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That hairy sensation

A Desire For My Future

By ZerefPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
That hairy sensation

I want my hair was longer, straighter, curlier, wavier, and healthier every day, but I never put in the time, love, or patience that my hair deserves and needs to be precisely what I want it to be.

In the 28 years it's been growing out of my scalp, my poor hair has taken a battering, yet it still gets longer, like a wayward 7-year-old rejecting all of my requests! straighter and shinier Softer! Sadly, though! After 28 years of torturing my hair, I've finally realised that if I simply let it alone, it could, just might, turn out the way I've always hoped!

Let me introduce myself: I am nervous, introverted, terrified of disagreement, and even more terrified of any types of attention. I despise the person in the mirror; my mind picks out every blemish and flaw, and my hair has taken the brunt of the criticism. You see, in my mind, my hair is the one thing I could manipulate and mould to how I felt it would serve me best; I have spent the last 28 years chopping, colouring, shaving, straightening, bleaching, and essentially hiding behind my hair; my mother constantly reminds me of how I would cut my hair in all kinds of

The agonising bowl cut of '99 or the messed-up bangs of '03, the transition from blonde to black in 2008, then back to blonde in 2009, and the dreadful orange stage in between You'd think I'd learn from those hair horror stories, but no, I'm obstinate and have little to no impulse control, so from 2011 until last year I had every colour of hair imaginable, including bright red, green, purple, and a half-shaved head somewhere in there. My natural hair colour is a mystery to me...

As a result, this is my New Year's resolve... I'm not going to straighten, trim, colour, blow dry, or curl my hair in 2022; instead, I'm going to let it GROW GROW GROW in its natural state! And I've already realised something fantastic in the first two weeks of 2022: I prefer my hair in its most natural, untamed chaotic condition! It's me, more me than the bright colours, dramatic cuts, and 2018's half-shaved head! What's more astonishing is that I've realised that my 2022 New Year's resolve will be the one I maintain. It's simple to stick to a resolve that makes you feel better about yourself.

This resolution isn't so much about leaving my hair alone as it is about tackling my lack of impulse control and taking a giant step toward finding the love for myself that I know I deserve. My hair journey will allow me to look in the mirror and love the person looking back, to accept myself in all my flaws and blemishes and even in my most chaotic states, because my hair is me, and I am chaotic, messy, shiny, and most importantly, I am resilient, just like my hair.

And I'm kicking myself for not realising this for the last 28 years. My hair is merely along for the trip in 2022, as I shine, grow, and be free.

Men appear to favour women with hair in general. Longer rather than shorter, but not excessively so, otherwise the hair will start to resemble a horsetail.

What is it about longer hair that appeals to them? Because it has a feminine feel about it. A buddy recently told me about waking up in the morning to discover a strange, nude person with a shaved head laying in between his blankets after a wild night out. For a brief while, he mistook it for a man. This has certainly turned out to be a remarkable event for him, a heterosexual man. He still brings it up now and then.


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