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........Completely unexpected LOVE.......

By Mehak Abdul RehmanPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

It was amazing and completely out of the blue. My heart skipped a beat as our fingers touched, and I briefly forgot to breathe. The sensation was electric. Before giving me a tender kiss, her lips twitched in that funny way she used to when her fingers were entwined with mine. When I looked into her deep, sacred eyes, I knew it was love.

We'd been together for about a month and a half at this point, not long, yet lengthy enough for me to begin to get to know her character. jovial while contemplative, exuberant while reserved, benevolent while erratic. After being alone for most of the year, it was wonderful to have a partner again, and my friends and coworkers were taken aback by her silky hair and long limbs.

Before she moved in with me, I had barely met her. She showed up out of the blue one day with simply a bagful of assets: a mirror, cosmetics, and other such items. However, she was so stunning that I was unable to refuse her. She had a lot of bananas, which we laughed about because bananas are my favorite fruit, and I'll always remember that.

We would spend a lot of time together because I didn't have a job at the time. Like all young lovers, they sometimes kiss and cuddle, but other times they watch TV or just look out the window and watch the world go by. On different events, we relaxed in calm, singular reflection, which we were both educated in.

Looking back, I suppose that our relationship was rather haphazard, as we lived each day without making any plans for the future.

She was only enraged once I saw. A little child in a red sweatshirt and pants stood banging at our window, for reasons unknown as should have been obvious. While his younger siblings were nearby, his mother paid little attention. Henry, stop this!” She would occasionally yell. A father was not visible. My adored went to the window and beat on it, matching the kid clench hand for clench hand. That appeared to irritate him and he began banging harder and quicker. When his mother abruptly pulled the boy away and cuffed him hard around the ears, she did the same thing and made an odd sound resembling that of an animal. My love ate an apple from a bowl and smiled sheepishly at me as she quickly returned to her normal state.


Then, one miserable, miserable day, our relationship finished. Our living room was uninvited when a man in a green uniform with a pointed cap and shiny buttons entered. Since I knew he was a fruit delivery man, I kept my mouth shut.

Even though he didn't actually know my name, he said, "Sorry Fred," and "Bella's got to get on a plane, she's off to Berlin." That wasn't really her name, by the same token. With a cage on wheels, additional men entered. I voiced my strong and loud opposition. She can't go in there! She was getting an injection, and I saw it.

"Fred, nothing to worry about, just something to calm her down." They forced her in with force after the cage door was opened.

One of the men said, "Let him say goodbye, bless him."

I went to the cage and peered into her sleepy eyes, which were round and dark. Our fingers interlaced once more as I put my hands through the bars. I said, "Goodbye" in our private language.

I never saw her again after she was wheeled away. I only had memories of her to keep, no photographs. Simple memories include eating fruit together, swinging on ropes, climbing a large frame outside, and observing the crowds watching us. examining one another's coats for fleas

I decided to eat a banana while I waited to find out if and when I would mate again.


About the Creator

Mehak Abdul Rehman

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