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SVG image compressor tools in 2023

image compressor

By Bhushan VermaPublished 6 months ago 4 min read

Specific sophisticated ways for shrinking the size of an SVG file may be utilized to reduce the amount of data in the file by eliminating redundant data. And this is something that these software programs are capable of doing in large quantities. Most of these apps will take a folder holding the target SVG image compressor files and proceed to process them from that location.

As an added bonus, a few of these tools, in addition to dealing with SVG files, can also work with SVG files for free vector icons. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) are non-destructive graphics that do not pixelate even when enlarged to massive sizes.

Several tags and characteristics are provided in the HTML-like format in which the graphical data included in these files is kept.

These files may sometimes include unnecessary information, such as empty tags, excessive attributes, and other similar elements. They have no impact on the SVG document other than increasing the overall size of the SVG document schedule.

Let’s dive in:

SVG Cleaner

With the release of SVG Cleaner, a free SVG image compressor software package that compresses, cleans, and minifies SVG files has been accessible. Due to the program’s batch-processing features, optimizing a vast number of SVG files simultaneously is possible.

However, since the alterations are saved in a different location that has been specified, they are not held to the source files. When it optimizes an SVG file, you can see on its interface how much space it has saved, what percentage of the file it has committed, and the file size before and after the optimization process.

SVG Cleaner is a free, open-source software tool available online to compress SVG documents.

Besides, this is compatible with all operating systems & platforms. You may use it immediately once you have downloaded and installed it from the URL provided above. The software’s user interface (UI) is similar to optimizing SVG documents for several image improvement programs.

Several sources are supported for importing SVG files into this program, as is the ability to include an entire folder in the list of files to be processed. Following that, you will be able to begin the optimization process. To do so, click the ‘Play’ button in the toolbar, and the application will instantly optimize your SVG files.

The application will show the progress and conclusion of the SVG optimization process when it has been successfully finished. You can see how much it has compressed the input SVG files and a side-by-side comparison of their sizes before and after the compression process is completed.

Clean SVG

Clean SVG is another free SVG compressor program for the Windows operating system. It is a standard and elegant piece of software that can quickly optimize a collection of SVG files you provide for optimization. For the cleaning procedure, there are various optimization choices accessible to users. The cleaning activities you want this program to execute may be specified by selecting them from a drop-down menu. The options documents you have chosen analyze the SVG files you provided and eliminate any extraneous information it finds.

Clean SVG is a portable application that allows you to begin using it immediately after downloading it to your computer. Using the software’s File menu, you may import the SVG files you wish to optimize and then optimize them. When you provide the files, it will begin optimizing them, leaving the final output files in the same source folder as the input ones.

Don’t worry; it will not overwrite any existing files on your computer. It will rename the final output files by adding the word “clean” to the beginning of their names. Additionally, before beginning the conversion, you may choose to clean the data by selecting the appropriate option from the Tools menu of the program.


SVGO is a potent tool that allows you to compress SVG graphics straightforwardly. This, on the other hand, is a command-line tool that you must use. If you want to optimize a single SVG file, use this tool. You can use this program if you’re going to optimize all SVG files in a directory. A simple command operates this tool and displays the optimization process results of all free vector icons.

You should see how much improvement it has made to the provided SVG. Furthermore, since it is a command-line tool, you may create a batch file and include the command to optimize SVG using SVGO. This will be keenly utilized if you forget the order and syntax for launching SVGO in the future.

In the following few stages, you will learn to optimize an SVG file using the SVGO tool.

Node.js must be installed on your computer before using SVGO. As such, if you’ve installed it, you can just use this command to complete the installation of SVGO.

Step 2: To utilize SVGO, use the following command to optimize a single SVG file or a directory containing many SVG files.

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