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Spirituality Is Not Arrogance

But strong opinions are — and ‘spiritual’ people have lots of them

By RabihPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

One of the best way to fool ourselves is to be too sure about our opinions.

It’s true that many things are ‘wrong’, that we could’ve done them in a better way. But that’s where we are right now. There’s no need to give a meaning to our ‘spirituality’ out of the unfortunate things we see in the world.

Society is, as it is today, because of us. We created the world as it is right now, and if we want to change it, it starts with us. We, society. It’s one and the same thing. If we want to make things better, we do it by making ourselves better. Being better means being humbler.

Some people love parties, socializing, eating all kinds of things, drinking, smoking, not praying, not having the slightest idea about what meditation is, not hydrating themselves properly and taking pills to compensate for it. And so on.

People do live like this today, it’s a fact. But being more knowledgeable about those things shouldn’t make us feel prouder or better than others. It’s not because some people prefer loneliness that loneliness should be everyone’s ideal. Why on Earth should it be?

Life does not discriminate. Human beings do.

We never know who’s better or worse than we are. Are we always truly honest with ourselves in the first place? We’re wired to judge a book by its cover. But we know that every time we followed the inclination to do so, it deceived us.

Many souls are opening their eyes to the beautiful truths of life. It’s great. But one of the most important thing to do, especially in the beginning, and to keep doing no matter where we arrive — is to remain humble. We can never be too sure about our assumptions.

Life is too big to be contained in our little bubbles.

That’s why we keep going through different experiences, and most of them are tough for a reason — they keep inviting us to get out of our fixed views and try to look at things differently.

We can only learn if we remain a student of life. And to be a student of life, we must remain open. Being open means refusing to follow our inclination to create assumptions and base our perception on them.

We’re all embodied. Our mind and body have their own programming. We must remain careful. It’s very easy to be fooled by our ‘wiring’.

To perceive without biases is ultimately the biggest accomplishment of any spiritual ‘enterprise’.

If you feel judged by someone, no matter how much of a saint they pretend to be, I’m sorry, they’re not so ‘spiritual’. A judgement is at work to keep the comparison game going. We judge to feel better than others. And if we can’t feel good about ourselves without having to bring others down, then our spirituality needs more work.

The spiritual path is beautiful. Nothing isn’t spiritual. In fact, there is no other path because all that exists is spiritual. People are just evolving at their own pace, life is doing the same thing, Nature too.

The problem is never others or whatever is external to us — it’s always what it evokes in us — which we’re invited to pay attention to, and eventually heal. But healing too is not necessary — until we feel like it’s time to do it.

Just like people or Nature, our feelings and thoughts have their pace too. Forcing things is never healthy. Allow yourself a break. Accept where you are right now. You can change it next. But first, give yourself a break by fully realizing where you are right now, and embracing it.

This is spiritual.


About the Creator


I write about spirituality, not only to inform but most importantly to transform.

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