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CHAPTER 2 Later that day

By MrfaithfulPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Ignat Kushanrev on Unsplash

(Rita went home that day and saw her sister lying on the bed)

Rita: what is wrong with you,I went to your school to pick you up and your form teacher Mrs Linda told me that you already went home

Glory: yeah, I went home a little early


Glory: my stomach was aching

Rita:oh, mine too

(as they were talking Rita's Co-worker (Miriam) Called her on her phone)

Rita: wait a sec I need to take this call

*call conversation*

Rita: hello Miriam

Miriam: hello Rita, you have a delivery today by 7pm

Rita: what 7pm, but I need to take care of my sister she is having a stomach ache

Miriam: Rita you can't refuse this delivery, is a cake for the most famous and handsome CEO

Rita: and who is that actually

Miriam: what, I can't believe you are in this town and don't know what is happening

Rita: that doesn't answer my question

Miriam: ok I am talking about Mr Jake Wilson

Rita: so.....

Miriam : so I want you to deliver this cake to him, is his girlfriend's birthday today, I'm kind of jealous of that his girlfriend she is so lucky

Rita: Miriam I am telling you that I can't go

Miriam: I'm sorry Rita but you have to go,byeee

Rita: Miriam....(Miriam cuts the call, some seconds later Glory got a message from her friends about Mr Jake Wilson girlfriend's birthday party)

Glory:oh my gosh, Rita Mr Jake Wilson girlfriend's birthday party is today, we need to go


Glory: are you kidding me, if we go there we will surely come back with some food

Rita: actually I have a delivery there

Glory:then what are you waiting for let's go!

Rita: but I thought you have a stomach ache

Glory: yeah about that, the ache is gone

Rita: are you sure

Glory: yeah

Rita:ok let's go

(Rita went to the restaurant with her sister and then went to Mr Wilson's house for the delivery, they got there in some minutes)

Glory:wow this house is so big, is not even a house it's a mansion!(Glory exclaimed)

Rita: ok let's go in

(inside the house was even more beautiful than the outside, they went in and Rita dropped the cake on a very big table which looks more like a conference table, many rich people were there; some were discussing while some were having their drinks, not so long the party started)

MC:as you all know our popular and most famous and handsome CEO Mr Jake Wilson is hosting a birthday party for his girlfriend (as the mc was talking a woman approached Glory and Rita)

Mrs Wilson: excuse me girls, who invited you girls?

Rita: ahhh....

Glory:we are the delivery girls,we brought the cake for the party

Rita: yes we did

Mrs Wilson: ok girls make your self comfortable and welcome to the party

Rita: thanks madam ( the woman left them)

Glory: she seems nice

Rita: yeah she is nice, I was thinking she will shout at us and throw us out but she treated us nicely

Glory: yeah, the party is about to start pay attention

MC:so lets welcome our most famous and richest CEO Mr Jake Wilson!

All:(everyone clapped)

(as Mr Wilson was coming everyone's jaw dropped because of his beauty; his perfect hair, his ocean blue eyes and his perfect nose he was truly the most handsome)

Glory:oh my goodness he is so dreamy

Rita: shut up Glory I know that

Glory: are you not seeing what am seeing

Rita:why are you even dreaming of him he is older than you

Glory: sis age is just a number and I'm not interested in him I want him to be interested in you

Rita: what! Just wake up from your dream baby girl


To be continued........

Young AdultFiction

About the Creator


Just a guy who love's writing and telling emotional stories,a very good content writer and a good story teller.

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    MrfaithfulWritten by Mrfaithful

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