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as the sun goes down!

By Caleb the vocalistPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
by Getty blazon images

Hi sweat friends!

It has been some time now since I have been great. It has been a delightful and much-needed experience filled with excitement. I have been so grateful to see that there has been a steady stream of readers on some of my stories while away.

There has not been an increase in audience nor a decrease, and for that, I am so thankful.

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Almost a year has passed since my family and I relocated to a different city. This fresh start has not only presented us with exciting new challenges but has also ignited a boundless well of inspiration within us. It has been a wild ride which many of you, I am sure, can relate to.

I took some time to distract myself. I removed any and all screens or noise as much as I could. I made sure to be fully present as it came to mind, and I embraced the moments of silence along with every emotion or thought that came with it.

Embracing all emotions, even the challenging ones, is truly empowering. I found that it was such a great reminder that even in solitude, I am not isolated or alone. It reminded me that I am human, and that is a beautiful thing. I was reminded of how amazing my spiritual life is.

This all because always want to be happy and joyful.

I felt so much repair in my heart and mind as I did this (all in line with my spirituality). I am so grateful for the gift of writing this time. I started to write on paper again and fill a journal in a way that I hadn't in a very long time.

by jolly die

I deeply appreciate the power of written language, which enables us to form a global community where we can share in each other's celebrations, sorrows, and laughter.

I realize I am getting a little sappy here, and forgive me for doing so, but I think sometimes we need to make space for happy. Make space for the intensity that we are not always comfortable with. This is where so many beautiful stories are born.


We share stories that arise from the boundless realm of our imagination. These stories serve as a lifeline, carrying us away from the burdens of our harsh realities. Moreover, we offer these tales to our fellow strugglers, providing them with an opportunity to also journey beyond their own hardships.

The written word is as powerful as our tongues and can bring so much comfort and/or destruction (hopefully, we use it for the latter).

So with that, I guess I can say I am back, and I hope that my fellow Vocalizes and community will receive me back! I don’t know what frequency will be like since I am still trying to find a real flow with what my writing will look like from here on out.

Lilly Pixel

I am so grateful for the talent that is spread all over the internet. Specifically, the vocal community - I am also grateful for the written pieces that stay in a sweet place PIECE.

My stories and writing will come, and as they do, I hope you pop in on the comments, like, and share as we support one another!

Thank you for sticking around to read all of this! If you have, and you are part of the FB communities, I’d love it if you popped this in a thread as I am yet to return to FB….

Cheers my dear friends!

Caleb l


About the Creator

Caleb the vocalist

I'm a passionate vocalist who pours heart and soul into every note, while also crafting captivating articles that resonate with readers.

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