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Why Mom you didn't teach me..??

Not only just the words, but actions taught me a lot more !!

By prashant sapkotaPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
And in her smile I see something more beautiful...

For The last few years I have been very interested in people, and I pay close attention to passersby when I go out and walk. It always makes me happy to see children learn from their parents. A child with big eyes and curiosity, watching his mother's actions and words, is a powerful visual aid. It touches me today in ways that have never been seen before. Now that I am older and more determined than ever to examine my habits, I realize how important those moments are in building a child's life.

I remember how beautiful were those days...

What a parent does in those days, in the presence of a vulnerable child, can easily be taken for granted. How he deals with his own country may be a major factor in determining how that child will deal with his life when he is free to make his own decisions.

There are some common lessons I see many parents giving to their children that I now see that I have missed. I think that in most cases, parents do not realize that they are teaching anything; they just do their thing. But children are like sponges, have no original ideas, and are more easily influenced than adults. It’s not often that busy as we adults are usually, and they are always watching.

Some children learn to shout and smoke when they are angry. Some learn that their problems are the fault of their divorced father. Some learn that their neighbor is "better." Some are taught that they are bad people if they do not go to church.

We do not choose our parents. We come from a non-involvement and absence, into a family we did not choose, the care of people who already existed. Some of us came out by chance, and some of us got a real bum deal. Obviously, being born is not the result of anything we do, so what our parents end up teaching us about life is simply a fact of life. Whether one beats the jackpot or rolls the eyes of a snake, no one deserves the parents who get them.

I succeeded...

A few years ago I hit a hard spot in my life. I was confused and scared and did not know what to do. My mother had taught me much, but I was facing a problem I had never encountered, and I had to face a temptation and a painful mistake to find a way out. Her advice and support took a lot of time, but I think it was what she did not teach me that saved me from a complete disaster.

Some people end up learning good self-injury to respond to stressful situations. If I had been taught how to approach life with a less thoughtful philosophy, I would probably be hurting myself. I see people teaching their children these things all the time, and it breaks my heart.

Thank you, Mom, for never teaching me.

… Enjoying bad habits

I’m 22 now, and I’m out of my “new and stupid” category. The older I get, the more I realize how important alcohol and tobacco are to the daily lives of many adults. For many, it is a source of entertainment, relief from stress, and celebration. I wouldn't be angry with anyone for that, but I know that if I grew up watching my mom excuse herself for smoking after dinner my whole life, I would do the same. She always made it clear to me what sensible indulgence was, and he never took anything from them excessively or aggressively.

In the apartment across the hall, about three times a week, I hear noisy adults coming, one by one. I usually write quietly at that moment, and at nine or ten o'clock, they howl and panic and lower the bottles. From time to time, the group will move peacefully apparently for a while, and I will hear the incomprehensible complaints of a parent bringing a young child to bed.

The idea of mom mixing two whiskeys after work, or eating Doritos in front of the TV for hours doesn't make sense to me, but for some kids, it's a life lesson.

… Suspicions and complaints

I still remember how hard was for you to handle all stuff alone Mom.

My mother has always been a working woman. That has always been her response to adversity: to do something about it, never be angry with someone or shout. I can't even imagine her holding a grudge or having an enemy.

There are people in my life, past, present, and future, who first respond to adversity all the time to identify who is at fault. They will clearly explain to you how the other person is wrong, and what they should have done instead. This is common in our culture. In the news, I often hear, “Today, happened in Washington. Who is to blame? Who should be fired /fined /banned? People want answers. ”

It seems that the mother's concern, naturally, was always what she should do, not what others should do.

..that I believe anything without question

I have never been restricted to any religious or political beliefs. I have never been dragged to a religious institution or told who we “vote” for. There were no "absolute truths" that my sister and I could give to try to balance in our lives. We were allowed - and encouraged - to own and translate the world for ourselves. He never told us what we believed, always.

I grew up realizing that my beliefs are personal, and it makes no sense to accept the package that has been predetermined. You have to feel for yourself and agree only with your own will, or you will be living a lie.

… That difference is bad

I remember one day in a playground in the first grade when one child said, “When men like men, that's called a fagot. That's what Dad said. . I saved the curse of being taught that people and ideas that I did not understand deserved to be ridiculed or despised.

I had a friend whose mother was nervous about allowing her to play with so many non-Greek children. One friend's mother told us that we had to leave because we were playing a satanic game in her basement (it was a board game called HeroQuest.)

… Who I should be.

Thank you Mom for every valuable lesson.. Thank you.

My mother never once bothered me to become a doctor, get a wife, raise other grandchildren, or stop doing whatever I love. Whenever I got interested, he would support me. Whenever I gave up something that I thought was right, he always supported me.

There was no major strategy for me to be anything special, I know that. He always puts my dreams before me before his dreams come true. I think his dreams for me are my dreams for me. How respectful. I know many people who have never been given that same freedom.

Now I’m not saying my dad taught me any of these bad things, but this Sunday is Mother’s Day, and I know he’s reading. I also know that there are a few people out there, this Sunday, who will not feel like they have a lot to enjoy.

Mom, I simply cannot describe your love and blessing that you have given me, Whenever I feel any sort of worry, pain, sorts of dissatisfaction the only thing my mind struck me is that your words when you told me in my childhood days ..."Son I carried you in my bellies for 9 months but without pain" Today I have grown up and I got the in-depth meaning of it that "Problems are there but are those problems bigger than our Mom faced for us....??


About the Creator

prashant sapkota

I am a young passionate blogger, very passionate to learn about , something different, on research

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