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How To Win Your Ex Back

Learning From Your Mistakes

By Akinfenwa TaiwoPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
How To Win Your Ex Back
Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

It’s not easy to win someone back who has decided to cut ties with you. But it’s not impossible, either. Just like any other relationship, mending things between you and your ex requires effort, dedication, and understanding. If you are serious about getting your ex back, then it’s time to make some smart decisions to get the process started. Here is how to win your ex back and make it work.

1. Get yourself together

Before you make the decision to get your ex back, it’s important to assess the situation objectively and make sure that you are ready to put the effort in. It takes a lot of emotional strength to try and win someone back, so make sure you are in the right headspace before you start. Once you are certain that you want to try and get your ex back, dig deep and ask yourself what you can do to try and make it happen.

2. Apologize for your mistakes

The next step to winning someone back is being willing to take responsibility for your mistakes. No matter how insignificant a mistake may be, it’s essential to apologize for it. This shows your ex that you take their feelings and needs seriously and are willing to make changes to make things work.

3. Give your ex space

It’s important to respect your ex’s decision to take a break and give them space. Constantly texting them, calling them, or show up at their house will only drive them away further. Don’t be tempted to try and “win” them back with grand gestures or excessive phone calls. Give them time to think and process their feelings.

4. Keep communication open

Pointless fights about what went wrong in the relationship won’t help. It’s important to communicate in an open and honest way. Avoid getting too emotional and Instead focus on discussing your relationship and express how both of you can work on it together.

5. Show respect

Treat your ex with respect. Respect their opinions and decisions, even if you don’t agree with them. It’s also important to recognize the good things they have done and appreciate them for it. Showing respect and asserting your willingness to talk about things calmly will show your ex that you are ready to work through the issues together.

6. Work on yourself

If you want to win your ex back, you must first work on yourself. Take this time to focus on the areas in your life that need improvement. This could be anything from examining your weaknesses and bad habits to working on a skill or developing a hobby. It’s also a good idea to review your values and make sure you are still in alignment with them.

7. Make a plan

Once you’ve taken the steps to better yourself, it's time to create a plan that you can follow to get your ex back. Take a look at the things that went wrong in the relationship and think about how you can address them. Make sure the plan is realistic and focus on fixing the issues in the present and for the future.

8. Make it count

When you finally meet with your ex to patch things up, make sure it’s a meaningful conversation. This means keeping calm and being honest. You should be willing to address the things that didn’t go well and talk openly about both of your feelings. Find a way to compromise and come to a resolution that works for both of you.

Winning your ex back can be difficult, but if you put in the effort and have patience, it’s possible to get back on track. Keep these tips in mind and be willing to put in the work to make adjustments. If both of you are in the right headspace, you will be able to make things work. Good luck!


About the Creator

Akinfenwa Taiwo

I'm a content writer, who can write on any given topic after thorough research.

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