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Divine Mirror

The path of the heart

By Moyana GebhardtPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read

Everything has a melting point. I think mine must be an extremely high temperature, because the events of my life have been nothing short of volcanic. I’ve melted over and over, rising like a phoenix from the ashes of myself, each time a new reincarnation. I’ve had multiple names. Shifting in and out of form to fill whatever role I needed to. All in this one lifetime. The whole thing has been a mystery to my local mind, but deep within, I understand it as my purpose. A mirror does not exist for themselves, but to serve a greater good. Not to convince anyone of anything. There is no room for dogma, or various limiting beliefs, or judgment. There is only a flame of love to be reflected back, showing the other what is also inside them. To merely exist, walk the Earth humbly, to nurture the spark and offer the fire to those who forgotten. Just by being there as a walking embodiment of Divine love. What grace I have been given in the form of love, forgiveness, and understanding within myself, is easily shared with everyone I meet.

A Divine mirror requires a solitary path. While there may be times of partnership, ultimately, a mirror needs to be walking with God in order to hear clearly. The energy must be free and uninhibited by the work required within partnership. Devoted to the collective soul. It is the nature of the mirror to absorb and become. Whatever energies they encounter to embody the soul of that experience for the greater good. So, a committed partnership, especially one of an intimate nature, will be like tendrils, wanting to intertwine with the Other. It is physics. A mirror must approach life in a polyamorous way, finding Beloved in all, for the work they came here to do. To awaken love on the Earth. It is a process because the mirror wants sacred union above all else. The mirror is divine love embodied. So the process must show them what they are and become very clear on that. Love opens easily around a mirror most of the time. She shows you the best parts of yourself, but the love frequency then goes deeper and can sometimes push all that is incongruent with Divine love up to be witnessed and healed. To bring others into their Divine heart.

God has shown me in these last years how I have walked into the darkest of spaces in order to reflect those energies that need to be healed. Even when I was not aware, I can now look back and see how I became everything I needed to be in those experiences to bring some of the most atrocious darkness to the surface shattering it. To the outside onlooker, it would appear that I have just lead a very traumatic life, and while that is true, there is another truth that is deeper than that. A few years ago I had a dream of a mansion that I have dreamed of many times, and each time I dream of that mansion since the first dream it has gotten more and more inhabitable. In the first dream, I walked down the hallway in the second story of this mansion, and I could feel the darkness hiding in the closets of each room. In my body during that time, it was terrifying, but I found myself in front of a door that seem to be locked, and I found myself wanting to go into that room. It was a need. As I touched the door knob. I looked down and saw my child self next to me very scared. She said we don’t go into that room. And I said today we are. And I looked down along a staircase, and saw a multitude of angelic beings behind us in support. I open the door to find a room full of chaotic darkness. A storm of the most inky, black, perverse energy that I’ve ever felt in my life. You couldn’t see into the room, but I saw it with my inner eyes. It was everything that you would be terrified of the most base levels of energy you can imagine. The most atrocious acts of evil done on our souls. I walked into the room and I invited this darkness into my body, and as soon as it came in, it went out of my body, through my back right where the wings would be, as a pillar of light. After that I went into each room in the hallway, doing the same.

And as I look back at my life before the dream, and after, the string of narcissistic behaviors, abusive relationships, I’ve encountered almost every kind that was necessary to encounter. It is not a path that others are drawn to, or will applaud. Or understand. But I cannot under what I’ve seen. I cannot unknow it. To carry a spark of Divine love, very often means that you will attract that which needs to be healed. The difference now is that I understand enough of it to know that I am always ok. That I am always protected. And that my work will always be done. I believe and have been shown that there is much unseen in this world. I have the gift of seeing energy that has been transmuted and rippling out because of the connections and threads between us. When you shatter the darkness residing in even one person by being the light that you are, it is a ripple effect out into the collective. It is for the greater good.


About the Creator

Moyana Gebhardt

Artist of life, oracle and friend to the spirits, Beloved, thinker, feeler, misfit, seeker of truth. Self published author. Neurodivergent. Mother of 4. At a crossroads. Anima mundi::

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    Moyana GebhardtWritten by Moyana Gebhardt

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