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A Time to Love

Modern Satire

By Matthew PrimousPublished 15 days ago 4 min read

It all started here in Joplin. I was just a young kid on the streets of Joplin. I did not do much. I was just chilling with my friends. And that same cop kept coming by saying stuff. And he was showing his weapon and ready to start something. I was just young and having fun. And down through the years, I started having attitude, talking stuff and being about something. I did not know better. I was just learning how to be a man. And I started to hang out with the wrong crowd and got into somethings. But I knew better i was no druggy no alcoholic. I just like having fun. And one night the cop pulled me over and frisk us right in front of our girls. And he made us feel embarrassed embarrassed of ourselves embarrassed as a man and embarrassed as a people. And he frisk me one too many so I fought with him knee him in the chest and he fell and pull a gun. And he called me a rotten N-Word and I started fighting with him and with his gun. And he called for back up and that's when that's when that's when the gun went off and he was shot. My friends told me to run but I knew not to. I tried to stop the bleeding and the blood was everywhere. And his backup came and pointed guns at me while I was on my knees and they told me to put my hands behind my hand and I did. Then they jumped on me and put cuffs on me and arrested me. All i was thinking of was my dear mother. My mother crying and angry because of what I did. And I did not care anymore. I was held at the station for hours and hours. And my mother came after being called at work, she said he is just a young man and you're gonna keep him lock up for six hours with only using the bathroom in his cell. And they tried to calm my mother down and explained that a cop almost died and that I would have to appear in court. That I could not be free until further notice. My mother screamed and panic, she begin to say that's my son that's my son and you can't do that to him. And I yelled Mom it's alright I'm okay. The officer said you can come by and visit him and bring him food but he must stay until the judge decides what to do to him. My mother asked to come to my cell and they allowed her to see me through the door. Son why have you've done this? Why have you shamed us? I warned you. I told you not to play around and you don't listen. You don't listen. And I cried Mom I am sorry. But she just walked away and gave my meal to the officer and left. Later on that week in jail, a lawyer called me and said that my mother paid him to represent me and he went through the protocol. The lawyer allowed for me to be free in the community room alone with my mother and him. And he begin to questioned me over and over again. And I was tired but my mother was persistent. And she said that she is trying to save me now just answer. And I said Mom it was an accident. I did not mean for this to happen. I did not shoot him. We were struggling and the shot came. And my mother looked at me hard and long and said Son I believe you but I don't know if the law will. The lawyer said Do you want to go to school? Do you want to be something? I said yeah but Mom doesn't have the money. The lawyer said it's okay because it will build your character. Did the officer say why he frisk you? I said No. Ohhhh that's a violation of Miranda's law said the Lawyer. Mrs. Rosalind you have a case. So weeks and weeks of being in the holding and solitary, i had to come to court and testify. I tried to be serious. I tired to be firm. I tired to be immovable. I was swore in. The Lawyer asked for my story and I told my story with tears in my eyes and my mother cried But the defense and prosecutor came straight for me. And I said There's a season for everything a time to laugh a time a time to grief a time to fight a time to give up a time for war a time for peace but I wondered when the time to love and if I did not regret my actions I would not have stood by that officer to save his life. And the defense and prosecutor rested and later on after the trial the jury decided that I was not guilty.

Stream of Consciousness

About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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