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An Over-explanation of Things that really grind my gears

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By Ashleigh RileyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
An Over-explanation of Things that really grind my gears
Photo by LUM3N on Unsplash

#1. Mushrooms. Get'em outta here! Fungus is neither 'fun' or for 'us' so throw it all away! Who was taking a stroll in the woods one day and saw a nasty spongey little piece of fungus and thought 'Oh yeah...I'm gonna put THAT in my mouth!" If I had a time machine I'd go back and slap that fungus right out of that Neanderthal's hand #nofunforgus

By Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

#2. The Beatles. I know, I know...I'm not a 'real' musician if I don't love The Beatles. Well, pfft to that. And them. (I DO love other people singing Beatles songs, though...I'm not a TOTAL monster...) There's just something about that 'talk' singing that I can't get behind. Also, though...Paul McCartney and Wings really made up for what the Beatles lack with 'Band on the Run'...I can still see those Guitar Hero buttons swimming across my TV screen when I close my eyes...Also, The Across the Universe Soundtrack, though...::chef's kiss:: #letmebe

By Fedor on Unsplash

#3. Vanilla. ::gags:: I'm only adding words for this disgusting flavor because I need to make my 600 word quota. Vanilla doesn't deserve my descriptions! Throw it away with the mushrooms! #locoforcocoa

By Dovile Ramoskaite on Unsplash

#4. Running for fun. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!? Unless there's someone (or something) chasing me, or a dog, child, dolphin, or elderly that needs saving, I'm not doing it! #funnotrun

By Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

#5. This new 'bring back the 90s that we just spent the last decade or two trying to forget about' fashion. Do you guys know how weird y'all look with your mom jeans up to your bosoms? If you do, then you keep doin' you, boo. If not, then I'm sorry, but we left the 90's in the past for a reason. #jkmaybe #yallarestillcute

By Jornada Produtora on Unsplash

#6. Cookies. Okay, I can see how this one is problematic...this one's on me. I just don't think they're that great, ok??? They're either too hard, or too burnt, or too chewy, or too sweet, or not sweet enough, or crumbling all over my sweater, ugh! #cheesecakeluvr

By Vyshnavi Bisani on Unsplash

#7. People who walk too slow in public. Can we get them their own lane at the grocery store, already?? Hurry up, I've got literally nowhere else to be, I just don't like walking at a snail's pace! #tooslow

By NeONBRAND on Unsplash

#8. People who make lists about things they hate, instead of being positive. Ugh, it's true. Kinda hate myself for this right now...but we all deserve a moment to vent, right? I can't be a positive ray of sunshine ALL the time #boredsobored

By Julien L on Unsplash

#9. Public Restrooms. Enough said. Have you ever been in one? 0 out of 10 stars, no thank you, ma'am. Honestly, though...I've found that the bathrooms at all my places of work have been 10x more nasty than bathrooms that are just for customers...think about that for a second....that seat tinkler may be sitting in the cubical right next to you! #nastynastynasty

By Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

#10. Long lines at Starbucks. I love Starbucks...but I can never go because I don't have the time or patience for those long lines. Order your coffees on the mobile app ahead of time, people! ...PSL: Did you guys know the PSL is back??? WELL I HAD NO IDEA BECAUSE I NEVER HAVE THE TIME TO WAIT IN LINE TO GET STARBUCKS. #getittogether

By Gema Saputera on Unsplash

**The views expressed in this list were strictly made out of jest and boredom, and the story teller harbors no ill-will towards any people or persons who enjoys or fits the descriptions listed herein, as she herself falls in to some of these categories**

Bonus Gear Grinder: When people say 'chef's kiss' and kiss their, I hate that...but did I literally use it in this very story? You bet your booty I did.


About the Creator

Ashleigh Riley

Mother of 2-Writer-Crafter-Dreamer-TV binger-Movie lover-Space nerd-dinosaur connoisseur

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