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From lights years away x


By TestPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - October 2023

A response to Heather's heartfelt challenge, Take a look!

Dear Heather,

I may be light years away, a tiny speck of light in a distant sky, but time is of little consequence up here in the universe. And I hope that you can hear me with all of my fiery little heart. I may be tiny but I am mighty and I shine for you. Fiercely. Your diminutive sky warrior, willing you on.

I see you on all of the days. The good and the bad. I hear your heart beat; pounding with the voice of humanity, but most of all I see the small but immeasurable differences you make to those you touch. I also see that you don't even see it, but we do. We see everything up here.

Let me tell you something, your wonderful series, ‘Centre Stage’ is quite the phenomenon with us. A hit you could say. A supernova without the downfall. Pure light. The best kind of all. It came as quite a surprise. A pleasant one, of course. The comets found it first. They are good at sharing. Some times a little too much. But believe me, before long, you got yourself a pretty celestial fan base. Universal. They even teach it at quarkergarten. A lesson in humanity. The best kind of earthly being. Quite the lesson.

You see, it’s not often we encounter such unselfishness in a human. Most are adept at self-promotion and egotism. But not you. No, you are one of the special ones. Unique (but don’t tell the quarks that). We like to tell them that all earthlings are just like you. Complex and kind. Thoughful. It’s too soon to let them in on reality. Everyone deserves a quarkhood afterall.

Besides, fantasy never did the soul any harm, did it? You of all people would understand that. Anyway, as I was saying, despite your own wonderful writing ability, you choose to actively find other talents and showcase them to Vocal (and us). Thank you!

So many shiny creators, a lesser human (most) would have kept them to themselves. Intimidated by their talent, jealous of their skills. Refusing to acknowledge their work. Believing their artistry superior. The most excellent. Such is man. But not you. You feel depth and beauty in the creations of others and actively choose to share their glow.

That makes you a special one in our world. And in your own. Although too few realise it. Some of the awfulness you humans get up to is quite appalling. It could make a star lose its shine. And many have. Believe me! I’ve seen it first point! Not a pretty sight, let me tell you. Not pretty at all. Luminescence breaking actually.

But you're different. We remember that time when you mentioned that Underland odd bod in a post on Vocal Social, giving a nod of approval to her words. What you didn’t know was that she had fallen into unhealthy patterns. Was on the edge of slipping dangerously far away from the precarious bridge of health she had forged for herself. And what you could not have known is that your thoughtfulness broke through. A tiny act of human kindness is a world of hurt made her re-evaluate. Shift perspective long enough to gain resolve. She's grateful, you know. Though she never told you. Didn't have the words. But she told us. Well, she told the moon actually. And the moon, as I am sure you are aware is very bad at keeping secrets.

You think nothing of it. It is in your soul. Who you are. But up here we see you so very clearly. I wish that you could see us more. Feel us willing you forward. The kindest most human of you gets beaten and bruised by the vast brutality of life on earth. But you are the very best of your kind. We see your struggle. And we can only guide you as you navigate through that which you must.

There are many things I could say, but if you remember anything from my letter to you please remember this, magic isn’t to be found in the grand gestures of Merlin but rather in a heart that is true.

And so, dear Heather, when the skies above you seem dark, remember that even from the distant expanses, your shimmer is understood and celebrated. Your humanity, like the B-star, traverses time and space, and its glow can be seen throughout the milky way. A guide for all to follow.

When you gaze upwards to the night sky, know that each flicker is a silent but sincere acknowledgment of all that is you - your pain, your joy, your struggles, and your immense capacity to love and uplift others even within the confines of your own solar winds.

With eternal wonder and a sprinkle of stardust,

Your Cosmic Star (s)


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