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The Other Sides of Me

#Get To Know Me Challenge

By Laura LannPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 7 min read
Visiting the Grand Canyon

I feel that in part, those that read my writing (the poems especially) know the most secretive parts of me. The dark and sad and vulnerable parts. The history of my childhood that stains almost everything I touch. It's always joked amongst my friends that my writing is not what you would assume I would write, if you spent any length of time with me. I'm quite the sunshine person and usually laughing or humming to myself. You know a small glimpse into the frail parts of my heart, but not the whole of who I am. So, when I saw this challenge, I delighted in the idea of partaking as well as getting to read others. It can be quite shocking to match an author with facts about them and is a good reminder that we are more than the words we leave here.

1. I love to paint and draw. It's a hobby I neglected for a while, but I have slowly returned to it this year. I delight in going to a public place and quickly sketching the lines of strangers. Or hauling my paints with me outdoors to sit and paint a scene in nature. Admittedly, I am rusty and returning to the hobby has been challenging though rewarding. I find peace in the smooth working of lines and shading. Art lets me convey emotional parts of me I do not wish to sum up with words. It lets me photograph a moment as I will remember it, rather than as the stale photos I often have left. And, my favorite thing to draw or paint is nude people. There is something ancient and forever engaging about the human figure and the stories it tells through scares and shape.

My most recent piece completed on 9/5/23 of a creek with sockeye salmon from a hike the other day.

2. I have a green thumb that, just like a seedling, took time to develop and grow. I killed a lot of plants to get to where I am in my knowledge. Now, my house has plants in almost every room, most of them large pieces I bought at estate sales from owners who greatly adored them. Each plant has its own story to tell. One is almost as old as me. I trade cuttings with friends and currently am working on forming a wall of vines and artwork. I've also taken to gardening outside and am espaliering fruit trees in my back yard.

One of the four vines on my wall. This one is my favorite and known as a silver splash.

3. There are few things as delightful as a runner's high. I chase the feeling, mile after mile. But, I am a handicapped runner. Due to a condition affecting my nerves and back, running is not always feasible. Running and I have developed a strained relationship over the years as I find balance between triggering flare ups and my yearning. When I have a long bought of nerve pain, it becomes difficult to sleep, walk, focus, or sit still. It even sometimes pulls me down into a spell of depression. And, when I am depressed, I want to run. Running eases it. Lets me put distance between myself and my problems. Lets my mind sink into the rhythm of my footsteps and thoughts. But, once I stop, my legs give out and pain radiates through my body. It's a tricky game of balance and learning to listen to my body. I do not run as much, as far, or as fast as I would like, but I can knock out at least one 7-something minute mile. And, I can do it most days without triggering pain. It's been key for me to learn that what I can do today is enough.

4. I am one of 38 grandchildren. My mother is one of 12 children. And, I can truthfully tell you the name of every cousin and something about them. We are a close knit family. As a result, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday event. There are 3 tables worth of food, and we consider 100 people an average turn out (there are 40-something and counting great grand kids). I cannot express to you the delicious wonders waiting when you have 3-4 varieties of every dish imaginable. A whole table is dedicated to deserts. In addition, it's a time to gather and catch up about the various lives we all lead. We form circles around a fire outside or take up the rockers on the back porch, and we laugh and share and soothe the parts of our hearts that miss our childhood days of play together.

5. If the running and landscape painting wasn't a clue, I am an avid hiker. If there's a mountain, I want to climb it. If there is a trail, I must follow. And every waterfall needs to be found. There are so many secret treasures in the world, and I hope to see as many as possible in my life. Currently, I go on at least two hikes a month. Sometimes much more and sometimes less. Work, weather, and my pain levels impact when and what I do.

6. My favorite thing in the world is rocks. Not books as one would assume, though they come in a close seconds. There are thousands of years of history stored in every rock you touch. They are enchanting and mystical. Think of the journey each stone has been on! Like my grandmother, I collect rocks wherever I go. Most of my collection is organized by where I got the stones from, and many hold special memories around them. It's always the fact that people find the most unusual about me. Especially when they ask for gift ideas and my spouse tells them they should find me an interesting rock!

7. I don't much care for quiet. As a result I am an avid music listener (alternative rock and heavy metal are my favorite genres) and singer. The songs I sing are invented on the spot and typically a reflection of what I am doing or feeling. They are definitely more folklore in style. I have had this habit since I was a child. Father would assign me yard-work and I would be outside raking the leaves into many piles (our yard was 30-34 large piles worth) and singing about the boring work while I did. But, don't worry, I settle for listening to classical music while in the office rather than belting out lyrics down the hall for my colleges.

8. I have started to sew my own clothing. I really delighted in sewing as a girl and returned to the hobby recently as an adult. I am still pretty new at it, but there is something marvelous about it. Sometimes I follow a vintage pattern, but other times I draft my own. My favorite style is 40's to 50's vintage fashion which can be a narrow and expensive shopping market. Plus, I am learning that making it myself results in a perfect fit and is not as challenging as I thought it would be.

Me modeling a yellow skirt that I made.

9. I built my first car. Well, I guess built is a bit of an over exaggeration. I was born in '95 and my father purchased me a 1971 VW Super Beetle as my first car when I turned 18. It ran but just barely. He said if I wanted a car and to get my license, I would have to restore it and learn to drive a stick. Originally, I think he expected me to cave just as my older sister has. But, I could not have been more excited. We spent that summer tearing apart everything from the wooden paneling in the door to the engine had to be cleaned, rebuilt, and restored. Including pulling out all of the wiring and replacing it. I named the car Titan, and she was with me for several years, till I got too busy with juggling college and work to continue maintaining her. I still love classic cars and would love another project beetle eventually.

10. Fall is my favorite season, and it's here! There is something about the slow death of everything that enchants this time of year. Plus the colors. The falling leaves. The crisp bite of the approach of winter. The migrating whales. Mushrooms galore! Berry picking and salmon catching. Pumpkins. Halloween, which I should think is every horror author's favorite spookey season. I am delighted to welcome this season and soaking up every rainy bit of it before the snow creeps in.

Mushrooms from a day of fishing on the lake.

Thanks for taking the time to read and get to know me! Please link yours in the comments below. :)

Thank you Kayliegh Fraser for this wonderful challenge. Please check out hers here:


About the Creator

Laura Lann

I am an author from deep East Texas with a passion for horror and fantasy, often heavily mixed together. In my spare time, when I am not writing, I draw and paint landscape and fantasy pieces. I now reside in Alaska where adventures await.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  • Kayleigh Fraser ✨8 months ago

    This was such an enjoyable read! I loved all the photos and how personalised you made it! LOVE your art and your yellow skirt (and photography!). There is so much that is interesting about you… thank you for sharing ❤️✨🕊️

  • I've recently been very fascinated with Saturn's moon, Titan and the fact that that's your first car's name made me smile! You’re so strong to not let your health issues hold you back from running and hiking. And whoaaaa, that's a hugeeeee family! Oh and your painting was so beautiful! I enjoyed learning more about you!

  • Scott Christenson8 months ago

    Great introduction. You have quite a mix of artistic hobbies. Your rock hobby is fascinating! I understand that. When i see a huge granite boulder ihave to touch it or sit on it and think about how many millions of years old it is. I feel theres some spiritual energy in rockssomehow. Uhh..i so much wish i had space for an antique car, rebuilding the VW sounded like great fun.

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