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Talking about the Universe World Illusion can be pretty confusing. So here's a quick crash course to help clear things up.

By iqra nisarPublished 11 months ago 6 min read

Some people believe that life creates the Universe we're all used to. The Universe exists outside of us and was created with the big bang. But what if in reality it's us who create not just houses and cars but the whole world? This theory has been around for centuries, and has led to some amazing discoveries and inventions. However, some scientists are starting to doubt this model. They say that the Universe was created from the Big Bang, then it was just a bunch of lifeless particles bouncing around. But then something magical happened- Stars were born! And planets followed suit. Finally, humans came into being. The current model is logical and well thought out, but it still doesn't answer some big questions. For example, scientists don't understand how life came to be in the first place. We know how it evolved over time, but we don't know how it all began- when exactly did we humans become conscious? Or why do a bunch of molecules in a brain create our thoughts and experiences? These are all really puzzling questions. Moreover, the current model falls short when explaining some basics about our universe- like where did the Big Bang come from or why did something come from nothing? That's a great puzzle that science hasn't been able to answer yet. Dr. Robert Lanza has a wild idea called biocentrism- which is based on this belief system. So far, his ideas haven't been tested scientifically, but if they are correct, they could change the way we view our universe forever in 2007 he wrote a scientific article about how biology could join forces with quantum physics it was so cool that two years later lonza and his friend Bob Berman wrote a book that expanded the ideas from the article so what does Lanza actually believe well he basically says that everything we perceive is within our minds that everything the whole universe is all in your head of course this idea isn't new at all but lonza tries to combine it with astrobiology and quantum physics to explain how exactly life creates the world instead of the other way around his theory says that biology is the boss of the universe he thinks that if scientists want to come up with a theory of everything they need to start with Biology as the foundation according to him our Consciousness plays a big role in how we see the world space and time aren't real things but more like how our animal brains understand stuff Lanza also says biocentrism helps explain a lot of quantum paradoxes and puzzles he even thinks that it might be a better way to bring all of physics together than Einstein's famous theory of relativity so let's take a look at seven important ideas in biocentrism the first one says that reality is connected to our Consciousness and what we see depends on us looking at it we've got this idea that the Universe exists on its own even when we're not looking at it if you have the kitchen in your house the kitchen is always there right well not exactly our eyes capture tiny of light but the real perception of colors shapes and movement happens in the back of our brains everything we see is because of light bouncing off objects and interacting with our brain so without our brains the kitchen would be just a bunch of random particles

in other words when you're not in the kitchen there is no real kitchen there it's just a bunch of possibilities like a shimmering swarm of matter and energy it's pretty challenging to think about isn't it but to truly understand the

universe we need to go beyond our habitual ways of thinking we need to embrace a Viewpoint that's simpler yet more demanding than what we're used to we need to look at the world in a whole new way next the second and third idea say that particles behave differently when we watch them sounds creepy right but it's actually true we observe this phenomenon many times in many experiments in quantum mechanics yes particles actually change their behavior if they know they're being observed it gets even crazier some particles can even instantly influence each other no matter how far apart they are it's like little atoms have a secret connection that defies space and time this is why lonza believes that bringing the Observer into the picture like us humans with our thoughts and perceptions can help us understand things betterhe thinks that the Observer is the missing puzzle piece that can help us find a way to bring all the laws of theuniverse together the fourth idea says that Consciousness is super important and without it things

get all fuzzy like we said everything is intertwined and there's no separate Universe out there that's not connectedto living thingsbiocentrism suggests that the externalworld everything we see actually depends

on us the biological creatures we're notjust passive observers with clearwindows to the world in fact without us

interacting with the world it's like theuniverse isn't really there just likethe kitchen disappears when we're not

there and the universe is all about howwe experience itreality is a dance between us and the

world it's a whole new way ofunderstanding everythingthe fifth idea points out that theUniverse seems to be just right for life to existthere are over 200 things in the universe that have to be just right for life and Consciousness to exist if the Big Bang had been even slightlystronger everything would have zoomed by too quickly for galaxies and Life to form that means no us and if the forces of nature like gravity and the strong

nuclear force were tweaked even a little atoms wouldn't hold together Stars wouldn't ignite and we would be left with plain vanilla hydrogen everywhere of course there's many theories on why this could be the case we could also look at this phenomenon the other way it's not that things were made this way specifically for us but our existence is a result of things being this way we're just the result of particle movements and certain conditions biocentrism however has a more fun way to look at it life creates the universe the universe and its parameters are a reflection of the logic of our existence as living beings and finally the sixth and seventh ideas say that space and time are not things but tools are animal brains use think about it for a moment does timereally exist well the reality of time is a bit shaky according to biocentrism time is simply

our way of making sense of the world a tool for understanding it's not some external Force our mind weaves together snapshots of information creating theillusion of time so when we perceivetime passing it's just our human

perception at work and what about space in our daily lives we think of space as a vast container Without Walls but in reality space is full not empty there's no fixed measure of distance anywhere you believe that you're far away from your kitchen but everything around us is just a bunch of atoms almost without any empty space in it

well there you have the basic ideas of biocentrism in his books lonza explores these ideas very deeply and tries to answer philosophical questions like if death is Just an Illusion or if plants are aware of things they even talk about whether machines can ever become conscious some people aren't sure if this Theory can be proven right or wrong unfortunately there's no way for us to test it right now but lonza hopes that in the future we can do cool experiments like huge Quantum superposition thingies or either prove or disprove his theory until then it's more like a cool idea than anything no matter which Theory you prefer one thing is clear we live in a truly peculiar world so let's keep exploring it and discover new amazing things

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iqra nisar

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