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Escape to Unknown

The Lost Royal

By Mariam MichalakPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Arden Palace, home to the Everbright Royals, rulers over the island of Camridian. For thousands of years, an Everbright has sat upon the throne. Sworn to rule justly and judge righteously, every ruler must abide by a set of rules in order to maintain order and present a valuable model for all to follow. In this way, the people believed in their rulers and life was peaceful for many generations.

I have not had the luxury of witnessing that time. It is now a time long past, and the palace is nothing but ruins for thieves and bandits to hide away in. The Royals have been in hiding, the optimist would say, waiting to rise up and regain control of Camridian. However, most simply believe them to be wiped out, massacred. The only evidence left being the occasional person still sporting bright and deep blue eyes, the occasional pointed ear, and the possibility of wings. Most common folk have wings in sets of two or four. If anyone is born with six wings, they are slaughtered before the mark shows on their shoulders, signifying the Royal's bloodline.

That is why I must hide, run, steal, survive. I have no memory of my childhood except fire, screaming, pain, and red. Lots of red. The crimson color still floods my vision when I try to sleep at night. I was raised by a kind family that did their best to hide my scars, my wings, my mark. However, as I grew older, it became difficult to hide my wings. Their bright teal glow could no longer simply be hidden beneath my dresses or shirts. People were growing suspicious, and my mark seemingly reacts to my emotions and will glow when I feel fear.

I had to leave.

I do hope they can forgive me for my sudden disappearance, but this is for all our survival. Their little girl deserves a chance to live, to grow. I have no right to take that away from her just by staying there and risking their lives for hiding a possible Royal. No one will ever listen to your story or hear you out about the chance you are not a Royal. If your wings are pure white, six of them sprouting from your back, and a mark covering your left shoulder, you are a threat to this new society. You must be removed in order to protect this new balance and the band of renegades that destroyed and betrayed the Royal’s of Camridian nearly a hundred years ago.

Thankfully, I will not be traveling alone. Ever since I was found, a young barn owl has been with me. He seems to attempt communication with me through an amulet it bears around his neck. When it hoots, the gem glows, but I can never understand what he is trying to tell me. Perhaps if I am truly a Royal, there is an amulet that allows me to unlock this ability. And possibly many others.

I have affectionately named him Aenghus.

Not much is truly known about Royals anymore after the leader of the Betrayers destroyed every tome, tablet, and scroll that even held a mention of the family or their abilities. Perhaps I can communicate with my feathered friend one day, or maybe even control the weather. I won’t know anything by staying up in this tree, watching over the village I have called home for many years. I turn to said owl, and he hoots at me. “I know, boy. I know. I’m just… concerned. How do I know they truly will be safe? What if someone had suspicions, and my not being there any longer proves them true?” I can feel my worry begin to rise, but the hoots from my friend regain my attention.

Despite not being able to understand him verbally, I can read his eyes like a freshly carved stone. ‘What would you be able to do to help them if you stayed?’ I couldn’t fully agree, as the gentleman that helped raise me taught me how to fight properly, but I still am not a professional warrior. I would stand no chance against the soldiers of the Betrayers. This was the only way for everyone to be safe.

Granted, my safety was never truly my concern.

As the last patrol of the night passes by underneath me, I quietly slip out from the might branches that were concealing me. Cautiously, I sneak through the last alleys and over the wall of the village. My owl friend and I had one destination in mind, and only a small map and compass to guide us. Out towards the far west where the water met the land was a small town. Rumor has it that a revolution was rising up against the Betrayers, and their outpost was located on a small island just outside of the coast.

But all that was merely rumors.

The island was said to only be seen by those who truly held no beliefs with the new ‘rulers’ of Camridian, therefore many have never seen it. Those who have traveled by boat to the island have never returned. Some say it is a trap laid out by the Betrayers to squash any attempt at the Royal’s returning.

However, I have proof of it being real, and I know how to get there. That knowledge is all thanks to Aenghus. He somehow found the map in my hands during one of his little ‘expeditions’. For days, he will disappear, only to reappear with new artifacts and items that were supposed to be destroyed, forbidden. It was never much, but it seems like he knew this journey was going to happen sooner or later.

At times, I feel like he’s my guide, my strength, hence the name I gave him.

I wipe my eyes one last time. Tucking the map into the sack I carried, I sling it on my back and take off through the woods. I only had around four clicks before the next patrol would arrive. There was no time to waste reminiscing on the past. This was for their own good and mine. I simply hope that this is truly the right thing to do.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Mariam Michalak

God fearing Christian and Coffee Enthusiast. Wanna be gamer, artist, and author. Currently back in school for Business Administration to one day open my own coffee shop. Hope to win contests to pay of student loans and save up for land.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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  • Mary Johnson2 years ago

    I'd love to read more.

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