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I had no idea... But God did

Thought I was the trophy

By Sarah AwotwePublished 2 days ago 4 min read

After the birth of my son, I expected to feel happy and fulfilled, but instead, I felt empty and alone. The pressure to be a perfect mother was overwhelming, and the lack of support from my family and church members made me feel like a failure.

The humiliation I faced from church members who judged me for not being a good enough as I was a single mother was devastating. They would whisper behind my back, pointing out my flaws and shortcomings. I felt like I was under a microscope, and every move I made was being scrutinized.

My family was no better. They were selfish and unsupportive, only caring about their own needs and desires for my son. They would leave me alone in my depression and take over my son, expecting me to say nothing or demand for my son's comfort as a new mum. I felt like I was drowning, with no one to turn to for help.

As the days turned into weeks, I began to feel like I was losing myself. I had no identity outside of being a mother, and I felt like I was failing at that. I started to have thoughts of suicide, feeling like it was the only way to escape the pain and loneliness.

But then I looked at my son, and I knew I couldn't give up. He was innocent and pure, and he needed me. I knew I had to keep going, no matter how hard it got.

With the help of God and support from reading the bible, I started to heal. I learned to prioritize my own needs and take care of myself. I found a new sense of purpose and identity, outside of being a mother.

It wasn't easy, but I made it through the darkest time of my life. And now, I'm stronger and more resilient because of it. I'm grateful for my son, who brought me joy and purpose. And I'm grateful for the journey, which taught me to love myself and find happiness in the present moment.

If you're struggling with similar feelings, please know that you're not alone. Reach out for help, and don't be afraid to ask for support. You are loved, and you are worthy of happiness.

As I sit here, reflecting on the past, I am filled with a mix of emotions - sadness, anger, and betrayal. The father of my child, someone I once loved and trusted, left me to start a new life in the UK, leaving me to raise our child alone.

We met in our early twenties, full of dreams and aspirations. We fell deeply in love, and our relationship was filled with passion and excitement. We talked about our future, about building a life together, and starting a family. He already had a family which he cleverly lied about just to have me. And then later, I found out. Which was when I discovered, I was pregnant with his child

At first, he denied being the father, and rejected me for 7 months. But as the months went by, I started to notice a change in him. He became caring, attached, and started to prioritize my situation. I tried to brush it off, thinking that he was just being overly nice and had ulterior motives. I knew something was wrong. He was working on naming the child and leaving us here.

And then, the day came when he left without telling me. He had gotten a school offer in the UK, and he couldn't pass it up.

I realized I had been fooled and dumped. For 5 whole years, I hadn't heard from him.
He would reply my message with only "hi" occasionally, but it was always brief, and he never followed through on his promises.

I was left to raise our child alone, struggling to make ends meet, and dealing with the emotional toll of his abandonment pus pressure from the other woman here.

As the years went by, I heard through the grapevine that he had started a new family in the UK. He had moved on, found someone else, and was living a new life, free from the responsibilities of his past. I was devastated, feeling like I had been erased from his life, like I was nothing more than a footnote in his history.

I started to pray and he started reaching out with apologies and upkeeps. But as I looked at my child, I knew I had to keep going. I had to be strong, not just for myself, but for him. I worked hard, built a new life, and created a loving home for my child. And as he grew older, he began to ask questions, to wonder why their father wasn't around.

I had to be honest with him, to tell him the truth, but also to reassure him that he's loved, that he's worthy, and that deserved to be happy. And as he grew into a smart, kind, and compassionate person, I knew that I had done something right.

But the pain of abandonment never fully goes away. It lingers, a constant reminder of what could have been, of what was lost. And sometimes, in the quiet moments, I still feel the sting of betrayal, the ache of loneliness.

But I also know that I am not alone. There are countless women out there who have gone through similar experiences, who have been left to pick up the pieces, to raise their children alone. And to them, I say, you are not alone. You are strong, capable, and deserving of love and respect.

And to the father of my child, I say, you may have left us, but you will never be forgotten. Your absence has shaped us, has made us stronger, and has taught us to appreciate the people who truly matter in our lives. And as we move forward, we will not be held back by the past, but will instead be propelled forward by our resilience, our determination, and our love for each other.


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    SAWritten by Sarah Awotwe

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