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Cherish what you have had

You don't treasure what you have, but you don't have what you have until you lose it. Treasure what you have, don't regret it until you lose it.

By testPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

You don't treasure what you have, but you don't have what you have until you lose it. Treasure what you have, don't regret it until you lose it.

I once had a person who loved me the most. She loved me, cared for me and cared for me.

In our family usually have a custom, if pregnant woman born child is a boy, then it will be treated with higher and higher education for children, and if a pregnant woman born children, as a female, the girls will only be looked down upon by others that kind of sad eyes, this kind of feeling, from time to time that the average person can feel it as a kind of unspeakable pain, A kind of unspeakable discomfort. And in this family, I was a special child, just because I was an ordinary girl. I endure every day, endure the kind of people look down on me, I every day silent this, that is because I have no say in the family, I also every day to escape, escape their spit on me as a girl. But my mother-in-law did not look down on me, and even very love me, but I only felt that she was very troublesome, all day long the path with all the flowers on the hill? Badger flounders are paraplegics? ldquo; Don't make so much noise. You're boring me." Also often because of unhappy and come to her to vent. Now think of all feel very regret, I feel that they used to be good or bad, good or bad. I hated myself at that time, hated myself incredibly so to the only elder in the family who loved me. I wanted to make up for the biggest mistake I had ever made. However, at this moment, the bad news came suddenly: my mother-in-law was admitted to the hospital for surgery because of cerebral hemorrhage. It's not clear what the situation is. What? Why? Why did you do this to me? At that moment, I cried, I felt so useless, so useless.

After hearing this news, I know I can't do anything, BUT I can only silently pray for the mother-in-law to succeed in the operation, sometimes I even begged god to use part of my life in exchange for the life of the mother-in-law, I think if I can take out his 8 years of life a mother-in-law, let her live in more than 8 years that how good ah!

But in the first, the mother-in-law is like frustrated, sometimes know people, but sometimes don't even know who they are. But, I still love her, I use my life with all to love her, I often hold her thin hands, but also always said to her: mother-in-law, you better live ah, every day to be happy, I know you will be able to live to 100, you have to be full of confidence in life ah!"

Although I know like her situation, not a few years will leave me forever, leave everyone, but I always think, I want to try my best to make mother-in-law happy these years of time, of course, I will always pray for her forever, blessing. Mother-in-law I want to say to you: "thank you for loving me like that, I want to thank you forever, but I am still very sorry THAT I have that attitude to you, please forgive me, I will love you forever, so forever miss you! You better live oh, I hope you can be happy every day, only to your happiness, I will be happy, so for me, to refueling live oh!

In fact, I really still regret it now, I think, even if I again how to make up for, can not make up for the fault of the big hole. So friends for yourself, for the sake of your loved ones, to cherish. In the end, I just want to say, cherish what you have had, don't regret because it is lost.


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