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From I Do to I'm Done

A Rollercoaster of Romance, Regrets, and Rediscovery

By Zamatshezi ZondaniPublished 10 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Shahin Khalaji on Unsplash

Why, oh why am I here? What twisted cosmic joke led me down this rabbit hole? Let's rewind a bit, back to the crux of the absurdity that is my life. Picture this: midlife, mid-marriage, mid-crisis. A classic tale of romance gone awry. But no, not just any romance, mind you. I'm talking about getting hitched to none other than my ex. Yes, you heard me right. The same guy who thought it was a brilliant idea to chase his dreams in a different hemisphere while leaving me to juggle diapers and dreams on my own. Ah, yes, the good old days of maternal multitasking.

So, let's set the scene about a dozen years ago. There I was, trying to figure out whether my microwave had more commitment than my partner. Flash forward to present day – that same man saunters back into town, declaring his undying love. Oh, what a plot twist! He's begging for forgiveness, armed with grand plans to resurrect our fractured family. The logical side of my brain waves a tiny red flag, like a matador taunting a bull, but I'm just too caught up in my own hamster wheel of inadequacy to notice.

You see, I had this job. Oh boy, the pay was princely, and the qualifications matched like a glove, but the work environment was a dystopian blend of toxic gas and soul-sucking fog. Picture the Devil's den with a water cooler. And as for my dating life, it resembled a museum exhibit, preserved for eternity in the "stuck in a rut" wing.

So, in stumbles my long-lost love, oozing apologies and promises like a carnival barker. "Step right up, folks, and behold the man who's about as financially stable as a house of cards in a windstorm!" My friends, the saga takes a melodramatic turn. Yours truly, with a heart like a misguided philanthropist, actually contemplates the idea of second chances. Why, you ask? For the noble cause of ensuring my son gets to bond with his long-lost dad. Yes, the classic case of "Dad's Redemption Arc." Cue the violins.

Of course, hindsight – that ever-elusive fountain of wisdom – would later remind me of my lapse in judgement. Our whirlwind romance suddenly feels like a spin cycle stuck on repeat. The Romeo to my Juliet with a credit score that reads "Tragic Comedy." Did I forget to mention this little nugget of information?

So, as I dance through the rose-colored rain of love, the clouds of reality start to gather. My inner voice, like an overworked GPS, keeps rerouting me toward self-worth and fiery aspirations. But alas, I'm trapped in a love-stricken labyrinth, where even Minotaurs would weep with pity for my predicament. There's this nagging desire to break free, to soar beyond the confines of "almost perfect."

And then comes the pièce de résistance – the dowry debacle. Yes, in a bold move that would make Kafka applaud from his grave, I paid my own dowry. Irony, thy name is traditions I can't wrap my head around. Because, well, Prince Charming was a tad financially challenged. Think "Broke Back Mountain" but with debit cards. This, my friends, should have been red flag number three, but hey, who's counting?

Fast forward again, this time a few years. A toddler daughter enters the picture, and so does the realization that I'm the lifeline of a sinking ship. Managing finances, emotions, and a household that could give a tornado a run for its money. The husband? Oh, he's perfected the art of slumber, playing more hooky than Ferris Bueller.

My personal life? About as active as a sloth on a sedative. And work? Well, let's just say I had an exclusive front-row seat to my own downfall. Cue the dramatic interlude where I'm laid off, left to stew in a boiling pot of failure and broken dreams.

So, what's my grand prize for this cosmic comedy of errors? A one-way ticket back to Mom's. She's the unsuspecting star of this family reunion, the emotional powerhouse who takes in her defeated offspring and their offspring. Meanwhile, Mr. Dream Chaser decides his ego's too majestic to share living quarters with Mom-in-law.

And there it is – the silver lining in this thundercloud parade. Living apart has never felt so liberating. He gets the bachelor pad, I get my sanity. As I embark on this newfound solo adventure, I find solace in the realm of pixels and prose. It's like tapping into the fountain of youth, revisiting an old passion lost in the sands of time.

So, here I am, pouring my thoughts into this digital canvas, rekindling a flame that once flickered so brilliantly. In the midst of diapers, negotiations with a toddler terrorist, and a phone ringing incessantly, I find the sanctuary of my own words. A journey toward healing, understanding, and maybe, just maybe, a shot at rewriting my own narrative. And all this while life continues its hilarious dance of heartache, hope, and everything in between.


About the Creator

Zamatshezi Zondani

As a mother of two, I've come to appreciate the power of words in shaping not only my world but also the worlds of my children. Writing isn't just a pastime for me; it's a profound source of pleasure and fulfillment.

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