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Simple Thanks

A letter to my community

By Mariam MichalakPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

This challenge simply states to write an open letter to our hometown heroes, or people who have helped us become who we are today. Many of us probably write down a story for these contests, then change them, rearrange sentences, add or take away certain aspects. However, for this challenge, I am simply going to write out my letter. One copy, one draft, one submission.

Granted, I am still going to proofread. I do, in fact, want to attempt my first win in a Vocal contest.

So, with that being said,

Dear y'all,

You know who you are. "Y'all" is a term derived from two words, "you all", so I am talking to you all. Everyone. Each person that has ever stepped into my life. To the guy that cut me off on the highway and nearly caused me to drive into a ditch, to the best friend that has been with me through think in thin.

Dear y'all,

Thank you. Thank you to the random stranger that bought my coffee that late night in the café line. Thank you to the person who told me I'm number one on the highway (as my mother likes to call it). Thank you to the mentor that helped me see things I never wanted to see, and things I never wanted to see again. Thank you to the heart breaker that shattered everything I believed and then realized my believes were settling on a foundation of toothpicks. Thank you to my pets, past, present, and future, for being my silent furry friends that seem to always know when I just need another presence in the room.

No noise.

No rubs.

Silence and existence, simply knowing you are there for the time I will need you.

Thank you to my readers who seem to enjoy these shorts enough to make me starting writing my own story once again, and thank you to those who abhor my stories. You inspire me to keep making this my dream and hobby, no matter how bad it may be, because for each one negative Nancy, I have had two positive Pete's fill their shoes.

Thank you to my brother-in-friendship that introduced me to a certain eight bit game that has now taken up nearly every waking moment that isn't school, work, church, or sleep. Thank you to the ones that didn't support what I liked, calling it names or deeming it a waste of time. You inspire me to prove you wrong and create something out of it that will bring smiles and joy for many generations to enjoy.

Thank you to the ones who pushed me when I was down. You helped me find my strength once again so I could rise on my own.

Thank you to the ones who were there to help me up, but never offered the hand.

Thank you to the ones who left me on the side of the road, beaten and bruised with no hope of returning to my old life.

Thank you, so very much, to the one person that has stayed by my side through it all. Ups and downs, twists and turns, you were always by made side no matter where I ended up. Even now as I write this, I am thinking of you being the first one to read this once it gets accept it. You may not know it, my friend, but there are many times certain 'ideas' have risen, but knowing that you would find a way to necromancy my body from the dead just to chew me out keeps me going.

Thank you to the ones who finally realized they were wrong. Thank you for your apologies, your strive to change the past and produce a better future for yourself and those around you.

Thank you to the ones who seem to be never endless pit of praise.

Thank you to the ones that are willing to never sugar coat a word that spills from their lips, as they are honest and (most of the time) are truthful. They tell me how it is, and only then am I able to see what I am doing wrong so I can improve myself and create a better future.

Thank you to those who made my life hard, who bullied me in middle school, who devastated my life with their words and actions. Although at the time I didn't see how this could ever bring about something good for my life, I have learned to step up for myself when no one else will. I have learned not to let what strangers say affect me, as I may never see them again. I have learned to be stronger than what I was. The words still hurt, but they no longer leave behind scars.

Thank you to those who have inspired me to never give up, to keep pushing on through the tears, the rain, the pain. To keep fighting for what's right, for my dreams, for my beliefs. One day, I hope to show the world a woman who is strong, has achieved her dreams, and made her family proud.

Thank you to the friends that walked away. The ones that left me alone because of beliefs, hopes, dreams, or simply other things that I honestly have no clue about. Because you left that spot wide open, I have gained new friends that are now my family. They care for me, check-in on me, and make sure I'm okay. We disagree on some things, but we are still there for each other when the road turns rough and time get unsteady.

And lastly, thank you readers. Yes, I mean you currently reading this. Believe it or not, you are impacting my life as we speak. Whether I know you personally, or if you're from a land far, far away, by reading this story you are learning about me just a tiny bit, and helping me have a chance at winning the grand prize. You are showing me that people are enjoying what I write, and that inspires me. Even if you don't like this little 'thank you' note, you're still helping me out. So, thank you.

Each person in my life, in one way or another, is my hero. Each and every single person who has spoken to me, left comments about my work, or even mocked me has shaped me into the woman I am today. Without every single interaction I have had in my life, I wouldn't be the same person I am today. Have I thought about changing certain situations in my past to maybe create a better future? Yes, and I believe no one can say they haven't. However, I wouldn't change a thing. Consider the butterfly effect. If I change that one instance, it could lead to a completely new set of moments that I could never have predicted. I wouldn't be the person I am today, and that is an outcome I don't want.

Could I be better? Yes.

And I will continue to grow, be better, and shape myself into the person I am meant to be. So, thank y'all for everything.


About the Creator

Mariam Michalak

God fearing Christian and Coffee Enthusiast. Wanna be gamer, artist, and author. Currently back in school for Business Administration to one day open my own coffee shop. Hope to win contests to pay of student loans and save up for land.

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