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Blue Diamonds - Chp 7

A Rock & Roll Love Story

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 8 months ago Updated 8 months ago 29 min read

To start at the beginning go to:

Chapter 7

Separating the downstairs bathrooms from the rest of the establishment was a very narrow corridor, it’s nicotine and grime smeared surfaces adorned by pictures of movie and music celebrities from past and present. Elvis Presley in bespangled sunglasses, darkly slicked back hair so smooth it appeared plastic, smiled beatifically across at a black and white Marilyn Monroe holding down the front of her dress as air currents tried to reveal what Joe DiMagio was so familiar with. Next to Marilyn, occupying his own frame while radiating a charisma that made the actor seem like the king of all he looked upon, Humphrey Bogart regarded the urine smelling corridor with a bemused expression as if the goings on of the drinking public were of no mind to someone so focused. The corridor itself was so narrow that only one person could traverse the confining space at a time. When Julie and Eric exited their respective bathrooms at the same time, the two collided under the bemused gaze of the Big Bopper. Eric, blood singing after getting his own snowy fix, looked down at the glossy brown-haired girl and smiled - his penis stirring in turgid response to the breasts bobbing so invitingly by his own chest. He had never thought to be this close to another girl while at the same club as his on again off again girlfriend, Pam. Admittedly, Pam was a hot piece of ass, but this little girl was so soft it made Eric hard with want. Eric’s hand, seemingly of its own volition, went automatically to the girl’s hip. “So, tell me now lovely, how do you like the music?” he said, neck tilting to the right as he took in the luscious swell of perfect breasts. His hand cradled the curve of a thigh, just grazing a piece of buttock, then slowly inched its way up, brushing against the soft swell of the girl’s breast, before cradling her head in his hand. Flustered and unsure, Julie looked up and recognition hit him. Eric’s smile faltered a fraction, until something caught his eye and an outrageous idea came to mind. “Why hello there, Julie. You have something there,” he said pointing. “Do you mind if I get that for you?”

“Oh, no. I mean sure, go ahead.” Dazed and distracted by the new sensations her body was experiencing, Julie could feel her blood throbbing in time with her rapid heartbeat. Eric’s smile turned into a full-fledged grin, as he dipped down and kissed her full ripe lips. Lost in the unfamiliar sensations as her blood pounded heat through her veins, Julie moaned at the pleasure. As the young teens lips parted slightly under pressure, Eric was spurred on to go farther. As Eric’s darting, searching tongue invaded her mouth, Julie came to her senses. Realizing what was going on she tried to pull back from him but with a wall on one side of the door and the payphone on the other, there was nowhere to go. Her gaze met with that of Humphrey Bogart who seemingly whispered, “Here’s looking at you kid.” Until Eric stood back up, or someone opened the bathroom door, she was stuck here.

Eric was enjoying the plundering of Julie’s mouth when he felt her tense up and try to pull back. Retracting his heat seeking tongue, Eric pulled slightly back, licked Julie’s right upper lip, then stood back up. Pink muscle flickered around in a quick circle as the musician licked his own lips and said “Nice. Sorry if that caught you off guard there Julie, but… you had a little powder… on your lip… and well… we don’t let that stuff go to waste. You know?” Sure she knew; and if it hadn’t been for that grin and a mischievous glint in his eyes as he bent down, she would have let it go.

“Yeah Eric, I understand, but there’s something that you need to know. I like all of you guys. A lot actually, but if you ever pull a stunt like that again, you’ll be one bass player that will be singing soprano. I’m here with Nikki and, as far as I’m concerned, I belong to him right now. I am off limits to every other heterosexual man on the planet. Do you understand that?”

The glint of barely banked fire in his eyes belied his faked disinterest. Eric had to admire her loyalty, not that he thought for a second that Nikki deserved it, but for her he would back down. “I getcha babe. I’ll be good, but just be forewarned. Nikki - I love him like a brother, but…, he’s not really the faithful kinda guy, you know. Us musicians, well, one girl or another – one screw to the next. Share and share alike, party till you drop and all that. I just don’t want you getting hurt like countless other girls.” The right corner of his lip curling in bemusement as he met Julie’s gaze full on, Eric continued, “If he does…well, I’ll be here, no matter what.”

Before Julie could respond to that, the door behind her opened up and she stumbled back barely catching herself. “Oh! Hey Julie what are you still doing here? You’re not waiting for me, are you? Well even if you are I’m ready now, let’s go.” Turning back from the glance over her shoulder at the blonde, Julie was amazed to note that Eric was already gone. An impatient nudge in the small of her back alerted her startled brain that Pam was shoving at her to get back into the bar. What the hell just happened? What did he mean by that? Wow! My body feels like it’s on fire! I mean, shit, I feel like I could do anything. Raising a forefinger, Julie felt the rapidly beating pulse in the right side of her throat. Swallowing from a mouth suddenly gone too dry, she tried to rearrange her features back to normal. Back to Eric: I hope this doesn’t mean trouble. And poor Pam. What an ass. God, I feel great, and awful. I have to ask Nikki about this stuff. I hope this is normal. With shaking limbs, she let herself be herded back to the noise and confusion of the crowded bar.


Despite desperately rushing hormones causing him to barely be able to think straight, Nikki couldn’t stay hard long enough to get down to business with this girl. His fleeting thoughts kept sliding away from the business at hand. She was pretty, but she wasn’t what he really wanted. Hanging out at this club, a lot, Nikki knew all the hidden alcoves where a couple could get a quick blow or cop a squeeze. The spot he had chosen hid both of their bodies from the milling crowds of bar patrons, and they wouldn’t be detected unless someone made a lot of noise. Forcing his mind back into its well-established track of seeking sexual release to vent his tension, Nikki decided to have the slutty redhead just give him head. This way he didn’t have to look at her, and he could envision his Jewel instead… fingers running through Julie’s silken locks, thumbs kneading breasts so full and swollen, full lips caressing the tip of his engorged cock... Swallowing the lump in his throat, Nikki gently pushed the girl to her knees in the corner and, with a quick glance around, unzipped his pants. Grinning he said, “Time for a little commando raid darlin’.”

“Commando raid?” What do ya mean?”

With a guttural laugh at the base of his throat Nikki winked. “Means I go commando… As in no underwear. I like letting the boys hang out where they want.”

Leaning forward, eyes wide in excitement, tip of her pink tongue just swiping the edges of her lips, the redhead reached out and gently inserted two fingers into the inviting metal lined opening. Nikki groaned as the girl’s fingers rubbed his throbbing shaft. Taking this for encouragement, the slut slid aside the leather material hiding the promised manhood and carefully extricated the swollen length of Nikki’s penis. Her eyes widened at the sheer size of his cock as it throbbed in her sweaty palm. Feeling a tug of taut hands in her hair, the girl took a moment to gaze up at Nikki’s closed eyes. Encouraged, she started playing with his cock, licking the blunt slit tip and stroking the length of his hard shaft while slipping a finger inside his zipper to stroke the dangling roundness of his balls.

Goddamn! Jesus that feels good, Nikki thought, the electric tingle of sexual excitement and pulsing pleasure threatening to wipe out his unfocused mind. Fuck, yes, Jewel, he thought, pulling the girls head in tight against the leather of his pants. As the length of his manhood slid across the hardened enamel of her teeth to plumb the warm depths of her mouth, Nikki groaned again. Shit yeah! That’s what I need, he thought as he swayed his hips forward to thrust an inch deeper into the wetness of the girl’s mouth, almost losing his load as her tongue slid against the joining of head and shaft where his foreskin had once been. Opening his eyes, he looked down, noting the red hair massed in his fists. Damn it! he thought as his fantasy of Julie was interrupted. The fan was apparently happy to please him but suddenly Nikki was in more of a hurry than just letting her take her time with him.

“Girl, this is nice and all, but I gotta get back on stage soon. Let me do this.” Without waiting for a response, he grabbed the back of the unfamiliar head with both hands and proceeded to fuck her mouth with rapid thrusts of his hips. After a minute of extreme mind-numbing pleasure flooding his system, Nikki felt his ball-sack tighten preparatory to spewing his cum. At the cleansing gush of release as he came swift and hard, Nikki had only one thought on his mind - Julie. Julie’s soft skin, her full lips, and her darting tongue. Julie’s lush curves and her angelic face. As the last of his seed pulsed out of the slit at the end of his cock Nikki pictured Julie’s hands on him, innocent yet curious. It was then that Nikki knew he was done for. He was hooked and being reeled in and he didn’t care. So long as he had that precious Jewel in his possession and she was safe and happy. That was all that mattered. The only bright, shiny spot in an otherwise dark and frightening life.

Carefully extracting his softening cock from the redhead’s mouth, Nikki tucked himself away, bent down and kissed the top of the girl’s head. “Thanks for the relief. I’m sorry I can’t do more for you. I’ll catch you next time,” knowing that there would probably never be a next time, and not caring a bit. Shit, he hadn’t even asked for her name. What the fuck did it matter? He straightened up and left her kneeling there in the corner, a dribble of escaped sperm showing starkly white against the flushed redness of her skin by one corner of her mouth. Blowing the stranger a kiss from one sweat dampened palm, Nikki turned and didn’t look back. Thoughts flowing more smoothly again, he made it to the first floor and looked around. He spied Pam and Julie coming from the bathrooms heading back to their barstools. Running damp palms through the mesh of his shirt, Nikki smiled to himself, knowing what a treasure he had found in her. Once again at a momentary peace, he continued on to the stage where the band was getting in place and waiting on him. Reaching the foot of the stage, he turned and gave a wave to Julie. Nikki felt an oddly empty pain in his gut as Julie smiled at him and waved back. What the fuck is that?, he asked himself.

Noting his friend’s gaze, while taking in the sweaty flushed cheeks and nervously twitching hands, Eric grimly shook his head. Nikki had just gotten a blowjob in a corner from some little band slut, guaranteed. Oh well; what the fuck do I care?

Shrugging off the unfamiliar melancholy ache, Nikki gave a nod to Drake. Twirling one finger in an upright circle, indicating that he was ready to get back to work and it was cool to reintroduce the band. Turning back to the guys, he said, “Hey, guys! There’s this dude from Capital Records that wants to talk to us after the show. Says he would make it worth our while. What do ya think?”

Eric’s head jerked up from looking distractedly at his bass. “What dude? Where?”

“Over there, by the girls. The suit. See him?”

“Yea, I see him. Did he tell you he was from Capital?”

“Nahh dude. He just handed me this card,” Nikki said, handing over the man’s business card. “You think he’s for real, dude?”

“If he is dude, then we could be heading toward a lot of money. We’re gonna have to play our cards close to our chests boys. We wanna record deal, right? Then follow my lead.”

“Dat was de mellow sound of De Commodores in “Three times a Lady”. We ‘ave two for one schnapps’ shots goin on at da bar so’s ya bedder getcha som’o’dat dare while it’s still good maann. Get ‘er liquored up good now, sos you can lick er down dare later maann. We gotts Sunday and Monday night football, Tuesday and Wednesday drink specials. As always, Thursday is Lady’s night. Saturday night we ave a new band comin in called Metallica. Oh, my, did I skip Friday night maann? Dat’s cause my friends from Clashing Forces are gonna be back ‘ere with us, and, speakin of which, day look like day ready to play for you all. So give it up for dem: Clashing Forces!”

As the music crashed over her tingling body Julie could feel the waves of power from the speakers caressing her in places she had never felt before. She felt so good and was hyped up to the point that she could barely contain herself. Pushing herself up from the stool she practically jumped. “Pam, I gotta move! I can’t just sit here anymore.”

Eying the highflying little girl Pam said, “I know what you need. You need to get out there and dance. Nikki would love to know you like their music. What better way to show it than to dance and work off some of that energy?”

“I don’t know Pam.” Looking around at the mass of people, Julie shook her head. “I don’t wanna dance with another guy. Besides, Nikki might get mad about that.”

“Who said anything about another guy? I’ll dance with you. Shit, I gotta move too ya know?” Pam confided. “Hey Jack!” Pam shouted.

“Hey Sugar, what can I do to ya, I mean for ya?” the bartender joked.

“Hey babe, could you hold my bag back there for me? We girls are gonna hit the floor and shake things up a bit. I don’t wanna go have a good time, just to come back and find myself robbed. So could ya,…Please.” She pleaded with pouty lip, batting her full mascara doused eyelashes.

Grinning at the shameless flirting, Jack chuckled. “Sure babe, for you anything. Just grab my…,” he said with a suggestive grinding of his torso. “I mean me, when you want it back.”

“Gawd Jack, you are such a perv. I love it.” Pam laughed as she handed him her bag. “Keep your eyes open now Jack. I might just show you a thing or two.” With that she jumped off her seat and, grabbing her new friend’s hand, pulled Julie towards the dance floor. The two girls wormed and wiggled their way to get close, but not too close, to the stage. They were just within Nikki’s line of sight. “How do you feel about girl-on-girl action, Jule?” Pam suddenly asked her.

“What do you mean?”

“Girls, touching and kissing… You know,” she said with an arched eyebrow.

“I don’t know. I guess it’s okay.”

“I mean, for you. It’s kinda how I dance with other girls. Do you mind…if I touch you?”

Julie, heart pulsing so rapidly she could barely stand still, was so keyed up and needed to find an outlet so badly that she was willing to do anything so she could have a moment of calmness. “Right now, I just need to find my center so bad. Whatever Pam, I hurt from all this energy.” Stepping up she raised her eyes to meet Pam’s and smiled in what she thought was a seductive way. “Let’s do this.”

Placing a palm on Julie’s soft shoulder, Pam said, “I’ll soothe you until Nikki is able to.” The blonde stepped closer to Julie til their bodies touched. She put her hands on Julie’s shoulders and slowly, softly slid them down her arms to her elbows. One hand continued on down to her wrist and then she entwined their fingers together, as the other hand moved from Julie’s arm to her hip, to continue further down and around to caress her shapely rear-end, feeling a shiver course through the girl’s spine at the touch. “You can do it back…if you want to,” Pam supplied.

Lost in the moment, the two women danced and caressed each other, stroking each other through that song and the next. Julie’s breath caught at each stroke of Pam’s fingertip at the base of her spine. Still, far from calming her down, the physicality caused the heat at the core of her being to build to what she felt would have to explode in a crescendo of molten passion. Catching her breath between songs for a few seconds, Julie took stock. So, this is what they mean by so turned on you’d do anything for release, she thought. She was so keyed up and turned on she knew Nikki was bound to be in for a good night..., she hoped.

Nikki caught sight of Pam pulling Julie out onto the dancefloor and grinned impishly. The rocker was excited about watching his Jewel move to his voice. Grinding her luscious body to his band’s music. Dividing just enough attention from the demands of his art to keep a partial eye on the girls, he watched them grind together even as his distracted brain frantically tried to keep track of the lyrics of Eric’s song. At first they just kinda stood there, not moving much. Then Nikki almost missed a line as he noticed how the two girls were dancing. They were locked close and blending into one, their two gorgeous bodies twining around each other like two snakes in a basket. His cock, previously sated, hardened instantly as he watched them touch each other and grind against each other. He could see hardened nipples straining against thin material as their breasts grazed. Missing a note, Nikki flushed at Eric’s glare. He couldn’t watch them and work. He could barely remember the words to the songs. He almost jizzed his jeans when he saw Pam lick Julie from collar bone to earlobe. Still, more worrying, was the angry upwelling surge of jealousy that he had to swallow back down.

With two more songs to play, Eric was getting pissed that Nikki was fucking up his music. That is to say until he caught sight of his girl and Nikki’s. Eric smiled to himself as he remembered the feel of Julie pressed against him and the taste of her soft warm mouth. That girl was going to be quite a handful. Eric knew without a doubt that little Julie was a sex goddess and he was willing to worship at her altar in all the ways a man could worship a woman’s body. He almost felt a little jealous that she was willing to let Pam touch her but not him. If it hadn’t had been so fuckin’ hot, he would have been jealous. With as distracted as he was watching them, he knew it had to be just as bad for the bands resident sex addict, Nikki. No wonder he was late with the lines.

With how good the girls looked out there, both Eric and Nikki thanked God when they left the dance floor. Both band members were sweating more than usual so they wiped their brows at the same time and caught each other’s eye. “So,” Nikki asked through the mike, “Man Eric, did you see those two?” and pointed out to the dance-floor.

“Shit yeah, I did! Have you ever seen anything that hot in your life?”

“Nahh man, but I’m gonna get some tonight.” He said, grabbing his crotch and humped the air as if it were a warm woman. “Let’s party!” he screamed into the mike. That led them into their next song, aptly named “We’re Gonna Get Some Tonight.” One last fleeting thought of the unknown redhead left alone on her knees in the corner, a trail of jizz leaking from her lips, flew through his brain, then his once more throbbing penis refocused on thought’s of later. One more song, a quick drink, the meeting with that Steve guy, then Nikki couldn’t hold off if he wanted to. He was going to plunder Jewel’s treasure box tonight.


As the edge of her cocaine fueled high began to wear thin, Julie was bouncy and fidgety, anxious to leave, “Oh my gawd! How much longer, Pam?” Julie asked her companion. She was desperate to satisfy the cravings of her body, and mind. All she could think about was Nikki. She could feel the swollen lips of her sex as they slid silkily along the smoothness of her panties, leaving a wet trail of hot need. His smooth skin, chiseled pecks and abs. The way he smelled. Especially the taste of him and the gentle strength of his callused hands. Julie unintentionally moaned aloud with longing.

Noting her horny companion’s still partially dilated pupils, Pam sighed. “It’s only eleven o’clock, Jules. The party’s only just getting started. Look, they’re just finishing up their last set, right? They’ll come down here when they’re done and get a few drinks. They have to spend some time schmoozing the fans, you know,” she said, one hand gesturing at the still wildly gyrating mass of bodies packed onto the dance floor. “The club closes at two and then everyone will follow them back to their place where the party usually continues till four or five…” Noting the look of dismay on Julie’s face, Pam smiled sympathetically and placed a finger momentarily on the girl’s chin before chucking it lightly. “Then all will either go home or crash there til…oh I don’t know ten or so in the morning. That’s our life-style pretty much every week-end.”

Gathering her scattered thoughts into a semblance of coherency, Julie thought about what Pam had just told her. If Julie didn’t know better, she’d think Pam was trying to scare her off. Not that wild weekend parties could do that. Hell, she’d lived with a hooker for crying out loud; she could deal with anything, except her stepfather’s touch or her mother’s stupid jealousy. Remembering the sound of Nikki’s fist as it flattened Raul’s nose to his face, Julie felt a new surge of warmth swarm from her center. It’s all good, she thought. Nikki would help her erase the pain of her mother and stepfather, as well as cooling the fire that raged in her loins. No one but Nikki knew why she was here right now. She could hold her tongue for a few weeks…for Nikki…and she knew she needed him. Not just any man would do, as she had learned when Eric had kissed her in the hallway. Oh, it was a good kiss, but the taste and feel were all wrong. “It’s just…well, you know.”

“Yea! The first time high. You’re fuckin’ horny as all get out. You don’t care how you get it, but you want it.” Looking over her companion’s lusciously curved body, Pam raised her eyebrows. “I could finger fuck you in the bathroom, you know…?” As her voice trailed off, she waited a moment but got no response from Julie. Oh well, she thought. “But that wouldn’t be enough. You need a few hours of touching, licking, and screwing to burn your system out.”

Eyes wide, Julie stared around at the flashing lights and milling bodies as her body bespoke other needs to her soul. “You knew that it would affect me like this?”

Snorting, Pam replied, “You needed a push sweetie. And I wasn’t kidding about what I told you in the bathroom. Believe it or not, I want you to get what you want. I wish you all the best and the most happiness. I wish I had had someone to help me out when I first started, that’s all. I’m looking out for your best interest, that is, if you really want Nikki. You do, don’t you?”

Taken aback, Julie was stunned. “Yeah, yes, of course I do. I’m not really complaining.” Julie assured. “It’s just…I wish you had warned me. God, Pam, I don’t know how to deal with these sensations! I’ve never…”

Shocked back to sobriety, Pam turned her wandering attention back to the girl standing next to her. Well, goddamn! Pam had never thought to meet a virgin here. Not in this day in age. And certainly not hanging onto Nikki. “I…I didn’t know. I’m sorry Jules.”

“Don’t worry about that, just quick, tell me what to expect and what to do!” Taking a deep breath, Pam gestured Julie to follow her back to the women’s room for a little girl talk. Once inside with the door closed, Pam splashed cool water on her warm face and, guilt riddled, quickly filled Julie in on the workings of human sexuality and biology – not to mention, condoms.

“If you…you know… lose it tonight. The good news is you won’t notice the pain at all. Not that it’s really all that painful, but with the coke in your system, you shouldn’t even notice it.” Pam assured her.


As the last wailing note from Mark’s guitar faded out the crowd yelled their approval. Grabbing the microphone Nikki waved and blew a kiss at the screaming mass of fans. “Well, that’s all for tonight boys and girls.” The crowd groaned their displeasure. “I know, I know, but all work and no play makes for a seriously pissed off Nikki. It’s playtime for me and the boys, which means my buddy D.J. Drake has to get back to work now so we can Parrr-taaay!” With that he jumped off the stage and, with his sights set on Julie, trekked his way through the party crowd, shaking hands and kissing girls’ cheeks along the way. Distracted by thoughts of Julie and later tonight, Nikki almost stumbled when a girl stepped in front of him in the middle of the dance floor. With a wink the cute little thing placed one hand on his shoulder and placed the other square on his crotch. “I’ll be your play toy tonight Nikki. I’m fun ALL night long. Like a Duracell battery, you know, the coppertop?” Removing the hand from his crotch she licked one finger and, lowering her eyes, said “Or maybe you’d prefer the Energizer Bunny?” Not bothering to even look at the girl, Nikki side-stepped. “Thanks, but I’ve got other plans for tonight.” Not even realizing that she was the same redhead from earlier, he walked past her and onward toward the bar.

Stepping up to the bar, he noted that Julie had already ordered him up Jack, neat, and a beer. Gawd I love this girl! The thought struck him hard and scared the shit outta him. Goddamn it! Is that what this is? Nawh, can’t be. I mean I hardly know the girl. It’s just…she’s just soo…perfect. Nikki downed the Jack in one quick gulp, leaned over Julie and kissed her soundly. “Thank you!” he said as he pulled away.

“You’re welcome, for whatever it was. Tell me what it was that I did to inspire such a reaction, so I can do it again.”

Nikki groaned, “Oh baby, what haven’t you done to inspire me? On second thought, don’t tell me. I can barely contain myself now, you tell me something else and I might just embarrass myself.”

Julie smiled as she thought of something that would really cause him to embarrass himself, but she didn’t want him embarrassed; just a little outta control. “Okay Nikki, but I could think of a few things…,” she said as she let her fingers walk up his abdomen from the top of his leather pants.

As his nether regions began roaring for attention, Nikki sucked in a desperate breath. Lifting her wandering fingers to his lips he placed a light kiss on the tips before letting go. “Could you tell me on the way home? Me and the boys have to meet with that guy you were talking to earlier. Turns out he works for a record company and he might want to talk deal. So, we gotta do this then we, meaning you and me, can leave.”

“Okay baby, but I want you to know that I…,” not quite sure of herself or where she stood with this young rocker she shrugged then went on, “I want to be with you.”

“I know baby, don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you. You’ll be with me for the rest of the night.” With that massive misunderstanding, he grabbed his beer in one hand, and threw his opposite arm around her slender shoulders. Smiling, he began leading her over to the table in the back corner where that Steven dude had moved to during the second half of the show. Here’s hoping!, he thought - about the possible record deal, as well as the delectable girl beside him.

Steven Anthony was a 34-year-old white man, who, as of yet, had not made his mark in the business. And he knew if he didn’t make it soon, he was done. With short, sandy-brown hair, clear hazel eyes, and a clean-cut jaw, he was the epitome of honesty. Which in this biz was both a blessing and a curse. He got by but was always on the look out for “the ONE’. The one that would make it “BIG” and take him to the top too. Like Van Halen, or Aerosmith, or Kiss. This was his last shot at the big-time, and he liked the jazzy, bluesy, rock sound of this Glam-rock band. Looking around at the milling crowds of swaying bodies, captive souls in thrall of the lyrical theatre on the stage, Steven nodded. Yeah, they had the sound, the look and the magnetic presence that he seriously thought could take them to the top.

Mind churning possibilities for deals, Steven moved and took control over the corner buffet table during the second set. It was one of those large round horseshoe shaped booths which should give them all plenty of room. Four band members, their manager, himself and two or three girlfriends hanging about should all fit easily in a booth for twelve. All of the clubs had at least two tables like this, one for the V.I.P.s (Large parties, big spenders, celebrities and what have you), and one for impromptu business occasions like this. That way a club could get more customers by saying “oh yeah, so and so signed their first recording contract in this very club.” Some people would flock to that kind of advertising.

Nikki and the pretty girl from the bar slid into the booth next to him. “Oh, hey, hi.” Julie said. Turning to Nikki, “I thought you didn’t know him.”

“Nawh, babe. I don’t, not really. After you and Pam went off to the bathroom, he introduced himself to me and…well…like I said, he works for a record company and he wants to talk to me and the boys,” explained Nikki. Just then Eric, Pam, Eddie and Mark all piled into the booth on the opposite side of Steven, with drinks in hand. Eric lit a cigarette and leaned in. “So…you’re from Capital huh?”

“Yep. By the way, great set. You had this crowd eating out of your hands.” Reaching out a hand towards Eric the agent said, “Steven Anthony, Capital Records, A&R.” Realizing that nobody was going to shake the proffered hand, he let it fall on the table and leaned back into the shiny red vinyl. “I go out and find the talent and, if we can agree on the generalities, sign them and help walk them through the recording process and tours and all.”

“So what? If we sign with Capital and end up on tour you’d go with us?” said Mark, leaning in and snubbing out a cigarette.

“No. That’s your manager’s job. Generally, I meet with you, tell you the deal and see what you think. Then I get with your manager or lawyer and we write up the detailed contract. They go over it, making sure everything you want and everything they want is in there. Then we give it to you guys to look over and sign.” Leaning forward, Steven steepled his hands under his chin. “Look, I’m not pulling your leg or anything. I think you guys have great potential. We could all make a lot of money together. Your songs and shows with Capital’s front money for publicity, album distributing, and tour bookings. You guys could be booking shows international in no time. I mean think about it: Your band right up there on the same stage with Kiss and Aerosmith. What do you think guys?”

Eric looked at his band mates, who all looked at him and nodded in turn. “Alright dude. I’ll call Ducky tomorrow and give him your info.”

“Ducky?” Steven asked.

“Yeah, Ducky,” Eddie threw in. “He’s our manager. I don’t remember his real name, but he walks like a duck, so we all started calling him Ducky and, well, it kinda stuck. Everybody calls him Ducky.”

“Okay, fine then. Have him give me a call ASAP. My numbers on the card. In the meantime, I really want to get to work on this so I’ll go on and start in on the standard contract and we can make any necessary changes to it as we go. If that’s okay with you guys...?”

Noting the nods and grins on his bandmates faces, Eric nodded in agreement. “Sounds good dude.”

Looking around at the sweat grimed, make-up bedecked hairband, Steven nodded. “So…, you all know who I am… How about you guys? Introductions?”

“Yeah dude, like I’m Eric Loder, bass player, song and music writer. This here babe is Pam Starling, my girl. Yo, Eddie Lee on the drums, Mark Mills…guitar. You’ve met Nikki Smith, vocals, and his…, friend, Julie.”

“Thank you, and..., Julie you say? … Thank you.” Steven said.

“What? Why? I didn’t do anything.”

“Yes you did. See I wasn’t here for work tonight. I was here just to have a few drinks and unwind before heading home. If it weren’t for you pointing out how good the band sounded, I wouldn’t have been here long enough to notice them. Actually, it was just a fluke that I came in here at all. If my car hadn’t broken down out front, I would have just bought a bottle from the A&P and gone home. As it was, I came in here, ordered a drink, and was about to call for a tow truck when you spoke up about the band and their music. I figured “What the hell? I’m here anyway.” Figured I could get a cab later, so I called for the tow, paid the guy to take it to my apartment, and stuck around.” Bestowing a dazzling smile on the flabbergasted girl, Steven chuckled. “So you see, if it weren’t for you, Julie, none of us would be sitting at this table right now. I’d say you’re their good luck charm.”

Nikki was bowled over by the turn of events. Steven had no idea how right he was. She was, at least for him, a very lucky charm. Cinching his arm, he hugged her up closer, and kissed her forehead. “Yeah, my Jewel. She’s a piece of jewelry I’d be hard pressed to part with.” Julie smiled up at him. “So, Steven, are we done here for tonight? I mean, we have our supporters to impress, you know?” Nikki said indicating the people that kept walking by staring or actually stopping at the table.

“Yeah, until I speak with your manager, I guess we’re done here. Just remember to have “Ducky” call me. The sooner the better, and don’t think cause it’s Sunday I won’t do any work either. That’s just not how the music business works. Success is a 24/7, 365 thing. Besides, I really want to make this work,” declared Steven, as Nikki and Julie slid out of the booth.

“No problem dude! Ducky calls us every Sunday to see how the show went and to see if we need anything.” Snorting, he said “Or more to the point, how much we cost him.” Turning from the suit, Nikki focused on his friends. “Dudes, I am outta here!” Glancing at Julie, he continued, “I’ve got some things to work on myself, you know? Some things I gotta do.” Placing a possessive arm around Julie’s waist, Nikki gave Eddie a quick high five. Leaning in towards his roommate, Nikki whispered “Rooms off limits tonight man. Okay?”

“Like I couldn’t figure that out dude,” Eddie said with a snort and a wink. “Later dudes,” he said as the couple turned toward the rear of the club.

Eric knew too. He’d sure be workin’ it if Julie was in his arms instead of Nikki’s. Shaking his head to rout the unwanted pictures, Eric leaned in for a nip on Pam’s earlobe.

“You two go on ahead. We’ll meet up with you at the house later,” Pam said, giggling through the entire sentence. Knowing what Julie wanted to do and assuming what Nikki wanted to do, she would be surprised if they saw either one of these two til tomorrow – or maybe the next day. “Hey Julie, don’t forget what I suggested for later…okay sweetie. You two have fun. Bye!” Pam called to them as they headed toward the back door. Tonight’s gonna be a night that neither Nikki nor Julie are gonna forget anytime soon. Now for me and Eric…Pam thought to herself.


Exiting the club, Julie and Nikki were instantly cooled by the chill night air coming in contact with their heated, sweat-moistened skin. With a thick veil of fog surrounding them, Nikki leaned back against the cold steel door they had just come through. Pulling Julie up against him in a tight embrace, trapping her arms by her sides, he captured her. She was all his, he thought to himself. He wanted to feel every curve of her lush body. Nikki jumped slightly in surprise then groaned as she managed to cup his ass and gently squeeze. “Nikki?”

“Yeah Jewel?”

“I want you.”

“Am I dreaming? Cause if I’m not, I must have a hearing problem.”

Julie giggled. “You are not dreaming, and you don’t have a hearing problem. You heard right. I want you.” Then looking up at him with both love and lust in her eyes, she repeated slowly “I…WANT…YOU.”

Nikki planted a searing kiss to Julie’s lips and took no mercy when she parted them in invitation. Their tongues entwined in the erotic dance that was to be copied later by their bodies. Julie felt Nikki’s need swell as it pressed against her belly, spurring her own desire to a higher level. Nikki pulled away and loosened his firm hold on her. “Are you sure? Cause…”

Julie put a finger to his lips to quiet him. Then, on tip toes, gave him the softest, gentlest, most reassuring kiss he had ever had. It pulled at his heart making him feel all warm and squishy inside. He both loved and hated that feeling. What was it about this girl? Was it her sweet innocence or her fierce determination that made him feel like this? He really didn’t know but he was willing to stick around to find out.

“Nikki?” Julie said, disturbing his thoughts.


“It’s kinda cold out here this evening, ya know?”


“ And I’m thinking we should do…what we’re gonna do…back at your place.”

“OUR…place, Julie. It’s our place. You live there now too… with me. You’re my girl, so…you’re with me.”

“Okay baby. I’m with you, I’m your girl,” she reassured him. “Let’s go home.”

Nikki agreed “Okay, let’s go home.” Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, Nikki led his new treasure out of the back parking lot and down the street the three blocks to the house.



About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.

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    Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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