. Faxon ended his political career because he had started in 1964 and when that ended, the same with Stephen too. In the summer of 1994 Tara and Stephen met each other. Stephen was very interested in her but she wasn’t responding as quickly as he wanted her. She said she was still dealing with this on and off relationship with Hanson her high school sweetheart but Stephen was determined to see if she would just give him a chance.

When they began dating her family was not immediately notified because she was still taking it slow. Six weeks after they were getting to know each other Stephen traveled to her hometown unannounced in Perkins for a funeral for her paternal grandmother; although he left very quickly as soon as the service ended. Tara’s sister noticed that but only thought of it as strange of him because according to Alicia; Tara did not invite Stephen because she did not think he would go. Stephen was still persistent about Tara even though she wasn’t completely sure. According to Stephen he was sure he had the right woman and wasn’t accepting no as an answer; which is why he went to the funeral. He did tend to the family dinner and introduced himself as her boyfriend; which seemed odd to the family because they didn’t even know who he was. Honestly it seems like he was going to force his way into her life regardless of what she may or may not have wanted. As a side note, it’s not fair to both parties if someone has to force themselves into another person’s life; but it is common for this to happen with females due to the structure of society where a woman will be “worn down” into a relationship or sex. If someone is not sure about being with you, then leave them be; there are so many people on this planet but I digress. Due to Stephen’s abrupt appearance at the funeral it did cause an issue between Tara and Jamie who was at the funeral as well to pay his respects; he did know Tara since high school. It seems like Stephen was marking his territory by introducing himself to the family as the boyfriend instead of letting her do it with her family on her time. After that they immediately got an apartment together afterwards; Tara completed college but Stephen did not. He was apparently shy of just 20 credits from getting his bachelors.

They ended up moving to Detroit. Tara was resistant to the move but Stephen told her she had to dream bigger. Tara landed a job as a Kelly Girl at an established engineering firm in Troy called Morrison-Knudsen, which later became Washington Group International. This firm provides integrated engineering, construction and management to businesses and governments. The company was founded in Idaho of 1964 and over time became bigger and bigger. While Tara’s success was continuing to grow Steve ended up joining his father at a small tool shop in Mount Clemens where he fought for his wage.

Regardless of this the two married on September 28th, 1996. The wedding is remembered in two different ways. Tara’s friend Amy who made her a bridesmaid remembered Stephen as a jerk. Tara’s friends and family saw Stephen as a mismatch for her. Tara is strong willed and he was described moodily and as someone giving orders incessantly like a drill sergeant and too loquacious for their liking. Stephen’s sister Kelly remembers the wedding as running smoothly. Stephen had another opportunity to win over Tara’s friends 10 months later and he didn’t do so good here. He was pretending as if he came from money which made them uncomfortable because it seemed like a lie; this pretentious attitude goes back to what he would do as a kid until the present. He seemed stuck up as well to them. A year later people noticed that Tara picked up his personality in the need to seem impressive to others at her sisters wedding when she was talking about her new car, her accomplishments and came off as if she was competing with her sister. It’s interesting because it was found that she wrote in her diary one that “For as long as I can remember, I hear my mom telling stories about she wasn’t good enough for her mom and for as long as I can remember, I have always felt in competition with my sister because I felt I wasn’t good enough. I have always been striving for the attention/recognition I thought my sister was always getting.” As per the Slaying in the Suburbs. Whenever she would rekindle with her friends she would only care about the label and not how the item looked; she needed to complete a look.

Some friends thought everything was okay and others noticed different changes in them; like a friend of hers named Diana noticed that she liked the fact that Stephen would by pass the law at times. Between on and off friend hang outs Tara continued to becoming a rising star at her company. Tara gave birth to daughter Lindsey in November 2000 while they were considering moving into a bigger house. Some of Tara’s friend began to shy away from hang outs because they didn’t like Stephen’s manipulative behavior and need to control how he was perceived by others. Yet, their life continued with Tara’s ongoing success to keep up both brand new cars, the baby, food on the table; she was the breadwinner. This is important because Stephen has already demonstrated he has a big ego and in a toxic patriarchy he will feel less than; instead of being happy at the success of his family. This is important for later on.

Eventually the coupled moved to their Westridge home in 2001 that brought them part of Carriage Hills subdivision board; where eventually Stephen became president of and took it seriously. However, it was recalled by former neighbors that as head of the board Stephen had a very short fuse. In 2002 the couple had their first boy Ian. Tara continued to start making 6 figures. Although Tara travelled often for work when she was home it was all about family time; while Stephen was a stay at home dad. Tara was very loyal to her job and over time Stephen started to talk about missing his wife and how lonely he was. The couple sold their home in 2001 to a couple the Horns but there was a discrepancy about permits that were not permitted and the Horns won a small claims case against them and the couple apparently didn’t like that they lost the case which only required them to pay the Horns $2,000. Stephen even admitting that him and his wife were intentionally taking their time with the payments to make the Horns life miserable. In 2002, Stephen sued Kevin Bilske from a traffic accident and wanted $25K due to injuries he said he obtained from the accident. However during the trial it was pointed out that Grant was not wearing his seat belt which donated to his part of the injuries so Grant settled for $12,500. Grant was more happy about getting the upper hand on someone.

This couple seems to turn more into individuals that are willing to step on others because they need to feel validated by others. They need to feel better than others. The couple can be mistaken for conceited but to me they are showing traits of narcissism together. A conceited person is the extreme pride or overconfidence, but narcissism is separated by the deeper feelings of insecurity that drives their need for attention and admiration. A person can be conceited and not narcissistic but a narcissist will have the traits of a conceited person; the flowers look similar but are different. Tara’s work called her more and more and eventually hired a young blonde to help with the kids when she was not there; her friends didn’t think that was wise but the live in nanny was named Verena. Apparently in the background Stephen would give a yearly call to his ex-girlfriend Deena and ask if she was still married and in 2007 he tried to meet up with her but then backed out of it last minute. He confessed to Deena he thought Tara was having an affair but eventually said he knows it’s nothing sexual because he’s too old and how much she works. Later on he found emails between Tara and her ex boyfriend Pete that made it clear they were sexual in the past and were still in contact; but I could not find proof or quotes of what was written between the two. The emails were about two years old. It seems by 2007 the couple’s relationship is very strained by the success of Tara.

Outside of this, no one knew they had problems and there was no knowledge that Stephen was physical towards Tara in an abusive manner. According to Pete he said that Tara confided in him that there were trust issues in the marriage due to finances. It turns out that when Stephen’s machine shop had a big issue he made Tara use her whole bonus from work on his shop; it was $40,000. There were plans to spend Christmas and New Years together but then Tara decided she had to go to work and planned a getaway with Pete instead. Money will destroy a relationship especially one without communication. The rendezvous never happened. Steve comes across a holiday card addressed to someone else from Tara. This continues to spiral and spiral. He asked her about it and she confessed and told her to leave the house and she did; but he made sure to get Pete’s number. He called Pete and threatened to shoot him. Stephen confessed to Verena about everything and told her the same he told Deena that he didn’t want to divorce and ruin his kids. Verena suggested they should talk but Stephen mentioned having the guy beat up and on another night said that Tara deserved a swift kick in the ass and later that night he told Verena he wanted to sleep with the teenager who tried to laugh it off and change the topic. He stayed in her room for the next four hours. This is a big problem. They are supposed to be taking care of her and up until now Verena is like a child to him and she obviously is not interested; but he lingered. He wanted something from her to hurt his wife. There was no place for her to be involved in their marriage; that was for him and Tara to deal with. He spent the hole night complimenting her and her legs and then some with no regard of her disinterest to do so. It is a common thing for males to coerce a woman into sex knowing she’s not interested. He backed off the next day and Verena being young thought it would stop there and after watching them have a long embrace though they were working things out. He continued to slowly work things with Verena to obtain what he wants. Verena felt flattered but continued with schooling and other things. Stephen began sending her discreet and kind of indirect emails. Eventually they do sleep together and she told him this is wrong and he corrected her. Verena said she felt guilty about doing anything behind Tara’s back.

“It was not fair, there was absolutely no reason why I wanted to hurt Tara’s feelings,” The girl is 19 years old, it’s usually the age someone would try to groom someone young. Verena was A little stunned by Steve’s disregard for his wife and what she might feel if she discovered them, she had asked him, “You don’t regret anything, do you?” “It’s not always right or wrong and it doesn’t always seem black or white,” he texted back.” He later planned a night to come and tell her I love you. One morning Verena was another night in Stephen’s bed and her alarm went off. She went to cut it off and then went back into Stephen’s bed but then the kids were looking for her and one of the kids Stephen panicked might have seen them.

February 17th, Stephen agreed with Verena not to text him that much because Tara was coming home and Verena told him not to text her so much because her friends were becoming suspicious of who was texting her. Tara came home and said that she had to go on another trip. The conversation turned into an argument and he asked if she was fucking her supervisor. She told him to fuck off. He wanted her to stay home; which is key to why I think what he did with Verena was wrong because it seems her purpose was more to aggravate and hurt his wife opposed to real love like Verena was convinced of. The couple deals a few blows to each other arguing while the kids are in their beds.

Tara’s punch left a scratch on the side of his nose that was about an inch long. He lunged to hit her and the side of her neck and knocked the wind out of her. She fell back and hit her head on the floor. Tara yelled ‘That’s it. I’m gonna take the kids. You’re gonna be fucking homeless. You’re a piece of shit.’” When she began to get up off the floor he started choking her. While he is choking her and he is arguing that she hit him first and that she could not take anything from him. The problem was he now felt like he was going to lose something and now he was not going to stop. In the mist of everything happening her last words to him was that he was going to go to jail it would become the loser that he always was. There’s got to be some severe hatred between a couple beyond the movie war of the roses for that to be the last thing you say to someone before you die.

I wish I could say that this was the end of the adventure but this is where it really starts to get wild. It’s around 11 and Verena Would be coming home soon. Steve immediately try to make her as late as possible by telling her that Tara was late but I didn’t mean that she couldn’t come home he want to buy himself some time. His wife is dead in the bedroom upstairs a few feet away from his children where they were sleeping.

Grant walked back up the stairs to the bedroom, dragged her down the stairs. He admitted to not being able to carry her. The stairs opened onto the living room, then the dining room, then the kitchen and out a narrow laundry area and into the garage, where Grant dragged Tara’s body. As he reached the garage, He intended to put her in the back of his truck but the problem is he dropped her because the belt he was using to drag her had broke. When she fell he described the sound of her body dropping like a watermelon on the cement. He stashed her body in the back part of the Isuzu, using a cargo liner meant for his Jeep to cover the body up. As soon as he just completes this he hears a click in the garage meaning that the sensors are being activated now and it was Verena, who sees Tara’s car and then thinks oh she’s home. The first thing Verena hear is Stephen shouting “What the fuck are you doing here?” Verena is Surprised but then he explained he thought she was Tara. And this is where you see he’s trying to put together a plan and start to cover up what happen.

Verena points out Tara’s car is in the garage but then Stephen goes into this rambling of a fight they got into and that she went back to San Juan a day earlier. He cuddles in the bed with her like nothing happened.

February 10th, Stephen gets up early to run ‘errands” and the body is sitting int he back of the car. Temperatures drop to the teens which made it difficult for him to bend her body around after rigor Morris sets in and it’s cold. He’s planning around everything feeling confident that Verena believed his story. He spoke with his friend Bryan Rellinger.

All the while he’s establishing his story, Verena is worried that they split because of her and feels guilty. She made Stephen call Tara’s phone 3 times separately until he called her; he obviously didn’t want to. Apparently he left messages on her voicemail acting as if he was an angry husband had been deserted. His first call was at 2:17 AM that morning and left a message saying “Tara, it’s Steve. It’s, I think it’s after two by now, it’s quarter after two. I just want to know what the fuck’s going on. I think you owe me and your kids. At least you owe a little bit of an explanation. Call me. Just call and let me know what the hell is going on.”

He would leave several other messages, well aware that eventually, law enforcement would be involved and checking her voice mail.

“Hey, it’s me, I’m just trying to find out what’s going on this morning or today, or if you’re still leaving today, if you’re leaving tomorrow, or if you are planning on coming by. Just tell me ahead of time so I can make plans, make sure the kids are here because they want to see you. Um, gimme a call, bye.”

He then begins to unpack Tara’s Travel Pro suitcase to back up his story to his teen lover. He called his friend Gary. Verena notices he seems off and was being less affectionate with her; so she ends up wanting to talk to her friend Anna about what was happening and Tara leaving. When she comes home to Stephen again he lays in Verena’s bed and apparently had no problem sleeping once he decided he needed to dismember her body.

February 11th, 7 a.m., bright and early Stephen is up. He goes out to the garage and grabbed a blue plastic tarpaulin to go into the Izuzu’s backseat. He grabbed a bow saw, another Rubbermaid container, plastic garbage bags, plastic sheeting and a pint of whiskey. He told Verena he had a lot of work to do and headed out. He then made sure to call his father and sister to make sure they weren’t going to the shop where he worked at, so he could cut up her body there. He first started with her wrist but he struggled with the flesh being frozen. He realized it was going to be difficult. He begins drinking whiskey and then remembered that he should grab her briefcase because she never went anywhere without it. He began removing and destroying evidence and shredding things.

Last minute he remembers his father has a hacksaw and began cutting the limbs at the joints, elbows, wrists, shoulders, knees, ankles and neck. In the beginning he vomited doing it but then continued on. He drank some more whiskey and he pushed himself that if he didn’t finish this he would go to prison for the rest of his life. He was surprised how little blood there was. When he finally finished he cut her up into 14 pieces. Threw the pieces he cut up of her body into the garbage bags and plastic container.

Verena returns home at 8 p.m. and he goes right back to being affectionate and watched tv. He was caressing and having his little heaven later that night.

At 3 A.M., Monday, February 12, Steve awoke and, without rousing Verena, got dressed, went downstairs, and snuck out with the car Before leaving, he also placed a red plastic sled in the truck, without a specific plan in mind. Just making shit up along the way. He drives for an hour then gets to a spot that he’s familiar with and gets to Inwood Road; parked the car and started there. He begins to take everything out including that slide that he simply grab for no reason. As soon as he gets to the top he bumps into a tree and the slide and everything else starts to slide with Tara‘s remains down the hill. He begins chasing the sled and everything else. He was afraid that somebody would see it so he grabbed her torso and buried it in a random drift of snow and grabbed random body parts in random places and buried it wherever he could in the dark. He takes the blaze that he used to dismember her body and begins to throw them randomly into the darkness same thing with the rags that he used on the blades. He’s just throwing evidence and everything he used randomly throughout the forest. He heads up and parks Tara’s truck and loaded the rest of the evidence in his Jeep Commander. He wiped down Tara’s car. Had a family night with the kids and Instant Teen mom Verena who noticed he became tearful and more emotional; she thought he just missed his wife. He then tells Verena if you see Tara I keep a 9mm handgun loaded and to grab the kids and get out of the house and to call the cops cause he doesn’t know what’s going on in Tara’s head. Which he would know about because this idiot is still carrying her head, hands, feet and a few other parts looking for a permanent hiding place. This time he heads back to the same area but goes in deeper. He calls Tara’s phone again to leave more messages. He calls her supervisor to see if she made it to Puerto Rico which of course he says no. Later on he takes the blue containers to toss in the dumpster. He scattered evidence over 21 miles.

While he’s out setting up an easy game of Clue crossed over with an Easter egg hunt for the cops Verena is worried about Tara being upset and about the gun Stephen told her about; which confirmed to her that Tara knew. That night Verena asked if her friend Anna could have dinner with them and he agreed but when Anna left he immediately asked Verena if Anna knew about them; Verena lied.

February 13th, Steve uses his shops phone to call Tara’s mother. He begins to paint a picture about the fight that they had and how he was having a hard time getting a hold of Tara and ask her mom if she had heard from her. Mary mediately calls the rest of the family and tells the sister but by 10 AM Alicia is pissed and wants to know why he has not gone down to the police department. Alicia and Tara may have had their moments as siblings and fart and Alicia was not going to tolerate this and told him how horrible of a husband he was and made him go. When he got off of work he told Verena he was going for a run, he left out the part that it was to bury the rest of Tara’s body parts. He goes back to carrying her body in the sled again. What is with the rosebud sled; I’m not understanding what is going on with you?

It is obvious this is a panicked man whose all over the place. He starts telling his story to a friend named Martha who tried asking questions that he just bulldozed over not really wanting to answer her. Verena comes home and he tells her I have to report her missing and then proceeds to ask her “How do you feel about me?” he asked. “I really need to know. I need to know now.” “Do you like me?” he asked. Which she said yes she liked him but he pushed and asked “are you in love with me?” And persisted. She liked him but was not ready to say love.

Then he asks are you falling in love with me, and she said maybe and he tells her I love you Verena. Then they went to bed.

On Valentine’s Day Stephen reports his wife missing and this begins to the whole thing. Interviews are now are going and then detective “Kozlowski asked Grant if he would be willing to come down to the department and take a lie detector test. Steve said yes, then: “So you think that means I’m going to be in trouble for any of this?” “What kind of trouble?” Kozlowski replied. “You know, I didn’t have anything to do with this,” Steve said, and he began to cry.” What a way to highlight himself even more. Regardless of the information the detectives had they did check the family computer but it’s also said that they would have needed a warrant to do so. Obviously the evidence Easter egg hunt he left behind left a world of evidence and I can’t imagine how that conversation went with the detectives when he began to explain what was happening and going on.

Mr. Grant, 37, faced charges of first-degree murder and disinterment or mutilation of a corpse for the alleged manual strangulation of his wife Feb. 9 and subsequent dismemberment of her body. He was sentenced to 80 years with a minimum of 50 years meaning he’ll be dead or too old to get out.


Brasier, L. L. (2015, March 27). Judge denies appeal by wife-murderer Stephen Grant. Detroit Free Press. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Glaub, G. (2021, September 8). The murder of Tara Lynn Grant. Midwest Crime Files. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Government , G. (2007). Biographical information. Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS) - Offender Profile. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Langton, C. (2017, February 10). A look back at the steven grant murder case of wife Tara after 10 years. FOX 2 Detroit. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Mehrotra, K. (2021, November 20). Where is stephen grant now? The Cinemaholic. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Miller, S., & Billups, A. (2009). A slaying in the suburbs: The tara grant murder. Berkley Publishing Group.

Pinto, B. (2007). Jailed Husband: 'I Just Kept Cutting Her'. ABC News. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Rahal, S. (2017, September 30). Tara Grant's legacy lives 10 years after Brutal Murder. The Detroit News. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Staff, T. C. D. (2021, January 22). Stay-at-home dad murders business executive wife, dismembers and disperses body parts. True Crime Daily. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from

Winchester, H. (2021, October 8). How Tara Grant's children turn tragedy into opportunity for Domestic Violence Awareness. WDIV. Retrieved February 7, 2022, from


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A sweetie pie with fire in her eyes

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