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Andrew tate course

Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 22 min read

bought this course which you obviously

have congratulations you're going to

change your life for the better I know

exactly what I'm talking about I'm

[ __ ] certified I know I don't look

like a pimp right now I look like a

[ __ ] but I just finished training I

don't owe you [ __ ] when I

suppose so whatever I actually went out

of my way and bought a whiteboard

that's some genuine effort but the only

pen I have is green which is going to be


for you to see so we're not going to use

the white board we're going to put

Graphics in the video instead which is

more effort

should charge double for this [ __ ]



me I'm going to teach you from the

ground up how to get it done

I was thinking if I was going to do like

modular videos like little modules on

each thing of how to do it or just do

one long video it's actually quite

difficult it's almost like imagine

you're the best baker in the world and

someone comes to you and says

teach me how to bake well the first

thing you're going to do is go okay

we'll bake what bake a cake bake bread

in an oven or on a fire or how long do I

have what are the ingredients like the

first thing the master Baker is going to

do masturbate or Master Baker is going

to ask you loads of questions because

baking is such an all-encompassing art

it's very difficult to just explain

everything and pimping is very much the

same it's very difficult for me to just

explain absolutely everything the whole

360 degrees but I'm gonna try anyway and

for that reason I'm not going to do

modules I'm not going to break it down

to little videos what I'm just going to

do is I'm just going to [ __ ] lay down

some knowledge

for the next long time and your ass

needs to get a pen and a [ __ ] paper

and pay attention if you have to watch

this video over and over and over again

fine if you have to watch this video and

understand that there's certain parts of

it you need to tweak to fit your

particular style fine I'm not saying

that this is going to be absolutely not

really rigid but it is going to be a

fails a fail-proof system that's what

it's absolutely going to be because

there are some rules which are Ironclad

can't be broken and some rules are as

exceptions too so there's gonna be a

whole bunch of talking here so if you

haven't gone pissed go piss get some

[ __ ] popcorn buckle up this is lesson

one in your pimpability degree all right

let's start with the basics

the basics are as follows and like I

said when you're watching this video

there's going to be some rules which are

telling you which are iron clad and

can't be broken and sometimes there's

exceptions to the rules I've read a lot

of a lot of the manic Spirit [ __ ]

and sometimes they say if you [ __ ] her

on the first date she ain't worth [ __ ]

that's not true I've had girls who have

[ __ ] in the first date who weren't

worth [ __ ] and I've had girls who have

[ __ ] in the first date I was with for

two or three years and they were

fiercely loyal to me and they were

fantastic girlfriends so

that is a rule which has exceptions but

there are some rules

with no exceptions like oh my girl has

male friends they're just her friend no

not allowed that is a rule that can

never ever ever that cannot be broken if

you've got your chick on Lock and she's

in love with you she ain't interested in

talking to no other [ __ ] dude about

Game of Thrones or some dumb [ __ ] she's

interested in talking to you and you


so like I said I'm gonna do a lot of

talking here and what I want you to do

is pay a lot of attention and especially

pause this video if I'm giving you

examples I'm talking about things try

and apply them to your own life or why

you while you're where you've tried

things in your own life or your own

current situation and see how they fit

I'm very open for questions comments if

you have any particular questions or

comments you want to come at me with

drop me an email there's no problem at

all so we're gonna start at the very

very beginning which is the overview of

the sexual Marketplace that we currently

live in

we currently live in a sexual

Marketplace which is extremely difficult

for men

and it is getting harder and harder it

is knocking easier it's getting harder

and harder because women biologically

are programmed to share an alpha male

now I say this and this is what's

actually interesting to me a lot of the

Manistee of stuff the 21 convention

stuff all this [ __ ] it's talking about

how women are wrong and women need to be

fixed I don't necessarily think that's

the case if you can position yourself in

the correct place

you'll have more than enough women

so by the way the sexual Marketplace

works is if you're in the wrong place

you don't have enough women but if

you're in the right place you have too

many women I have more women than I can

see I by the time I [ __ ] all the girls

I need to [ __ ] to keep my my normal

rotation going I don't have time to go

on a date every night is planned every

night I'm looking at my phone and I've

got four choices and I'm like where am I

going to stay and that's not just

because I've got money because it's been

like this before I had money I've had

money for six seven years it was exactly

the same before I had money I've always

had too many women because I understand

where to position myself so the first

thing I want you guys to do is a lot of

this red pill stuff is anti-women

the way that women are hyper game is and

they don't like the way that it works

and women only want this and it's really

negative you are not going to be

successful with girls if you hate girls

you need to get that [ __ ] out your head

and you've got to change your mindset

where you don't like how women think I

don't like how women think women do this

women do that women think a particular

way and that's fine if you know the

rules to the game if you can bend the

rules or you can put yourself in the

right position so that the rules of the

game favor you then you should be very

happy women think a particular way

so a lot like I said a lot of this red

pill stuff is trying to change the way

women think trying to say that women

think a certain way and this is wrong

and like there's a new convention coming

out 22 convention make women great again

about how to make women great if women

were completely Fair like men and every

woman just got one guy the worst of fun

in being a g where's the fun and having

all these chicks well how come I have so

many I only have so many because a whole

bunch of dudes out there were none

that's the way the world works so I'm

going to teach you to be in my position

so you need to get rid of any hate or

resentment you have towards women get

rid of that [ __ ] out that's the first

thing you all do when you understand

women better you'll understand why they

do what they do and you'll understand

how to position yourself so it suits you

so the sexual Marketplace is very

difficult for men and the reason it's

difficult for men is because men have

one weapon

in the battle for sex and that is


all you can give a female is attention


let me take my jacket off quickly

before I take my jack off let me just uh

remind you this watch called slurry

Grand that upsets you get your money up


so all you have is your attention so the

basics of the sexual Marketplace are as


you give your attention to a woman to

get sex

and the woman gives you her sex to keep

getting your attention

attention and to sex and sex into

attention that's how it works men give

their attention to get sex women give

sex to get attention that's how it

should work but the reason the sexual

Marketplace is so [ __ ] because there's

too many women out there who get

attention without giving sex so

previously not too long ago men didn't

give a [ __ ] about a girl they weren't

banging they didn't care why would you

care about girl you don't [ __ ] she did

nothing to you you don't see her but now

with Instagram you've got girls with

millions of Faller followers millions of

men are giving her validation millions

of men are liking her comments and

comment and and liking her posts and

commenting on her [ __ ] and telling her

she's beautiful and Fox Zero of them so

that skewed up the whole thing now it's

all [ __ ] because you got chicks

getting unlimited male attention without

having to give their sex out and that's

why the sexual Marketplace is getting

difficult because it's the whole [ __ ]

the whole [ __ ] game the fair equation

has been completely skewed male

attention is suffering from


whereas male attention isn't worth [ __ ]

anymore 50 60 years ago if you were

talking to a girl or you took her on a

date or you bought her flowers it meant

something buy a [ __ ] flowers now she

doesn't give [ __ ] what the [ __ ] does she

care she gets Unlimited inboxes in her

[ __ ] Instagrams you can get flowers

anytime she wants she doesn't [ __ ]

care none of that means anything

so that's a sexual Marketplace so the

number one game as a man is you need to

attach some value to your attention

your attention has to become more

valuable because you have two choices

I'm assuming you [ __ ] are smart

I don't know all of you who've bought

this I know some of you have bought this

some of you might be dumb

but if something hyperinflates the

choices are as follows imagine a

currency of a currency hyperinflates you

either do something to restore the value

of that currency

or you give a lot more currency to get

what you want so my question to you is

if male attention is in hyperinflation

do you want to give loads loads loads

loads more attention to try and get laid

or do you want to attach a value to your

attention so that you don't have to give

very much at all but you get what you

want the problem with giving loads loads

loads loads more is you might not get

laid and then guess where you end up a

[ __ ] friend zone that's complicated

we're really good friends


took it to the movies every time she

called me I was there every time she

felt sad I was there and this [ __ ] is

sitting there going well he's there

anytime I want him and I don't have to

[ __ ] him so why would I [ __ ] him and she

has a [ __ ] some guy who doesn't give

a [ __ ] about her and you're sitting

there going why would she [ __ ] the guy

who clearly doesn't like her because the

guy who doesn't like her his attention

has a value because she can't get it

very easily just like her currency the

only attention anything only has a value

through scarcity so when you want to

attach a value to your attention you

have to limit the attention you give a


you cannot be running through the Earth

throwing attention everywhere for

[ __ ] free and expect a girl to give a

[ __ ] that she's getting to me if she

knows you give attention to every hoe

that walks she doesn't give a [ __ ] about

your attention

that's the reality this is why girls

like bad boys it's not because bad boys

are [ __ ] well partially it's because

bad boys are [ __ ] but it's not

actually the fact they're [ __ ] it's

the fact that they'll tell the girl to

[ __ ] off or they'll say to a girl I

don't want to talk to you anymore or

they know that getting attention from

this particular man isn't free and easy

this guy will get rid of he's giving me

attention and he told he got rid of that

other girl or he ignores that girl but

he talks to me that is value so the

number one thing you want to do in the

current sexual Marketplace is attach

value to your attention so how do you do

that now

this is we're going to get into internal

factors factors you can do as a person

and external factors there are a lot of

factors you can't control

I don't want to [ __ ]

what's the shitty expression teach

grandmother to suck eggs or some dumb

[ __ ] I don't want to State the obvious

but obviously if you have a profile as a

high value male your attention is

instinctively more valuable so we're

talking about attaching value to your

attention and we're going to do that by

limiting your attention but you can also

attach value to your attention with the

obvious things you already know go to

the gym get in shape dress well have

money all these basic things but I'm not

here to tell you that because that

doesn't help you you've bought this

course on how to get girls I can't sit

here and go get a Lambo because I ain't

a [ __ ] answer that's stupid but I'm

saying if you do those things it will

absolutely help you because it makes you

a higher value person it means and a

girl is more interested in you could say

well a lot of the time it just Sparks

their curiosity my experience with money

is that girls don't care about money but

they care about how you've made it

girls don't care about money but they're


where does he get this money from

they're curious about it so it's some

Intrigue there and with entry your

attention once again increases so those

are all the things you already know if

you don't know to go to the gym get some

money that uh well then you're an idiot

you know all those things we're not

going to talk about them we're going to

talk about the things you can do without

increasing your bank balance


increasing the value of your attention

so as follows

I don't know your current situation but

I guarantee there's a bunch of girls in

your phone who you're talking to or

attempting to talk to who you've never

[ __ ] and you never stand a chance of

[ __ ]

why are you talking to her

why are you giving your attention away

for free

why are you devaluing yourself

and that's a mistake so for this reason

anytime we're giving our attention to a

woman we need to aim for progression

progression towards the end goal if you

find a woman sexually attractive I know

the [ __ ] modern world tells you

that's a bad thing but it's not a bad

thing there's nothing wrong with finding

a woman attractive and there's nothing

wrong with wanting to sleep with a woman

there's nothing wrong with that that is

your end goal and every move you make

every bit of attention you give has to

be progressing towards that goal you

cannot just flounder in a sea of giving

out your attention you end up in the

[ __ ] friend zone so

like I said just like with the bakery

example there's a million things I need

to teach you guys I can teach you guys

approaching [ __ ] on the street and

teach you guys how to do things in the

club and and teaching these things

without experience is extremely

difficult so to keep this easy what I'm

going to do is I'm going to give you

some iron-clad steps that you can do in

the next two weeks so you can [ __ ] a

[ __ ] brand new girl you never [ __ ] so

you know that I know what I'm talking

about because a lot of this stuff I need

to show you in person there's a lot of

other modules Etc we're going to keep

this very simple we live in the world of

the internet


first thing you can do to start getting

laid today is your number one tool to

get laid is Instagram

Instagram is the new dating [ __ ] app

[ __ ] Tinder I mean tinder's okay the

problem with Tinder is if you're gonna

do Tinder or natural swipe or get some

girls but every girl on Tinder is as

[ __ ] someone else a tinder's been around

for four years now they [ __ ] dudes from

Tinder before you know only real Ratchet

[ __ ] are left on there really maybe

if they're newly single or something you

might find something good on Tinder I've

done it I found good girls on Tinder but

in general what you want is Instagram

the reason Instagram's so fantastic is

because women sit on Instagram all

[ __ ] day the only problem with

Instagram is that they get unlimited

inboxes from guys

saying [ __ ] so how do you make your

inbox more appealing than anyone else's


so I want to talk about some inbox game

that's the thing first thing you need to

do is start your Instagram page you can

see on my Instagram I have my particular

angle and that is money obviously I play

The Fighter thing

and also what I try and do with every

single post is a degree of intrigue

Intrigue is super important in the

sexual Marketplace because intrigue

it attaches a value to your attention

because you instantly become interested

so imagine you work in Starbucks

your job you're a Starbucks

if a girl says what do you do you can

say I work at Starbucks or you can say

uh well I say while I was high level at

Starbucks I was high level management

and now they put me in as a mystery

worker I'm making a [ __ ] I'm off the top

of my [ __ ] head I'm telling you what

I do a lot of works at Starbucks my girl

would be like what do you mean it's like

oh well I was high level management and

then what they do is they send me around

the different Starbucks stores to just

work as a normal person but what I do

support back to the high level

management about how the store is being

run and if the manager is competent and

did it all of a sudden you sound like a

[ __ ] spy you're now James Bond of


you were a barista loser now you're

James Bond

that's how you gotta put a spin on

things really I've never heard of that

so of course if you've heard of it then

it wouldn't work no one knows about it

so I moved from store to store

now all of a sudden you're an

interesting person bam you go up a spin

on things then you're sitting I think

well if I say that maybe she can expect

me to have money no she doesn't

oh so you get paid a lot oh yeah I get

paid good money but you know I'm looking

after my cousin she had a car crash or

my cousin I'm putting my cousin through

college make up some [ __ ] look we

live in a world where you cannot play

fair anymore when you walk down the

streets nowadays and someone wants to

mug you it can't be all right let's have

a fair duel one-on-one if you win

there's no more fair people gonna run it

from behind and stab you you can't play

fair anymore and with violence or in the

sexual Marketplace you can't place there

if you work in Starbucks and you are

broke you now are high level management

on a secret Starbucks mission to find

the worst Starbucks employees as a spy

and the reason you have no money is

because you're putting your sick cousin

through college that is how you have to

play the game all of a sudden you're an

interesting person from a barista to

James Bond the philanthropist that's how

you're going to be doing things whatever

your job is now it may be a little bit

interesting but I guarantee you can put

a spin on it and one of the most

important things you can do is never

give away all the information

because there is nothing as interesting

that you can say as what she can think

of herself

so girls ask me all the time well I do I

do loads of different things I don't

tell them I say oh yeah you know I'm

just working why work are you doing lots

of just making money

that's that's the answer they sit there

and think he's an assassin is he a spy

is he is he this how come he has this

car let them go through all the crazy

ideas in their head because they'll

settle on the one they like the most no

matter what I no matter what I make up

or what lie I tell it's not gonna be as

interesting as what they can imagine it

could be so you need to have some

Intrigue there don't be afraid to put a

spin on your [ __ ] that's the first thing

and your Instagram page needs to reflect

that my Instagram page very clearly

makes me look like Russian mob

millionaire pure gangster

is that true yeah but still it's done in

a very particular way so that when girls

look at my page they go who the [ __ ] is

like where is he getting all these

where's he getting this why is he there

I'm tagging all these weird locations

what's he doing

and also there's a very fine line here

you've got to be careful but I have

girls on my Instagram page because I'm

telling you this

no girl wants to [ __ ] the guy that

doesn't get girls they all want to [ __ ]

the guy that other girls want to [ __ ]

because women are purely [ __ ] evil

when it comes to taking a guy off other

dudes a guy a guy off other chicks they

love that [ __ ] so you don't want to do

too much you don't want to try and be

like a budget Dan Bilzerian but you do

want to make it clear that you roll with

chicks especially hot ones even if she's

your friend or some [ __ ] put a picture

on there ain't gonna hurt you who's she

oh someone I know once again Intrigue

your girlfriend I didn't say she's my

girlfriend it says someone I know

oh okay lay it down let them know like I

said this is a lot of talking so you

have a pen and paper make some [ __ ]

notes find a girl take a picture get

that [ __ ] done your Instagram page has

to be interesting you have maybe half a


send an inbox to a girl she's going to

look at your page you have maybe half a

second to impress her

for me it's easy now about cars and [ __ ]

but you know what girls even care about

cars bro girls don't give a [ __ ] they

don't care about Lambos and [ __ ] the

number of times I've had girls go

lambo's uncomfortable come get me into


they don't care I mean yeah it's good

for an Instagram page but in general

they don't care so you need to put

together an Instagram

which is appealing to females

you're a full-grown [ __ ] man if

you're a full-grown man you don't care

about likes and you don't care about

keeping your Instagram updated so if you

only have your five or six best pictures

and that's all you have there do that

don't keep updating every day with new

pictures of you and your friend drunk

because no one gives a [ __ ] bro no one

cares and it's making you look a dick

and it's damaging your [ __ ] potential

construct an Instagram front page

because I ain't gonna scroll down first

five or six pictures that make a girl be

interested in you one way or another

I don't care if you guys get protection

professional photographer I don't care

if you have to rent a car I don't care

if you have to [ __ ] I don't care what

lie you have to tell I don't give a [ __ ]

you should know look at my Instagram put

something together that is interesting

Bad habits

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