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Phoenix of the Heart: A Breakup's Lament

Phoenix of the Heart: A Breakup's Lament

By RAVI KUMARPublished 5 days ago 5 min read

In twilight's tender arms we lay,

A love once bright now fades to gray,

Each whispered vow, each sweet caress,

Now echoes in the heart's distress.

The dawn that breaks with crimson hue,

Now bleeds the shades of love we knew,

Where once we danced in passion's flame,

Now ashes tell a lover's shame.

The laughter shared, the dreams we spun,

Now haunt the silence, one by one,

Each memory a sharpened thorn,

In gardens where our hearts were torn.

I trace the lines where fingers traced,

In empty rooms where love embraced,

The scent of you still lingers near,

A phantom touch I hold so dear.

The world outside in vibrant bloom,

Contrasts the heart's encroaching gloom,

For every smile the sun bestows,

My soul retreats to shadows' throes.

The nights are long, the stars are cold,

A cosmic tale of love retold,

In constellations' distant song,

I hear the echoes, “We belong.”

But now those words are distant, faint,

A canvas smeared with love's complaint,

No artist’s hand can mend the rift,

No poet's verse can heal the drift.

Each tear that falls, a crystal shard,

Of dreams once shared and now discarded,

The pain, a river, deep and wide,

Where hope and sorrow coincide.

I walk alone on paths we trod,

Where every step betrays a nod,

To moments when our hearts were one,

Now fractured by the setting sun.

The moonlight casts a spectral light,

On empty beds, on sleepless nights,

Where once we whispered sweet confessions,

Now haunt the void of lost obsessions.

The seasons change, as seasons do,

But winter's chill is all I knew,

For spring’s embrace, a distant cry,

Beneath a somber, weeping sky.

Yet in this pain, a truth revealed,

That love's sweet wounds can never heal,

For every scar, a story told,

Of hearts that dared, of hearts grown bold.

In shadows deep, where sorrow's bred,

I find the strength to lift my head,

To face the dawn with weary eyes,

And bid the night a slow goodbye.

For in the ashes of this pain,

A phoenix rises, free from chain,

And though the heart may ache and bleed,

In time it learns again to need.

To love once more, to trust anew,

To see the world with clearer view,

For every end, a new beginning,

In love’s great wheel, forever spinning.

The tears will dry, the wounds will mend,

And broken hearts will beat again,

For in the pain of love's cruel break,

We find the courage to remake.

And though the past may linger on,

A shadow cast, a mournful song,

The heart endures, the spirit grows,

From love’s deep well, new strength it knows.

So here I stand, amidst the fray,

With scars that mark love’s fleeting stay,

But in the mirror of my soul,

I see a heart, complete and whole.

For love is pain, and pain is love,

A cycle spun from skies above,

And in this truth, I find my way,

Through nights of grief to brighter day.

In twilight's tender arms we lay,

A love once bright now fades to gray,

Each whispered vow, each sweet caress,

Now echoes in the heart's distress.

The dawn that breaks with crimson hue,

Now bleeds the shades of love we knew,

Where once we danced in passion's flame,

Now ashes tell a lover's shame.

The laughter shared, the dreams we spun,

Now haunt the silence, one by one,

Each memory a sharpened thorn,

In gardens where our hearts were torn.

I trace the lines where fingers traced,

In empty rooms where love embraced,

The scent of you still lingers near,

A phantom touch I hold so dear.

The world outside in vibrant bloom,

Contrasts the heart's encroaching gloom,

For every smile the sun bestows,

My soul retreats to shadows' throes.

The nights are long, the stars are cold,

A cosmic tale of love retold,

In constellations' distant song,

I hear the echoes, “We belong.”

But now those words are distant, faint,

A canvas smeared with love's complaint,

No artist’s hand can mend the rift,

No poet's verse can heal the drift.

Each tear that falls, a crystal shard,

Of dreams once shared and now discarded,

The pain, a river, deep and wide,

Where hope and sorrow coincide.

I walk alone on paths we trod,

Where every step betrays a nod,

To moments when our hearts were one,

Now fractured by the setting sun.

The moonlight casts a spectral light,

On empty beds, on sleepless nights,

Where once we whispered sweet confessions,

Now haunt the void of lost obsessions.

The seasons change, as seasons do,

But winter's chill is all I knew,

For spring’s embrace, a distant cry,

Beneath a somber, weeping sky.

Yet in this pain, a truth revealed,

That love's sweet wounds can never heal,

For every scar, a story told,

Of hearts that dared, of hearts grown bold.

In shadows deep, where sorrow's bred,

I find the strength to lift my head,

To face the dawn with weary eyes,

And bid the night a slow goodbye.

For in the ashes of this pain,

A phoenix rises, free from chain,

And though the heart may ache and bleed,

In time it learns again to need.

To love once more, to trust anew,

To see the world with clearer view,

For every end, a new beginning,

In love’s great wheel, forever spinning.

The tears will dry, the wounds will mend,

And broken hearts will beat again,

For in the pain of love's cruel break,

We find the courage to remake.

And though the past may linger on,

A shadow cast, a mournful song,

The heart endures, the spirit grows,

From love’s deep well, new strength it knows.

So here I stand, amidst the fray,

With scars that mark love’s fleeting stay,

But in the mirror of my soul,

I see a heart, complete and whole.

For love is pain, and pain is love,

A cycle spun from skies above,

And in this truth, I find my way,

Through nights of grief to brighter day.

In dreams that weave the night's embrace,

I find your smile, your fleeting trace,

Though time and distance keep us far,

Our hearts remain, a single star.

In every sunset's soft descent,

I feel your warmth, my heart's lament,

For love once lost is never gone,

It lives in echoes, on and on.

So let the shadows take their toll,

They carve a path within my soul,

And in the darkness, I shall find,

The strength to leave the past behind.

For every tear and every sigh,

I'll learn to spread my wings and fly,

Beyond the pain, beyond the night,

Into the arms of morning's light.


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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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