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Qualified Teachers Having Sex After School Hours

I'd never been so desperate to feel someone inside me, and by the time he'd removed my underpants, I was drenched.

By The Lost GirlPublished about a year ago ā€¢ 3 min read

Peter and I were both newly trained elementary school teachers. I'd liked him from our first date in July because he was so attractive, with his shaggy brown hair and green eyes. We hit it off right away and were always flirting in the staff area. I was recently single and would have leaped at the chance to date him. What is the issue? We weren't permitted to date coworkers - it wasn't in our contract, but the boss had made it clear in our first meeting that it wasn't acceptable.

By September, the sexual tension had reached a boiling point. Then, as the newest employees, we were tasked with remaining late to put up the Christmas decorations in the hall. It was already dark outside, and while pyjamas and wine would have been lovely, it was a chance to spend time alone with him. Of course, I feigned to be unhappy about it.

"I can't believe we have to remain and do this," I grumbled as I rummaged through the decoration box. "Why us?"

"Do you have anyone else you'd prefer be stuck here with?" Peter inquired, winking. My skin pricked up.

"No," I responded as I looked him in the eyes. "I'm afraid I can't."

We charmed our way through the task from then on. There was also a time when he requested me to ascend the ladder so he could "look at my arse."

I climbed up, wiggling my behind as I went, as we both chuckled. We were clearly on the same wavelength, but he just wasn't moving. I felt humiliated and defeated when the decorations box was empty before I knew it.

Then he switched off the lights. "We definitely need to make sure the fairy lights are operating," he remarked.

The Christmas tree twinkled away magically. I began to tell Peter how much the kids would enjoy it, but he cut me off.

"I've been waiting for this," he said softly as he kissed the back of my neck. I turned to face him, shivering. We kissed tenderly, and when I felt him hard against my calf, I drew his hips against mine, wanting more. We began kissing feverishly, ripping at one other's clothes. I'd never been so desperate to feel someone inside me, and by the time he'd removed my underpants, I was drenched.

At each wave of orgasm, the fairy lights faded in and out of focus.

He slammed me against the stage before lifting me up. As he entered me, I wrapped my legs around him, drawing him deeper in, groaning as I moved with him. It was completely explosive, and the extended build-up meant that we were both eager for it. I narrowed my eyes as I approached, and the fairy lights moved in and out of focus with each wave of climax. As he approached, I was faintly aware of our cries echoing down the hall, his fingers burrowing into my back.

After that, we cuddled up on the stage together with his head on my thigh and my fingers wrapped around his hair. Yet it didn't take long until we got back to work. We spent hours there having slow, beautiful sex in the company of holiday lights.

"Where you're like, What do I say?

'Uh... I like your boobs.'"

A great place to start from your boob, Peter says, is to describe how he felt toward me you. So I did whisper something like, "Oh my god, I'm so turned on right now." And keep whispering through foreplay and even during sex. It's a hot way to give Peter a play-by-play of how you're feeling

The head requested the students to applaud us for hanging the decorations during assembly the following morning. Peter and I both nodded as we added our claps. I believe we merited it.


About the Creator

The Lost Girl

A Lost Girl is: A woman in her 20s, 30s (and beyond) who's more than a bit unsure about what she's doing with her life, the direction that she's headed and how to make changes for the better.

You can buy me a coffee HEREšŸ˜Š

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