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The Magic Mic of Possibilities

Entrepreneurial Growth: Chapter 1

By Kristi ZiembaPublished 6 days ago 5 min read
Just me being me, looking to the future with possibility....

I am an artist. I've always been an artist. That's who I am, but it's not who I truly be. Not in entirety. I am also a writer, an author, a songstress, a craftswoman, nature enthusiast, music lover, and technology wizard. I love the arts and science, and I am led by my own voice into the future.

Some people need degrees or connections in Hollywood. I do not. It's irrelevant to me as long as I am being me. People talk, people say things, people do not know what they know. Most of them talk out of a different place than their mouths.

I have been one of those people. I never wanted a book deal from my Facebook account, and I definitely do not want to be a songwriter. I have committed nearly zero energy over the years. Someone did steal one of my guitars though, not out of storage, but from right under my nose. Not one of my friends, someone else. However, it meant a lot to me - that guitar, because my parents loved music. That Oscar Schmidt guitar had a warped neck. It was garbage to anyone who wanted to really learn to play, but it was the perfect guitar for someone to learn from. My plan, however, was to keep and recondition it, restore it, and pass it onto someone else someday - maybe a friend's child or my own future child. I don't care. That was a legacy item for me. Sentimental in value only. My parents bought me that guitar when I was in grade school. It was a 3/4 size guitar, and I never learned to play because I hated taking lessons. I just loved playing for my Dad. He didn't know how to teach me though. He only knew how to play an accordion.

My Fender guitar is actually a Frankenstein creation for a new era in music for me. It's was only a few hundred dollars when I bought it, and I still have it because Briana Brill watched over it for me. It was made by a gentlemen at Guitar Center in Las Vegas. It was his own custom creation, and I chose it because it was a good price and it sounds great. That guitar is mine, and I chose it wisely.

The black Donner guitar is my choice as an adult for me to learn to play because depending on the song choice or what I am learning, I prefer to have both types of guitars. I got a great deal on it on Amazon a year ago, but I have barely played it. At this point, knee deep in the hazards of beginning entrepreneurship without having a solid foundation in wealth management, I considered selling it, but I cannot part with it. That's ok though; it will eventually even out. Craig just started his new job at Pepsi today. I have been developing and broadening my ideas on what I would love to create. There are no shortage of possibilities in my world.

I have thought of selling one of them though. My body just doesn't want to part ways with them though. They are like comfort food - food for the soul. Having them with me brings me too much joy to let them go.

So, in all honesty, I bought a camera for a business that I was going to create last year called Starlight Photography. It's named after the street I lived in where I grew up, but in all honesty, this camera may work great for an amateur, but I loathe the choice. I bought the best deal on Amazon that had some of my top features (not all), which happened to be a European model, and I justified buying it because I thought I was going to go help someone in the Netherlands one day. That was a bad choice, so I am selling the camera. I can buy a new one or use my Pixel phone for what I need at this moment.

I also know how to gain access to better cameras (for free locally). It's something we call can utilize as well. It's called the Public Access station. They will loan you equipment if you need it. There is some training provided for certain skills. However, you need to know how to produce, which is insanely easy. You just need the right software, the right skills for the tasks, and your own vision. You don't need anything else. Higher education is a little like believing in a higher being instead of knowing your own infinite potential and allowing it to soar. I am not interested in obtaining a degree because it's horseshit in my reality. It's just fertilizer, fuel.

Maybe someone should invent horseshit as fuel? Oh wait, they already did. It's called ethanol. Solar is interesting too. It's an interesting choice. Most people do not know how solar energy is produced unless they have worked for a solar company, which I have. However, it's photovoltaic. Plants create energy in a different way than sunlight. What do they know?

I have looked into this before, but this one is interesting:

My wanted to install fuel cells based on hydrogen manipulation. It was an interesting idea, and he tried to explain to me the science behind it. I did not get it. He was an engineer. I never went to school for that. He seemed to have interesting ideas though. Maybe, it's time to revisit some of them, just differently.

I am still looking into big picture ideas like that, but for now, I would like to go out there and document community events, talk to people through my website, sell art and big picture ideas in the form of business ventures, and let people be people. I am tired of taking on the world, and I just want to be more for the rest of my life, whatever road that takes. I do not have to have overnight fame or wealth. I want to put myself out there and be seen.

In the process, I felt I may have stirred the pot, so I performed some maintenance on my online accounts. I was confusing ideas with ideas that I was perceiving that others may have and trying to compare and contrast them to brainstorm. And to be honest, I never wanted to write an autobiography (at least not at this stage of my life), and this was just a breeding ground for fodder and reconnecting. However, I sense that I did some things in poor taste.

It was a facade, a manipulation tactic to take attention from the things that I would like to create, because they had no life in them yet. And I can see that to some that was a terrible idea. For me, it was just part of process. I am working on other methods of idea storming. As far as I am concerned, I am a writer, and I make no special promises for anything. I have my own way of being, and I trust it. I'm just going to rein it in some more.

Breadcrumbs: Freewriting / Prompts > Questions > Narrative > Final Form. The true process for me in writing is alchemy. It's similar to the way I create art and the way I program and stay focused in my daily life. Magic is different for anyone; you shouldn't play with it.

Stream of Consciousness

About the Creator

Kristi Ziemba

I dream of a world of inspiration, imagination, and innovation where there is no lack of connection, no one is judged, and freedom reigns supreme. What can I do to be that change and empower those who, like me, seek a greater future?

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