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A party changed my life Forever🍻🥂🍾

A short story on how this party changed my whole life 🍻🍾🤯😱

By Samya MohammedPublished about a year ago 11 min read
Welcome again y’all 🥰❤️

i was born to the kindest

people you'll ever meet my dad owned a

giant tech company and we were wealthy

but my parents were always caring and

generous and taught me to be the same

when i was in the first grade my parents

took me to an amusement park for my

birthday and as we were leaving i

suddenly spotted a boy crying behind a

bench i realized it was nathan from my

class he was a giant bully

but i couldn't just leave him there hey

nathan are you lost

let me help you

my parents and i searched for his

parents all over the giant park

and finally found them after two hours

and it turned out that nathan's dad was

my dad's biggest business rival his

parents didn't even thank us and just

took him away rude

i thought after what happened though

maybe nathan and i could be friends but

the next day at school i was walking

down the hallway when he suddenly pinned

me against the wall if you tell anyone

you saw me crying i will deal with you

do you get me

i won't but how about you stop being a

jerk to me why i still don't like your

face he pulled my back and threw it

across the hall

sending my things flying everywhere as

he laughed and ran away and things never

got better he kept being a jerk and my

revenge was beating him in both studies

and sports and everyone else at school

really liked me but i always tried to be

kind and helpful once in eighth grade i

was helping our driver wash the cars

when i noticed something heartbreaking

at the gate it was a girl my age

searching the trash for food i walked up

to her but suddenly she dashed away like

a cheetah wait come back i don't want to

hurt you but she was so fast i couldn't

keep up we have lots of food in the

house even cakes i'll get you some she

stopped immediately then slowly walked

back to me cakes when i told my parents

about her they immediately invited her

for lunch her name was jessica and she

gobbled out her food like she hadn't

eaten in weeks jessica started coming to

our house every day after that she never

talked about her family and whenever i

asked she got moody so i dropped it one

day we were having lunch when we heard a

loud knock on the door and seconds later

a huge man barged into the dining room

jessica it's time to go home hey i don't

know who you are but it looks like she

doesn't want to go with you i'm her

father and i don't need your charity

stay away from my child jessica we're

leaving now she crept out and he led her

away and she didn't come again my

parents and i were really upset and we

contacted child services to try to track

jessica down and it turned out that her

father was a wanted criminal he was

arrested soon after that and was sent to

jail while jessica ended up with some

nice foster parents who even enrolled

her in my school hey i'm really sorry

about your dad it's okay i don't really

miss him he wasn't very nice he often

forgot to get me food and made me leave

school because he was on the run that's

awful but it's all in the past now yeah

and i wanted to stay there i don't ever

want to talk about it again pinkie swear

we won't talk about it again i wanted to

give jessica a present for her first day

at my school so i asked my mom to take

me to the mall and i picked out a

beautiful red sweater for her and i

waited for her at the school gate she

was late and i was beginning to panic

what if she decided she didn't want to

go to school anymore thankfully she

showed up you thought i changed my mind

right yeah you had me a bit worried

here i got you something oh it's so


and red's my favorite color thank you

she hugged me and i felt a million

butterflies in my stomach whoa who's

this babe

and why are you hugging that cockroach

babe i was about to tell nathan off but

jessica spoke up first

i don't know who you are jerk but don't

talk to us again

come on toby let's go jessica fit in

easily and was making new friends in no

time i was a little jealous that i

didn't have her all to myself but i was

glad she was enjoying school guess what

i did today i joined the track team

that's awesome

i'm sure you'll beat everyone i'm still

trying to catch my breath from the first

time i chased you the secret to slowing

me down is to say hey i got cakes

i'll probably stop running and follow

that person having jessica around was a

dream come true and i was just falling

more in love with her one day after

school i was looking for jessica when i

found her in the hallway

with nathan

hey is he bothering you nathan just back

off whoa calm down he's part of the

track team and we're going to an event

together i pulled her away to speak

privately that's nathan he's been a jerk

to me since we were kids but he's my

teammate toby and actually he's not that

bad come on jessica we're running out of


get it jessica laughed out loud and

walked away with him what it was a

terrible joke but from that day on

nathan was always around jessica and it

burnt my heart jessica was so good on

the track that she was winning medals in

no time she became really popular and

was always hanging out with the cool

kids now but one night in the 10th grade

i was studying for a test when she crept

through my window hey toby i missed you

really you bailed on our plans like a

hundred times yeah i know i'm sorry

so listen nathan took me out for a drive

and i completely forgot about this big

math test tomorrow will you help me

please uh okay i'm studying right now so

pull up a chair oh not right now

i mean can you help me during the test

tomorrow you mean cheat you know i never

do that but i'm going to fail toby yeah

well that happens when you hang out with

people like nathan keep doing that and

he'll ruin you if you can't help me at

least don't give me a lecture thanks for

nothing i'm sure nathan will think of

something and with that

she left and the next day i spotted a

shy girl in our class passing cheat

sheets to jessica and nathan during the

test so that was nathan's solution

bullying other kids to help them cheat

but just then the teacher caught the

girl and took her off to the principal

and moments later nathan and jessica

were called out too and then suspended

for a week i really hope that jessica

had learned her lesson but a week later

i found her and nathan cornering the shy

girl in the hallway you're supposed to

be one of the smartest girls in class so

how come you're so stupid you write us

out to the principal you know what we do

to snitches and can you stop crying you

got snot on your face and it's gross

what the heck jessica was a bully now

jessica what's wrong with you knock it

off and leave her alone mind your

business nerd i wasn't talking to you

jerk well you're talking to my fist now

and then nathan punched me i tackled him

to the ground and we both wrestled like

crazy until some teachers stopped us and

for the first time ever i landed in

detention jessica tried to talk to me

but i just walked past her i completely

avoided her for the next few days but

then one evening the police arrived at

our house with some news of her dad he

was really sick and was being

transferred to another city for

treatment right away he wanted to meet

jessica before he left she wasn't

answering my calls when i went to her

house her foster parents told me she was

at nathan's place for a party great it

was the last place i wanted to go but i

had to tell her as i looked around for

her my heart suddenly dropped to my

stomach jessica was in the corner with

her arms around nathan then she kissed

him jessica i need to talk to you it's

urgent what are you doing here man

you're not welcome in my house it's not

like i want to be here jessica listen

i'm going to call security toby can you

please leave i don't want you creating a

scene in front of my friends she started

walking away and suddenly felt a wave of

rage is that all you care about now

i thought you'd like to know that your

dad is sick and he wants you to see him

before he shifted to another prison the

loud music suddenly died as i shouted

and everyone stared at us


your dad's in prison you're some

criminal's daughter jessica burst into

tears as she ran out jessica please stop

i'm sorry i

she suddenly turned around and pushed me

so hard i fell to the ground it's the

one thing i ever asked you toby i said i

never wanted to talk about my dad and

you decided to announce it i didn't mean

to but i had to tell you about him and

you wouldn't listen i think you can't

stand that have other friends and you

just wanted to ruin that do you think i

should be eternally grateful to you and

not have a life of my own because you

saved me from a dumpster jessica just

leave me alone the next day at school

everyone had heard about her dad and her

friends had dropped her like a dead fly

i tried sitting next to her at lunch but

she immediately walked away but later

that day i saw nathan and her holding

hands and she didn't look so sad anymore

i stayed away from them and tried to

focus on schoolwork dad asked me to

start coming into his office after

school to learn more about our business

and i was happy to keep myself busy our

tech company was launching new gadgets

soon i was quite excited to be a part of

it but a few weeks later i woke up to

really loud voices downstairs and i went

running all my parents watching the news

and i couldn't believe my eyes nathan's

dad was on tv introducing a prototype of

the gadget our company had been working

on i i just don't understand how our

plans were leaked my office is secure

and my home study is always locked i

just can't believe anyone working for me

would betray me this is terrible news

all our investors will be furious and

our company is going to take a huge hit

and it did the company suffered huge

losses and there was no way to prove the

theft i went to school a week after the

whole disaster and i couldn't bear to

even look at nathan his dad was a crook

but later that day i was gonna sit on

the bleachers when i spotted jessica

yelling at him how could you do this you

told me those files were about some

small project toby was working on and

you'd mess up the plans to embarrass him

in front of his dad you never said it

was something that could bring his

parents company down okay i lied boo hoo

i didn't make you do anything you got

those files from me and then put them

back remember i was angry i only wanted

to humiliate toby you went too far and i

thought you loved me it's not my fault

you're stupid you really thought i loved

you daughter of a felon jessica you did

this i couldn't believe it the girl i

loved was responsible for our ruin toby

please wait he lied to me i didn't know

what he was doing i just wanted to mess

with you because i was upset i'd never

hurt your parents don't ever

speak to me again all i've done since i

met you is love you and you stabbed me

in the back wait you love me not anymore

now i wish i'd never met you the next

few days at school she didn't show up

and i didn't care one day i was in my

room when mom came in honey we went to

jessica's foster home and they told us

she ran away i'm so sorry whatever good

riddance toby that's unkind mom you

still think she deserves kindness after

what she did i'm sure she got

manipulated by that boy remember she had

a rough past and maybe she was just

trying to fit in and be loved i know

what she did was awful but she was a

good girl and i hope she's okay mom's

attitude made me feel ashamed of myself

and i soon started regretting the things

i said but i couldn't take it back

because jessica had vanished but in a

shocking turn of events an employee from

nathan's dad's company came forward with

proof that the product had been stolen

from us they had to pay millions in

damages while his dad served time in

prison the family moved away and i never

saw nathan again high school passed fast

enough and after graduating from

university i joined dad's company and

helped build it to newer heights but one

day i was at a shopping mall when i

caught sight of a girl who looked like

jessica my heart was pounding as i ran

after her but by the time i got outside

she was nowhere to be seen toby is that

you oh my god jessica i i've always

wondered what i'd do if i ever saw you

again i don't even know what to say

except that i'm so happy you're okay

toby i've thought of this meeting a

million times too and i really need to

say that i'm so sorry i was so stupid

and i knew even then that you'd never

hurt me on purpose but i ended up

hurting you and your family so much i

left because i couldn't face you guys


please please say you'll forgive me i

hugged her and we sat on a bench and

talked after she'd ran away she ended up

in a foster home again and they got

adopted by some really nice people and i

was so glad her life hadn't been

miserable as i loaded her groceries in

her car i spotted something in her

backseat it was the red sweater i had

given her in the eighth grade jessica

do you think i can call you sometime and

ask you out on a date i wanted to since

forever you can ask me right now and my

answer is yes

EmbarrassmentSecretsDatingBad habits

About the Creator

Samya Mohammed

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Reader insights

Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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