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5 Mysterious Clues That May Prove Giants Did Exist

In the annals of history, legends of giants have captivated the human imagination. But could these colossal beings be more than mere myths? Join us as we delve into the shadows of the past, exploring five enigmatic clues that might just unravel the mystery of giants' existence.

By iqra nisarPublished 11 months ago 8 min read

Most people certainly identify giants with characters like Goliath, Jack in the Beanstalk, and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, who is both both sweet and dangerous, but there are several theories on a race of giants

people who existed before and alongside it Giants can be mentioned by modern man in found in ancient literature, such as the Bible and they were the Dead Sea Scrolls. discussed by historians like planning and Josephus's pictures might be painted inside of tombs and caverns.

Therefore, if these Giants really did exist, it is unclear what ultimately transpired with did they all depart them or maybe They continue to reside someplace in some presently undiscovered region of the globe Many people asked this topic South Africa this amazing footprint in granite was first discovered in 1912 near the South African town of oompa

Lucy close to the border with Swaziland by a hunter named stop occult see you can actually see a pretty good video of this for the print on Explorer Michael challengers Channel I have that for you in the description box the footprint known to locals as the footprint of god or Goliath's footprint is about four feet or 1.2 meters in length and based on that the hypothetical owner of this footprint would have been 24 to 27 feet or 7.5 to 8 meters in height according to our current understanding of the formation of Granite's in Earth's history this footprint is estimated to be between 200 million and 3 billion years old it has proved to be a brain teaser for geologists who have trouble.

explaining it but for logos the explanation is pretty simple it is the footprint left behind by a ginormous being in the distant mythical past but skeptics reject the giant footprint theory some say the footprint could have been formed by natural erosion or carved by regular-sized humans for example dr. J while a nuclear chemist pointed out that the rock is intrusive

granite this means that it was formed underground thus the only time of foot could have sunken into it and left behind a print was when it was several hundred degrees hot deep below the earth's surface however supporters of the giant footprint Theory say that skeptics take the current scientific consensus about how Granite's rocks were

formed before granted they argue that developments in understanding of the geological process that led to the formation of the outcrop could show that warm molten magma was exposed on the Earth's surface thus allowing a potential twenty seven foot tall giant weighing several tons to sink his foot into it and in regards to the theory that the footprints could be formed by a natural erosion professor peter Wagner from the University of Port Elizabeth in South Africa suggests that there is a higher probability of little green men arriving from space and licking it out with their tongues than being created by a natural erosion number two the mummified finger Gregory Sperry a well known entrepreneur from Switzerland that used to work as a private investigator

in 1988 he contacted and met with an old man from a grave-robber dynasty in a farmhouse about a hundred kilometers

northeast of Cairo to take a look at the family treasure which was wrapped in old rags it was a giant finger and it appeared rather grotesque chopped at the bone with a fingernail still attached to it it was also accompanied by a x-ray photo Sparty said I was totally flabbergasted when I saw the dark brown shines finger I was allowed to take it in hand and also to take pictures a bill was put next to it to get a size comparison the bends finger was split open and covered with dry mould the old man said the finger was found in a grave of a giant mummy somewhere near the Giza pyramids were the finger to belong to a human being that human would be some 16 feet were nearly five meters tall spirity tried to compel the old man to sell the finger but the old man would saying it was too important to his family number three historical mentions throughout history there were many records that seem to indicate the presence of giant humanoids for example

explorer john smith wrote in 1608 the SAS key stock notes are a giant like people they measured the calf of the largest man's leg and found it to three quarters of a yard abouts and all the rest of his limbs were in proportion Flavius Josephus a first century Jewish scholar and historian wrote in his iniquity of the Jews for which reason they removed their camp to Hebron and when they had taken it they slew all the inhabitants there were tell then left the race of giants who had bodies so large and countenance so entirely different from other men that they were surprising to the sight and terrible to the hearing the bones of these men are still shown to this very day only like to any credible relations of other men and finally roman historian Pliny also mentions that in the reign of Claudius from 41 to 54 ad a nine-foot nine-inch giant named that gap around Arabia Claudius placed him at the head of the famed audio tricks legions that giant so awed

his troops that some worshipped him as a God number 4 the mystery of Lovelock cave many Native American tribes tell

stories about the long-forgotten existence of a race of humans that were

much taller and stronger than ordinary men the Paiute a tribe that settled in the Nevada region thousands of years ago have a legend about a race of red-haired Giants which were described as savages and cannibals legend tells that the Giants waged war on the Paiute and all neighboring tribes finally the tribes united against them and the last

remaining red-haired Giants were chased off and hid in a cave the tribes then started a fire at the cave entrance suffocating and burning them alive the entrance of the cave was sealed but after the cave was discovered again in 1886 by a mining engineer named John T Reid the large amount of guano deposit inside the cave attracted the attention of a mining company that began excavating the precious resource in 1911 after the surface layer of the guano had been mined strange objects started to

service which led to an official excavation performed in 1992 and again in 1924 by the University of California an intriguing find was a pair of 15 inch

long sandals that showed signs of having been worn allegedly other unusual large items were recovered but have since been

locked away in museum warehouses maybe warehouse 13 and private collections a piece of evidence that remains on-site until this day is a giant handprint double the size of a normal man's hand imprinted on a boulder inside the cave also according to a 1931 article published in the Nevada Review minor two giant skeletons had been found buried in a dried lake bed close to Lovelock Nevada the oversized remains measured

eight point five and ten feet in height and were mummified in a manner similar to the one employed by ancient Egyptians what's interesting is that he's mummified the giant remains had red hair while some researchers believe the reddish color is a result of the interaction with the environment in which they were buried the mummies do sort of verify the legends which spoke

of red-haired Giants and finally number five Giants bones discovered around the world one of the biggest arguments against the existence of giants is that well if they did exist where their bows at according to reports from around the world many of these bones were actually found for example the New York Times reported on December 20th 1897 that the skeleton of a man of gigantic size with a skull as large as half a bushel was

found buried in a mound in Wisconsin another story from the London Globe talked about the discovery of human bones that are twice the size of that of

regular people in the Bronze Age cemetery of Castille Italy France in the winter of 1890 here's a look of three bone fragments found the humerus tibia and femoral mid shaft compared to a normal-sized humerus the balls were discovered by anthropologist George vache the Lapage and were data to the Neal that the go period led proofs estimated from the bones found that these humans may have been3.5 meters or 11 feet 6 inches tall then there is the rarely seen part of the upper leg bone with hip joint of a giant now would have stood about 12 feet were 3.6 meters tall this bone has been in the vaults of the medical school at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg since the early 1960s when it was found by miners in a mine in northern Namibia you know I've been wanting to make this video for a long time and when I sat down to make it I found so much really interesting information about the possible existence of giants and there was no way I could put all that information into one video so I do encourage all of you who are interested in this topic to go and explore for yourself if you think about it if this was all true and Giants who were 12 feet or 25 feet or maybe even bigger did exist this will actually

solve a lot of questions about how many of the world's ancient to make Olympic structures like the pyramids were created and speaking of the pyramids I know every year there's a new report with someone who figured out how the pyramids were built but let's be honest

there's still a lot of unanswered questions in any of these theories I'm going to make a video about the creation of the pyramids later all I'm saying is that there's still so much we don't know so it's good to keep an open mind about all the possibilities and I really like this saying from a geologist named Nitesh priyadarshan said we live in a highly advanced technical world but there are nevertheless a great many mysteries all around us ancient places and mysterious beings sunken worlds and cultures landscapes imbued with

symbolism unexplained apparitions and unbelievable finds from ancient times all of these remain mysteries for humankind despite intense investigations but guys love to hear your thoughts do you believe that Giants once existed and do you believe that Giants are still out there somewhere today and I'm not talking about like Shaq alright guys

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iqra nisar

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