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Ludophobia Vol.1

Worse came to worst

By Chris IrbyPublished 5 months ago 5 min read


It was a normal evening and Jake sat in his chair after a particularly rough day at work. He was surfing through the channels trying to find something to watch, maybe a superhero movie? He wasn't sure. his eyes suddenly felt really heavy as he started to nod off. From out of various rooms men in black suits crept out and dragged him into a van. Before the men left they moved a very large black bag into the house and unzipped it. It was then set in Jake's chair and the house was set on fire destroying any evidence that he was ever there.

Chapter One: Enlistment

When Jake came into consciousness he was in an empty room. Alone.

Fear almost made his heart stop as he looked around and saw a window. He ran to it and looked through the window. Nothing. Itt was just clouds as far as the eye could see suddenly a hidden door hisses open and a man walks in he has a black suit on and a rabbit mask his breathing is loud and short as if the mask was giving him asthma. he pressed a button on the remote he was holding and the door seemed to disappear. “Sit down Jake” The man says and a chair appears. cautious as he sits down “what's going on?” Jake asks looking around “Jake Joseph Thompson. Born November 11, 1984 age 27 you have been enlisted to join the Ludogames where you will be placed in a tower 21,000 feet up in the sky and have to survive for 48 hours,2 days with 78 convicted murderers if you survive you will win 13,000,000,000 dollars and be released back into society”The man says calmly “you will be given the chance to visit the armoury to get equipment only once as will your opponents so choose carefully” He leans forward and whispers”I’m rooting for you given your history you can do this” he leans back and cackles” I mean you have killed before you should have no problem now!!!!!” he fixes his tie and chuckles “remember that you’ll have to use every bit of your marine training here its gonna be worse than where you were deployed at…Captain Thompson….” he gets up and leaves turning back before the door closes “good luck” the door hisses shut for a while longer.

Chapter two: Let the games begin

A few hours passed by and jake was pacing around when the floor started shaking and a platform shoots up taking him with it tears coursing down his face she yelps and curses as it gently stops. “WELCOME CONTESTANTS TO THE LUDO GAMES!!!!!” a loud voice bellows he leaps up in surprise and looks around there are seemingly millions of people cheering loudly everywhere he looked there were other platforms like his with other people.”GOOOOD EVENING LADIES AND GENTS WELCOME TO THE 2008 LUDO GAMES!!!!! IN JUST A FEW MINUTES THE CONTENDERS WILL BE RELEASED INTO THE ARMORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Those few minutes where the longest of his life as he was given a large duffel bag to store “as much stuff as possible” he waited while the viewers counted down the last ten seconds.The armory doors hissed open and everyone ran in “NOW REMEMBER NO KILLING IN THE ARMORY!!!” the speaker went on joyfully Jake cursed, this was all a game to them they weren't on the run from murders who wanted the multi billion dollar pot. Nevertheless he booked it as fast as his issued combat boots would take him. Once in side he drew in a sharp gasp the weaponry section was huge there was different sections labeled barreled Handguns Melee, Explosives.

“NOW IN DIFFERENT PLACES THERE WILL BE FOOD AND MEDICINE FIND THEM AND YOU'LL DO FINE!” the speaker snaps off Jake runs to the rifles and starts grabbing AUGs and P90s and 12 gauges and then takes off to handguns grabbing Uzis and pistols and revolver then runs to the melee grabbing a Katina and knives and he stops… he grabs a gold baliasong knife and places it in his pocket he moves to the explosives and grabbed grenades and smoke bombs and flash bang then he grabs another duffel bag and filled it with ammo before running to grab the starter kit and joined the others at the starting line. “ON YOUR MARK. GET SET. GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Chapter Three: The First Twelve Hours

A simulated gunshot went off and everyone took off leaving him standing there before he realized that it was starting before he took off in the opposite direction of everyone to find his base.

It was a good fourteen minutes before he was able to find a suitable area for his base. It was a small hidden base with a hidden room for storage. He immediately knew it was the right area due to its size he immediately set up makeshift traps and after a while sat down exhausted his arms numb but still holding the pendent with his daughter close to his heart, he sighed, "would he ever see her again pr would he die before he could see her face, hear her voice??" with this question on his mind he closed his eyes and drifted off into slumber.

His dreams were the same as every night his worst memory of him trudging through the battlefields of the his commander leading the way at first the dream seemed happy he was in his element his M16 feeling just right in his hand everything seemed fine until his commander stepped on the landmine.

Chapter Five: Night Terrors

"Go now!!!" Commander James shouted sweat dripping off his face "get to cover leave me." He kept his foot on the mine as he looked at his troops "Go on,get the fuck out" Jake took a step forward stricken his best friend whose been with him since he graduated boot camp was stuck in the biggest fix he had to save him.

Commander James must have known what he was about to do "Don't you fucking dare soldier stand the fuck down and get the hell out now!! you have a family soldier." Jake backed away "I know how to solve this with none of my men dying" the commander said calmly "you need to back up though." Jake stood back until he realized what was going to happen as it happened every night. His commander stepped off the mine.

CLICK...............BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! The blinding roar of the mine exploding was defining Jake was sent flying back shrapnel slicing his face and chest leaving him with scars for the rest of his life. Blackness he saw flashes of the doctors operating on him knife cuts bone saws then the worst part he hated worse going home he limped to the door happily with a black rose (the flower they had at their wedding) in his hand he set on the door and rang the doorbell and limped away after a few minutes the door opened and she walked out she picked up the rose and looked around before going back inside he repeated this a few more times before staying so she could see him this time a man walked out with a baseball bat "Who the fuck is..." He stopped when he saw Jake. Jakes wife Sarah walked out and say him obivously heartbroken "Jay.... please...." Jake slapped her and limped off "You fucking whore!!..." Tears were streaming down his face as he left forever throwing his ring in her face "I fought for you while you were fucking other guys wife of the year..." She never saw him again.

Ludophobia Vol.1 END

Started 11/10/23

Finished 1/17/24

About the Creator

Chris Irby

I don't wanna die without any scars

Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.

I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

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Comments (1)

  • Chris Irby (Author)5 months ago

    Hey ya'll thanks for reading I appreciate it guys!!! This story should have three parts I'm working on the second part right now.

Chris IrbyWritten by Chris Irby

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