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Crack The Code

By Adrianne Kirksey

By Adrianne KirkseyPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 6 min read
Crack The Code
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

She wished she would have stopped and paid attention; recognized the signs. Esmerelda didn't think anything of it when she tried to log into her social media account and was locked out. A prompt saying, "Reset your password." blinked in front of her face like a silent warning.

It was the same thing with her cellular phone. Something was telling her to change her password but she didn't. Esmerelda led a busy lifestyle and rarely did she answer her phone. However, it wasn't until people started telling her they had left messages she never received, that she knew something was off.

Esmerelda worked for a major advertising firm as a Public Relations specialist. It was her job, to turn scandals into heartfelt stories and make her clients not look like the "devil". She enjoyed her career and things were looking up in the firm.

The company hired a few new interns and each PR specialist were to train or show the new employees, "the ropes." Esmerelda was assigned a gentleman by the name of Bishop Pruitt. She was taken aback by his obvious confidence and smooth demeanor.

Esmerelda had no clue that the strange things that were occurring had everything to do with this man. She had never seen or met him before, but it was something about him that was familiar. He reminded her of someone. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

From the start, Bishop was ambitious and ready to work. He interned with Esmerelda for 6 months. The higher ups liked his drive and ambition so they offered him a PR specialist position as well.

Once Bishop was offered a position, he finally got up the courage to ask Esmerelda if she would like to have dinner. Esmerelda was flattered, but did not wish to merge her personal and business life. Over time, Bishop kept trying, until he wore her down.

The pair met up on a Friday night at a soul food restaurant called Mardella's. Bishop had asked Esmerelda if he could pick her up from her home, but Esmerelda refused. She felt more comfortable simply meeting up and could leave when she got ready.

At first, Esmerelda was reluctant. Things were going well with her career, and she didn't want anything tarnishing her name. Dating while working was not a favorable choice, but it was something undeniable about Bishop; something familiar.

As of late, love had not been in the cards for Esmerelda. It seemed that she ran into the same characters over and over again. She had given up optimistically on love, and focused on career more than ever.

Then Boom, Bishop, with his familiar face, showed up. When Esmerelda exited her Audi Q3, Bishop was waiting for her patiently out front. The Valet approached Esmerelda, but, Bishop quickly shuffled so he could open her car door.

The restaurant was his suggestion. When they walked in, all eyes were on them. The maître d' proceeded toward the couple, and led them to a quaint, but elegant booth in the back of the restaurant.

Esmerelda had never been to an "upscale" soul food restaurant, and was impressed. "I have no clue what to order here. Everything looks delicious." Esmerelda remarked. Bishop grabbed her hand, and stared into her eyes.

"It's ok. How about I order us some of my favorites." "Favorites? I knew you had been here before. Is this where you take all your regulars?" Esmerelda smirked. Bishop dropped her hand and looked down at the menu "Esmerelda, this is actually my favorite restaurant. How about we leave it, at that." He said quietly.

Esmerelda felt bad for a moment, but then was quickly put at ease when Bishop picked up her hand again. The maître d' approached again and Bishop ordered two glasses of red wine to start.

Bishop knew Esmerelda didn't know anything about real southern cuisine.

So, for starters he ordered them SEASONAL CREOLE FRIED GREEN TOMATOES. Esmerelda was dying to try CREOLE CRAB CAKES .

The two swapped childhood stories about themselves. The more and more Bishop spoke, the more he became so familiar to her. I feel like I know this man. Esmerelda thought.

After the two demolished the start to a wonderful meal, Bishop then had the maître d' bring out the main course CREOLE CATFISH, BAKED MACARONI AND CHEESE, FRIED CABBAGE, AND CORNBREAD.

As they continue with their meal, Bishop goes on to speak about a terrible accident in which his brother was killed. Esmerelda wanted to comfort Bishop and decided to invite him to her home after dinner.

Upon arrival to her flat, Esmerelda gave Bishop the grand tour. He could tell just by the way she was particular about things, that Esmerelda was single.

After a stirring conversation about everything, Bishop asked to use the restroom located on the second floor, next to Esmerelda's bedroom. He calmly and smoothly put a small camera on top of Esmerelda's dresser.

When back downstairs, Bishop decided to take it to the next level. He ascended with Esmerelda in his arms. He made love to her. And unbeknownst to her, had recorded her; them, making love.

After the 3rd round Bishop started telling Esmerelda about his childhood again. How his brother was distraught after catching his high school sweetheart with another guy. His brother who was drinking and driving, had ran head on into a 16 wheeler, instantly killing him.

Esmerelda's antenna's suddenly went up, but she had no clue why. It was getting late, and both had to be to the office for an early meeting in the morning in regards to a new client. Esmerelda was feeling confused, so she asked Bishop to leave.

Bishop didn't seem upset and excused himself quietly as Esmerelda told him to let himself out; discreetly removing the miniature camera from her dresser.

The next morning when Esmerelda arrived, she had trouble getting into the building and had to contact security to get in. When Esmerelda got to her office she could not log into her computer and locked herself out; becoming livid because the data she needed was there.

With no more time to spare. Esmerelda met up with her colleagues; She was made aware by an undisclosed collaborator that Bishop had called in stating he was ill; but had made sure the data that was needed for the new client was there.

Esmerelda began to sweat, but kept her calm. She knew something fishy was going down, but she went with the flow. She apologized for the confusion, and inserted a disc to be played on the projector in the office.

She pressed play and as she went along with her presentation it was then she saw the look of horror that had come to the many faces of the meeting.

When Esmerelda turned to face what everyone was looking at, her heart dropped. She saw herself and Bishop having sex. She tried relentlessly tried to turn off the projector but the porn show kept playing, to no prevail.

The CEO jumped up and helped an embarrassed Esmerelda turn off the projector but not before asking her to remove all her things from her office. She had just been humiliated and fired in one day.

A fuming Esmerelda wondered where she went wrong and called Bishop 30 times before he finally answered cooly.

"Bishop why did you do this to me!?" Esmerelda shrieked into the receiver.

"You know my brother, he ...." Esmerelda swiftly cut him off. "I don't wanna hear about your fucking brother! You set me up! Why?" she yelled.

"Bitch July 7th 1997." "What the fuck?" " It's because of you my brother is gone." Bishop whispered. Bitch, I ordered all his favorite foods and you didnt even notice! " Bishop yelled.

"What are you talking about Benjam..." Esmerelda grew quiet; a long pause between them . "Don't get quiet now Bitch! What? Who?" "Bishop...I know this is hard to believe but I loved your brother." "Bitch, every time I spoke about him you cringed. You wouldn't even let me say his name. It was Benjamin!" and in unison, both Esmerelda and Bishop said, "Benji for short."

Esmerelda dropped the phone. She had cheated on her first love with a "goofy." Benjamin Pruitt. He was quiet and sweet and didn't deserve his fate because Esmerelda was young and dumb. Esmerelda was the whore Bishop had been speaking of the whole time.

Bishop, was Benjamin's twin brother. With no job, Esmerelda decided promptly to check her accounts and noticed a large withdrawal had been made in the last hour. She explained to the bank that she had been hacked and would like the matter investigated.

As Esmerelda left the bank, she was startled to see Bishop inside her car. Somehow, he had made a copy;thanks to the Valet at Mardella's.

"What do you want from me Bishop?" "I want you Esmerelda." " You lied to me and deceived me Bishop." Esmerelda smirked. " Listen, if you want your money back, you will do exactly what I say." Bishop grabbed Esmerelda's hand. "We can discuss it over dinner."


About the Creator

Adrianne Kirksey


I am just a young grandmother with an old soul.

My goal is to create generational wealth for my family by doing something I love!

Victor's Daughter- AK

"The Writer of all Wrongs"

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