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The Forbidden Fruit

Men In My Life

By Bernadine JarmonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

I just want to acknowledge the men that were in my life during the eve of endless destruction. Words cannot express the thoughts that enter my mind, that you five were a cherished gift from The Most High. I was so blessed to have five awesome men that were willing to stand by me under an umbrella of pain and suffering. Your thoughtfulness and tenderness surrounded my soul with love that was so conclusive, that the tears are burning my pillow.

Darryl I knew you loved me, but I was not ready to be a bride all at once. I was under a cover of darkness, wounded by addiction and flaming hot lust. I didn’t like the sight of the scars you wore on your arms. So I ran, but you chased me with lots of money and extravagant gifts. What nineteen year old girl would have turned all of that down?

You were a portrait painted in many colors, intentionally forgotten by me, and left with aimless lies. Come rain or shine you provided a shelter of unconditional love for my son and I, while I was merely securing an undressed manner of approach towards you.

Everytime you came around my eyes ignited with flames of anger, because I was two licks from a female, and drunk in love with addiction and that I rather be blind than date a man. The gravity of your security girdled me until I became shallow like water. You had a bad case of loving me like thunder, driving me crazy like Ms. Daisy, leaving your lover for me, like the wind blows in the air. You left her at the bottom of the stairs, striding off without saying a word, while I dancing in the arms of crack.

Darryl although you were amazingly good to me, you drove me crazy every second of the day. Your presence had a staggering effect on me that made the rivers run dry. There was within me a deep unexpressed emotion that tiptoed along the spine of my back, everytime you told me you loved. I cringed away from you as my knees started to buckle, because I was holding out for a female.

I’m sorry I drove you into a rage of stalking, but I had no desire to be with you. You pushed me over the edge of insanity until death did us apart. Now that you are gone, I’m turning back the pages of time with forgiveness in my heart. You were truly a fearless adventure.

James I remember you as a man of rare , engaging, and a long experience with dialysis. Your shy smile warmed my heart and melted my soul. We became the best friends over night, smoking crack. I was so sympathetic towards your sickness, everytime we beamed up. Behind my bitterly wrinkled eyelids, my distressed brain dimmed like a jumble midnight forest.

My ruthless existence left me traumatized and turned me into a homeless roaming creature. I was greatly moved by your generosity when you allowed me to stay in a hotel at your expense, an fed me an endless amount of food.

My body burns, with so many emotions, everytime I think of you, because you were a healthy ingredient for a great recipe of strength. After a long absence I still smile at the memories of yesterday. I will always remember you with the deepest gratitude. You were definitely a loyal best friend.

Frezel you were the only man I ever met that had the supernatural powers that I was blessed with. You were a natural light that shined deep in my soul. You inspired me with words of an old owl in trying times. I never felt more grounded in shared understandings, while I was living on a prayer with fire under my feet.

My one desire was to fight those demons, that were haunting me, because I had a huge lust for life, as I dared to live. My dreams and nightmares could only be achieved by outrageous habits, which gave me an illusion of great relief. The impact disturbed me to the core.

You flew into my life like a bird and nestled in the shadow of my soul, attracted by the winds beneath my wings. Your kind and generous words rocked me like a baby, cradling every emotion flowing through my terminally damaged heart. You opened my eyes to a brand new world of anticipation, and you bathed me in a strong drink of knowledge.

Your intriguing ambitions touched me like an angel. It was your faith and courage that brought me through the darkest time of my life. You were truly a wise mentor.

Mr. Wayne! What am I going to do with you? I love the way you lie with those lying eyes, crying me a river of beautiful lies, with that suspicious mind of yours. There were times you were beyond belief with those endless lies.

You came crashing into my painful world, like dust in the wind, humble and kind lost on me. You carried me in the bosom of your heart with a banner of love. You were a helping hand in a time of need, and you brought me out of the pain and misery. You were like new music to an old friend, supporting me through great triumph and tragedy. You truly was a great friend.

Cyril, you were like an unchained melody, although your body was full of sickness, you still brought sunshine to my aching heart. My earliest distinct recollection of you is making my way to your house, as you lay on your bedroom floor from a fall, that left you dead. Memories of you shuffled through me like a deck of cards. Cyril when I think of you, I think of a picture of me, without you, beyond the lights. Cyril you were more than a memory. I will always love you from the clouds up above.


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