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Love that fades away

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By FinnPublished 17 days ago 3 min read

Once upon a time in the charming town of Willowbrook, a young couple named Finn and Lara fell deeply in love. They met at a local café, where Finn worked as a barista and Lara came to study every afternoon. Their conversations began with casual exchanges about coffee preferences and schoolwork but soon blossomed into deep, meaningful talks about dreams, fears, and the future.

Finn was a kind-hearted, hardworking young man with a passion for writing. His stories, filled with vivid imagery and heartfelt emotions, had earned him a reputation as a legend writer in the town. Lara, on the other hand, was a bright, ambitious student with her sights set on a career in medicine. She admired Finn’s talent and dedication, often telling him how much she loved his stories.

However, beneath the surface of their seemingly perfect relationship, a shadow loomed. Finn harbored a deep-seated insecurity, born from past experiences where his trust had been shattered. This insecurity manifested as jealousy, a silent, creeping presence that began to gnaw at the foundation of their love.

Lara, who was always surrounded by friends and admirers, often found herself the subject of Finn’s jealousy. He would question her about innocent interactions with male friends, his voice tinged with suspicion. At first, Lara tried to reassure him, understanding his need for validation. But as time went on, the constant accusations began to wear on her.

In parallel, Lara struggled with her own flaws. She loved Finn deeply but underestimated the intensity of his feelings. She often dismissed his jealousy as irrational, failing to see the depth of his insecurity. To her, Finn’s fears were unfounded and unimportant, a minor inconvenience rather than a serious issue.

One summer evening, as they strolled through the town’s annual fair, Finn’s jealousy reared its head once more. They ran into Lara’s old school friend, Mark, who greeted her with a warm hug. Finn’s face darkened, and he withdrew into himself, the familiar feelings of jealousy boiling over.

Later that night, as they walked home, Finn couldn’t hold back any longer. “Why do you always have to be so friendly with other guys?” he blurted out, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt.

Lara sighed, frustration bubbling to the surface. “Finn, we’ve been over this a hundred times. Mark is just a friend. You have nothing to worry about.”

“But I do worry, Lara. I worry because it feels like you don’t understand how much it hurts me to see you with them,” Finn replied, his voice breaking.

Lara stopped walking and turned to face him, her expression a mix of exasperation and sadness. “And I worry because you can’t see how much your jealousy is suffocating me. I love you, Finn, but I can’t keep living like this. You need to trust me.”

Their argument echoed in the quiet night, a painful crescendo of misunderstandings and unspoken fears. In the days that followed, a rift began to form between them. Finn’s jealousy grew, feeding off his insecurities, while Lara’s frustration and hurt deepened.

Despite their efforts to mend the cracks, the damage was done. Finn’s jealousy continued to drive a wedge between them, and Lara’s underestimation of his feelings only widened the gap. The love that had once been their anchor now felt like a heavy burden, dragging them both down.

One rainy afternoon, as they sat in the café where it all began, they realized they had reached an impasse. The love that had once brought them together was no longer enough to bridge the chasm between them. With heavy hearts, they made the painful decision to part ways.

As they walked away from each other, the rain mingling with their tears, both Finn and Lara knew that they had learned a hard lesson. Finn realized that his jealousy had cost him the person he loved most, and Lara understood that underestimating someone’s feelings could lead to heartbreak.

Years passed, and though Finn became even more renowned for his stories, a melancholy always tinged his work. In the quiet moments of his solitude, he would think of Lara and the love they lost.

One evening, as the sun set over Willowbrook, Finn sat at his desk and penned a short poem, a final tribute to the love that had faded away:

In shadows deep, where echoes stay,

A love once bright has lost its way.

Bad habitsTeenage yearsDating

About the Creator


Success is a lonely summit, a cold, desolate peak where the thin air whispers tales of pain and endless suffering.

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    FinnWritten by Finn

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