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A must-know!!!

By Paloma WritesPublished 3 months ago 4 min read

What if cell phones were so powerful that they could mutate the shape of our bones? This is a surprising new topic that's recently been popping up all over the media. It stems from a scientific report suggesting that using phones and tablets can cause serious and long-lasting changes to our bodies, not in the way you might think. In the past few years a study has been carried out by David Shahar and Mark Sayers who specialized in biomechanics at Australia's University of the Sunshine Coast Biomechanics looks at how mechanical laws apply to living organisms from how humans run to how insects beat their wings. Shahar and Sayers's study also involves osteo biography which is used to work out what someone's life was like from their bones. It's been known for some time that skeletons adapt to a person's lifestyle every set of bones tells a story, for example, some enormous skeletons were found on the Pacific island of Tinian in 1924. Stone structures in the vicinity of the skeletons explained the substantial nature of the island's bones by working with heavy stones they had naturally developed bigger arms legs and collarbones and over in Australia. Shahar and Sayers believe that modern tech is shaping young people's skeletons.

How is it doing this??

It's all to do with an EOP or external occipital protuberance. Some experts and commentators have been more colorful and described it as a foam ball or a devil-like horn. In reality, the EOP is a growth of bone found in the back of the skull

it's connected to the nuchal ligament. This is an important ligament that plays

a role in connecting Nick's muscles to the skull the EOP creates an effect a lot like an anchor at the top of the nuchal ligament.

Now let's go back to what the researchers were doing with the study, in the first place by looking at chiropractors x-rays of people aged between 18 to 86 they wanted to get an up-to-date insight into how skeletons change because a lot of these x-rays were investigating things like neck pains there.

The Silent Threat: The Impact of Cell Phones on Our Well-being

In a world where cell phones have become an integral part of our daily lives, seamlessly integrated into our routines, their constant presence offers convenience and connectivity. However, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that these small devices may be detrimental to our physical and mental health. From disturbances in sleep patterns to potential long-term health effects, it is crucial to examine the multifaceted impact of excessive cell phone usage.

1. Disruption of Sleep:

One of the most extensively studied negative effects of cell phones is their influence on sleep. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycles. Using cell phones extensively before bedtime has been linked to difficulties in falling asleep and reduced sleep quality. If this sleep disruption becomes chronic, it can lead to various health issues, including fatigue, impaired cognitive function, and a weakened immune system.

2. Strain on the Eyes:

Continuous use of cell phones can also contribute to digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome. Prolonged periods of staring at screens can cause discomfort, blurred vision, headaches, and dry eyes. The blue light emitted by cell phone screens has been associated with digital eye strain, and prolonged exposure may contribute to long-term eye health problems.

3. Neck and Postural Issues:

The prevalence of smartphones has brought about a new set of physical health concerns, particularly text neck. The downward angle at which individuals often hold their phones can lead to increased stress on the cervical spine, resulting in neck and shoulder pain. Prolonged poor posture associated with cell phone use may contribute to chronic musculoskeletal problems over time.

4. Concerns Regarding Radiation Exposure:

While the scientific community is still investigating the potential health risks, there is an ongoing debate surrounding the long-term effects of radiation emitted by cell phones. The electromagnetic fields produced by these devices have raised concerns about a potential connection to an increased risk of specific cancers. However, research in this field remains inconclusive and continues to be conducted. As the usage of cell phones continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to comprehend the potential health consequences of prolonged exposure to radiofrequency radiation.

5. Impact on Mental Well-being:

In addition to its physical implications, cell phones can also have significant effects on mental health. The constant connectivity and influx of information can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. Mobile devices, often used to access social media, have been linked to heightened levels of social comparison, resulting in feelings of inadequacy and reduced self-esteem. The incessant notifications and the pressure to respond promptly can create a sense of being constantly "on," which may lead to burnout and mental exhaustion.

6. Addiction and Decreased Productivity:

The use of cell phones can develop into an addiction, with individuals frequently checking their devices for updates, messages, and notifications. This addiction can hinder productivity as it diverts attention, leading to shorter attention spans and reduced ability to concentrate on tasks. The constant influx of information can also result in information overload, overwhelming the brain and impairing cognitive function.

Teenage yearsWorkplaceCONTENT WARNINGChildhoodBad habits

About the Creator

Paloma Writes

Paloma's writing is characterized by its authenticity, depth, and thought-provoking themes. She delves into the complexities of life, exploring topics ranging from love and loss to identity and resilience with nuance and sensitivity.

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