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Children shouldn't play with Adults

Adults should stay in their lane...

By Tiffany Noel LongPublished 3 years ago 11 min read

"You gone get it. You gone get it watch..."

"Be quiet"

"Alright when mommy come home don't say I ain't..."

"OKAY!", big brother yelled.

The two boys were in the living room of their home. The older brother was running through the house playing and had broke a corner off the new coffee table they momma had just bought. She was in the process of upgrading her home décor. It was big bulky and covered in mirrors. Big brother didn't panic when the piece fell off because he broke a mirror before and glued it back together. He picked the piece up and put it away until he was done playing. His little brother was the voice of reason-'we not even supposed to be playing in here'- he said to his older brother. After a while he got tired and remembered he had to fix his accident before mommy got home. He glued it but was having difficulty making it stick. The glass piece was heavier than the mirror piece. He started to panic because it wasn't working. After he finished crying he tried again using all the glue he had, it stuck, big brother smiled. He went to put everything away and when he came back the piece was on the floor.

"NOOOOOO!" big brother yelled in horror making little brother jump.

"Man what is your problem!" little brother yelled in fear.

"It's not working! Now what?!" big brother was about to cry again and little brother was ready for it.

"Ump ump ump" he was shaking his head " we ain't even posed to be playing in here..", little brother said trying to make the tears falls faster.

"Shut up with that!" he yelled at littler brother . "Help me put it on man!" he looked to his brother with so much agony in his face.

"Oh no! not putting my finger prints on none of that mess that's all you fam" waiting on his brother 's tears he got a surprise.

"I know what to do!" big brother said and ran off.

When he came back he had a hand held hair dryer and some paper towels. Then he ran to get a bowl of water. He moistened the glue and made a paste and put the piece back on the table and used the hair dryer to dry it faster. Little brother was sitting on the couch watching the show big brother was performing. After 30 minutes the piece didn't move. 'YES!' big brother thought to himself and again he began to clean. When he came back in the living room this time they heard a car door slam. Keys jingling and heels clicking. Little brother looked at big brother and said, " yo ass is lucky".

"Hey boys! how is my babies?!" they mom said as she was taking her key out the door.

" Hi ma", little brother went to greet her with a hug.

"Hey ma we ain't babies man what's up with that?", big brother joking said to his mother.

" And I'm not a man", she retorted to him they both laughed.

" I mean, not like that" he was laughing.

" Chile just hush, be quiet. What y'all eat since y'all been home?" she asked.

"Nothing" they yelled in unison.

"Yeah right. You ain't eat nothing but all the food gone. What happened to the food I bought then?"

The boys just stare at her with blank faces not knowing what to say next.

"Am I talking to myself?"

She then start telling them about work and she is having a get together with some co-workers. she placed an order for groceries and gave the boys duties to complete before company came. She went to get ready for the evening while the boys cleaned what she asked them to. The boys received the groceries and put them away for her. When mom came down she poured a glass of wine for herself while she set up the platters she ordered one with cheeses and the other with fruit.

"They should be arriving soon so go upstairs or outside for a while".

"I'm going outside!", big brother yelled.

"In before dark still applies you hear me!?" she yelled as he ran out the side door.

"Okay" he hollered back.

" Hey boy! Where you think you going" his cousin said jokingly. Mom heard a female voice coming in the door before it closed and turned to look it was her cousin Renee. "Hey girl"

"What's up cuzzo, come on in!" mom said with excitement.

"Let me get a glass" Renee said

" You already know. Help yourself you know where everything is", mom said.

" Don't mind if I do. What you about to make?" Renee asked looking at everything out on the table.

" O, just arranging some trays for a little get together I'm having. Some co-workers coming by you staying?" she asked her cousin who just swung by.

"Yes. This all we got to eat? I'm hungry" Renee asked.

" In the fridge chile, it's some chili in there and cabbage and.."

"I'm good with the chili".

"Okay. Yeah so some co-workers coming over and it's this one chic that be looking at people funny at the job. I always catch her doing it!"

"What she look like?", her cousin asked. Mom made a face and thought for a minute.

"I mean, she okay. Who can't pull a man these days but she for the most part look good on the outside, you know how that go. She cool with me but her facial expressions I see her doing make me side eye her ass you know?..."

" O okay. Then she is." Rene said

"Huh? Is what?", mom was lost.

"If you think she judging people - she IS. What other reason would she be doing that childish shit for? Ew hope she ain't coming", Rene looked to her cousin for confirmation.

" Naw fam. I can't do it not in my home. Be done kilt her ass up in here with that mess."

" Do she even try to hide it? I mean you see her so what the people she be talking to say?"

" It be after they walk off or turn away to leave, she would make a face or roll her eyes."

"O she one of those!"

"Yeah!", mom said with enthusiasm.


The door bell rang, Rene stood up to see who was in the driveway, mom headed to the door. It was a couple of cars a Camry and a red Durango.

"O, everybody showed up at the same time", Rene said.

"I got it. Hello everyone!", she greeted her guests. " Good to see you again."

Everyone laughed as they walked in saying hellos and hi's. Mom introduced everyone to her cousin and froze in shock when she heard a voice she recognized from work behind her coming closer to her door. A voice she didn't expect to hear in her home. She heads to her door and the voice greeted her soon as she stepped up to it.

"Hey y'all she yelled into the house!"

Mom opened the door to let her in looking confused she asked, " what you doing here?"

" O my cousin said y'all was kickin it ova here or whateva and I came thru wit dat baggie bag", she said holding up a little black square.

"Who is cousin?", mom asked still stuck looking confused.

"Tika! You ain't no me and Tika was cousin's?", she said really loud.

"No not at all", mom had never seen her talking to her at work, EVER. "Okay come on in your welcomed". Wait til I talk to her considering she ain't here yet mom said to herself.

After an hour of drinking and talking and laughing mom wanted to play a game.

"Okay y'all it's time to turn up! Let's play a game"....

" Truth or dare!", somebody yelled out.

"Is that all you know?" Tameka said rolling her eyes. Everybody laughed.

"Yes", she said sharply and continued, "I'll go first..."

"Uh- okay hostess with the mostest I'm still here. Let's choose a game everyone wants to play. I'll give 3 choices and we can vote."

The ladies agreed and the final decision was on: NEVER HAVE I EVER.

Throughout the night mom kept a watchful eye on Tameka she seen her phone in her hand. Just as she was checking her out she caught a glimpse of a face she was making not sure of why or who it was for. Mom went to the kitchen to get another bottle of wine coming back in the room she noticed Tameka trying to take a pic of something on the low. She did. The phone flashed and everybody looked in her direction.

"What you doing?", Rene said.

"O girl my phone be trippin", she said not looking up.

Mom knew she was lying but couldn't figure out why. Tameka put her phone away after that. The game went on for a while. Then the bottles were empty food was gone, so party was over time to go. Everyone said their good-byes and went their separate ways. Rene stayed and helped clean up.

The next day at work when she walked in she noticed more eyes than usual were on her. She started her mental check list in her mind: Is my hair combed? My shoes match? Is my makeup wrong? This suit is new so what the hell? She continued to her cubicle and started working like normal. Her phone dinged from a text she got, she grabbed it to silence it and put it away. It vibrated from her drawer rattling everything in there with it. Once. Twice. Three times she then grabbed it to see who it was, it was Rene, she went to the break room to read them and grab some coffee. It was all pictures from her living room and bathroom. Pictures from the set so she thought. After making coffee and small talk with a co-worker she headed back to her desk. by the time she sat down her phone was vibrating for a long time indicating it was ringing, she looked down and answered then walked to the bathroom to talk. Rene knew the drill and waited. "What's the tea?", mom said. She knew something was up with her calling knowing she was at work.

"GURL THAT BITCH NEED HER ASS KICKED!" Rene screamed through the phone. "This hoe posted yo house all fucked up ! She was talking shit in the comments with her girls in all that shit! Y'all not friends on here? Can't be, cause she wouldn't have posted this shit!" Rene was on fire.

" No I don't fuck with her like that", mom said in a low tone trying to keep her composure. She's a child.

" Then why was she in yo house Rina!??" Rene went in on her cousin out of love. "This why co-workers don't come to shit I have! This bitch talking shit about you, yo house, she made a comment about yo son coming in..."

"Wayment, tag me so I can check this bitch cause she sholl did wave at me this morning. I'll call you at lunch."

"Yup", Rene said.


Rina had a minute before a meeting so she went and saw the post. PISSED OFF INSTANTLY. First thing she saw was her table, the corner was cracked, she took a picture in her bathroom too. Rina's bathroom was fine

but her comments was not. Mom saw Rene's comment for her and replied: "O this post cuzz? This bitch wasn't even invited I don't even know the THOT! How is she talking shit about anybody with all her tracks showing in the top of her head! UGH! Install my ass that was a I-TRIED-IT project on her head frfr. I mean I don't know how she made it through the night without passing out in them tight ass, too little jeans she was wearing, they was cute though..." She wrote a nice little paragraph. By the time lunch came, mom saw Tameka running out the building.

She called Rene.

" Did that bitch respond?" Rene said when she answered.

"Gurl, I went so hard on that post that I went over to the dm so I can get real with her ass, I tagged you in each one then saved it cause I knew she would delete it." Mom continued to fill her cousin in. A few co-workers said she was wrong for posting somebody house like that, she should take it down and some more stuff.

" And do you know this hoe still live with her momma!??" Rene said.

"What?! Hell naw!", mom was in her car now so she can talk freely.

"You should have seen this hoe running out this bitch!..." Rene burst out laughing.

"She was scared as fuck! I told her we know where she live, her baby ugly and..."

"No you didn't!", Rene said laughing.

" I ain't even pressed she young anyway. Look how she acting with her silly ass. I'm cool though, fuck her. I'm headed to get some food," Rina said.

This is a prime example of why you should stay in your lane. For those that don't understand that statement it simply means- hang with people your age. Tameka was in her 20's while Rina and Rene were both 40. Now she thought her post and comments were just fun and funny for her crowd not knowing that a lot of people in her crowd knew Rina and Rene. Rene has a nail shop and Rina was more like a sister than cousin, you see one the other ain't far away. While there were a lot of comments on the post they were mixed. Some laughed and chimed in with the jokes and others defended the ladies and called Tameka childish for the post. Tameka went back and forth with a few people before taking it down. Needless to say her and Rina never spoke again at work or anywhere else, they crossed paths a lot. Although Tameka was an adult according to society's terms, she showed a lack of mental growth. She was at the point in life where everything was funny. Much like a child.

If it wasn't her life it was a reason to make fun of the situation. Forgetting the world is smaller then she thought. Much like a child who plays all day long. They don't care about anything but having fun at the moment. Tameka never thought her post would create any drama but how could it not? Mindset of a child. She didn't think about the relatives of her friends and that they may be able to see her page and go tell let alone the person seeing her post for themselves.

There are a lot of adults that are in the same boat however they know when to hold it in and when to let it out. You must have compassion for people in order to do that. When you place yourself in someone's shoes, it gives you a chance to understand what it is they are going through. An adult will show compassion and say the right things if necessary. A child will show no concern because it does not concern them and that's understandable to the average adult. Mom never felt confronting Tameka would help in fact it never crossed her mind to do so. They are in separate age brackets and she does not think addressing her will make any difference. She just decided to keep her distance and stay to herself.

These actions just proves how insensitive people are. Guess who else is insensitive?


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    TNLWritten by Tiffany Noel Long

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