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Blue Diamonds - Chp 5

A Rock and Roll Lust Story

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 9 months ago 27 min read
Blue Diamonds - Chp 5
Photo by Thomas Litangen on Unsplash

For the beginning see:

Chapter 5

After a late lunch in an intimate little café, the couple strolled hand in hand down Melrose Avenue. Recalling the fierce anger in Nikki’s eyes just before he decked Raul, gave Julie warm butterflies in her tummy. She was nonplussed but oddly pleased. Never before had she had a guy come to her defense like that. The scene kept playing back in her head as she wondered at the depth of Nikki’s reaction to Raul striking her.

Unaware of her distraction, Nikki reached out and took her hand as they strolled through the afternoon crowd. As his fingers intertwined familiarly through hers and applied light pressure, Julie returned the squeeze. Due to Nikki’s devoted attention to the small circles he kept tracing on her wrist and palm, and her recollections of her rescue, the butterflies in Julie’s stomach multiplied and spread out to the far southern regions of her abdomen. The unfamiliar, but not necessarily unpleasant, heat wave coursing through her tingling form was accompanied by an increase in humidity. As the excited heat spreading out in waves from her abdomen and the circles of tingly pleasure on her suddenly clammy palm brought suffusing warmth to her face, Julie found herself wondering what type of things would excite Nikki to the same level. As her mind began to envision Nikki slowly running that circling thumb over her taut nipples, Julie curled in her lower lip and bit down softly. In an effort to distract her distinctly erotic thoughts she turned her attention to the store fronts and their display windows.

“Oh, how cute!”

Nikki, pulled out of disturbingly erotic thoughts of his own featuring the lovely young woman by his side, looked around to see what Julie was talking about. “What?” “There in the window.” Julie pointed out.

The window of the toy store they were passing was full of stuffed animals of all types. There were a number of little penguins and a couple of cats. Prominently displayed in the center of the menagerie was a huge four-foot-tall teddy bear made out of velour with a paisley print. The bear was wearing a red bow tie with yellow polka dots. Nikki was not impressed. “The bear?” he asked with just a hint of his disgust.

“No! That thing is awful. The puppy over in the corner. He’s so realistic.”

There in the corner, peeking around the leg of a larger stuffed tiger like a frightened waif seeking protection was a little stuffed puppy. It was white and brown with huge soulful black eyes that seemed to be begging for love and attention. Looking into those adorably sad, lost eyes, Nikki felt an instant connection with this little stuffed puppy. What the hell, I always wanted a dog. At least this one won’t shed on the couch, he thought with a chuckle. Looking at Julie as she smiled sappily at the little dog, Nikki impulsively dragged her into the store. A few minutes later they exited with their purchase clutched to Julie’s heart. As Julie smiled with the heartfelt happiness of simple pleasure Nikki felt an unaccustomed tightness in his chest. Her obvious joy made him happy. Brushing a stray strand of hair from a misty eye he put his arm around her shoulders and gently hugged her to him. Julie rested her head on his shoulder as they walked down the street, lost in just enjoying each other’s company.

At the corner of Melrose Avenue and Santa Monica Boulevard stood a triangular, yellow, three-story building. The Troubadour, one of Los Angeles’ favorite hot spots and the same bar that they had met in just last night, looked quite different in the light of day. Void of its bustling crowds, perched in its own unearthly quiet, it was like a mausoleum populated only by the dancing spirits of departed patrons. Watching the four lanes of heavy traffic while waiting for the light to change, curiosity finally got the better of Julie, so she asked, “What are we doing here?”

“The Force has a gig tonight, but it’s not here. It’s down at the Whiskey. So we have to pack up and move our gear.”

The light changed. They crossed the street and made their way around to the back of the bar. Julie noted one van and three older cars in the parking lot, but what really caught her eye was a brand new 1981 BMW. Admiring the sleek curves of the beautiful car Julie went into ‘valley girl’ mode. “Like, oh my God. That car is like; so totally rad.” Turning to Nikki she said, in her normal voice, “Someday I’m gonna have a car like that.” Nikki eyed the car as they passed, taking in the white leather interior of this black beauty, the shine of a smoothly professional paint and wax job, the sun glistening off the chrome bumper. “Yeah. It’s not bad,” he commented nonchalantly. “I think it belongs to the manager.”

“Ah. Must be nice,” Julie said whimsically.

They walked over to an older slightly beat up faded blue van. They stopped abruptly when a laughing Eric rolled out of the passenger side in a pungent cloud of THC infused smoke. “Yo dude. ‘Bout time you got here,” Eric drawled.

Waving at the dispersing cloud of marijuana smoke Nikki gave a sniff. “Doesn’t seem like you guys missed me much. Where’s Eddie?”

“He’s in the back, man,” said Eric, waving vaguely to the rear of the van.

Stepping around the wobbly stoner Nikki headed to the back of the van. Grasping the handle he twisted open the back doors and out fell Eddie, landing with a thump on his back on the tarmac. Rolling over and coming to his knees Eddie started laughing as Nikki just shook his head and grinned.

Mark opened up the back doors of the club and stepped out to find both Eddie and Eric, obviously stoned off their asses, laughing on the ground on either side of Nikki and a bemused Julie. “Shit! Not again! I can’t do much of anything with you two like this. Not very professional, you know! The bass equipment I could handle easy enough, not any different than my gear, but Eddie’s kit! Shit! Hey Nikki, you think you can handle Eddie’s drums? Or no, no; don’t worry Eddie…I’ll do it!”

“Yeah, right. Dude, I can do it with my eyes closed. Ha ha ha.” Wobbling, Eddie put a steadying hand against the side of the van. “It’s not like we haven’t done this before. Dude, you’re bringing me down.”

“We’re going to go nowhere fast if we don’t get our shit together!” Mark said. Real anger vibrated in the band member’s voice as he shook his head in disgust.

“Come on man. Lighten up,” said Eddie.

“Mark’s right dude!” Eric interrupted. “I’ve been told all my life, I’m a loser. All I ever wanted was a chance to make some of my own rules. I wanna play kick ass rock and make a lotta money like Sabbath and the Stones. I don’t wanna get a real job. Hell, I’d rather be dead. So let’s rock this town and kick some ass! I wanna show all them assholes and tell them all to fuck off! So, from now on we wait til after the show to relax and unwind. Alright man?”

“Great inspirational speech Eric. Personally, I’d like to spend a little alone time with my Jewel here before the show. So could we get movin’?”

“Sure thing dude.” Straightening from where he leaned on the dilapidated van, Eric went over to help Eddie. Grasping his stoned friend’s elbow he said “Alley Oop” and pulled Eddie up. “Let’s get to it.”

Upon entering the bar, Mark, Eddie, and Eric headed over to where their equipment was shoved to the corner of the stage and went straight to work.

As his bandmates got busy Nikki escorted Julie to the bar and got her a coke. “This should only take about an hour. Will you be okay on your own for a bit?”

“Yeah, of course I will.”

Nikki leaned in to give her a quick kiss. As soon as their lips touched, Julie felt a spark like a jolt of static electricity. Bringing up both hands, Julie placed them on either side of his face, holding him there. Taking control of the kiss, she parted her lips and caressed his with the tip of her tongue. Groaning with the tension of unreleased desire, Nikki took control back and thrust his tongue into her mouth, deepening and extending the length of the encounter. His tongue probed the warm wetness of her mouth as his jealous penis snapped to attention, throbbing against his thigh.

Flushed with unaccustomed desire, Julie released her hold on Nikki and leaned back. Breathing hard she said, “Thank you. I’m not used to being protected, like what you did to Raul. I have to tell you that, well…, that really turned me on. And then getting our little puppy here. It all makes me feel so…cared for. Be careful Nikki, a girl could get used to that sort of attention.”

Breathless, locking his knees to keep from sagging, Nikki attempted to grin nonchalantly. “Trust me Jewels, there’s plenty of attention I’d love to pay you.” As he gave her cheek a light caress with a knuckle, he wondered what it was about this girl that drew him so. With all the hot and willing pussy eager to jump in his bed after a set, why in the world did he find himself knotted up inside over a little virgin who wasn’t even quite sixteen yet, no matter how nicely she filled out her clothes. “Besides, there’s no need to thank me Jewel. I take care of what’s mine. Sorry, I didn’t mean it like you’re property you know. It’s just that ever since you fell into my arms last night that’s all I wanna do. Make you mine, that is. I don’t know what that means exactly, but I intend to find out.”

“Yo, Nick. Come on man. Quit tongue locking and shag your ass over here.”

Looking over his shoulder toward where Eddie stood, a guitar in each hand glaring at the couple by the bar, Nikki quickly continued. “Look, I gotta get this done, but later…, we really gotta talk. About a lotta’ stuff.” This time when he leaned in, he gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. Then he turned away and headed for the stage.

Picking up the pup from where it sat quietly observing them on the bar counter, Julie snuggled their dog and sighed. Yum, she thought, as she let her eyes feast on Nikki’s tight leather clad backside. How lucky can a girl get? Lifting the stuffed puppy, she arched her eyebrows. “Now let’s see. What shall we call you?”

Nikki was right, it took the guys about an hour to tear down and pack up. Julie wondered how everyone was going to get to the other club. Five people, a drum kit, four large speakers, wires, amps, microphones, mic-stands, three guitars and two bass guitars…all in one van. There’s no way.

Wiping his perspiring forehead, Mark ran his hands down his pants leg and surveyed the jumble of people and stuff. “Hey Nick. Whad’ya say we let those two losers take the gear and ride over in the Beast? You and your girl ride over with me in the Tank. You’ll have the back forty.”

“Deal dude!” Nikki gave Mark a high five and reached for Julie’s hand.

“Losers!” Eric and Eddie exclaimed in unison. Leaning in the two men/boys sniffed at each other playfully. “Dude, you don’t smell that bad!” crowed Eric with a disdainful toss of his head at Eddie.

“You either dude. Let’s ride!”

“Beast?” said Nikki.

“That’s what Eddie calls the van. Mainly because it belches smoke like a drunk dragon in a Chinese parade.”

Snorting, Mark said, “Yeah. That and it swerves across lanes like a Chinese dragon when those two are driving, too.”

Mark, Nikki, and Julie watched as the beast rolled out of the parking lot, a continuous stream of black exhaust billowing behind. As the van turned onto the street Mark nudged Nikki. “Come on Nick. Let’s hit it.” The three headed to one of the older cars in the lot - an old Dodge Dart. Taking in the bulky vehicle, Julie thought that ‘the tank’ was a pretty good description for the car. A huge, solid metal machine that had at one time been a dark green but was now a faded olive drab. Continuous exposure to California sun, salt and sand had done some damage, but the tank lived on. “Just a sec guys, I’ve gotta get Betsy out of the way,” Mark said as he opened the rear door.

“Betsy?” Julie asked as Mark drew out a gorgeous black guitar with mother of pearl inset in the neck and a silver-dollar-sized red gemstone located on the upper flare. Julie didn’t know if the gem was real or not, but she couldn’t help but comment. “Whoa. Wow, Mark. Is that her? She’s beautiful!”

“Yeah, this is Betsy. It took me a while saving up to order her, but she’s worth it.”

“Dude, I’ve never seen this one before,” a shocked Nikki stated.

“Yeah, well; that’s because she’s my personal … private guitar. Let me just put her away. Make yourselves comfy.”

After climbing into the backseat, Julie knew why Mark had referred to it as the back forty. She could lay flat on the back seat and not touch both sides of the car at the same time. Nikki climbed in beside her and she snuggled into him, breathing in the comfortingly male smells of honest perspiration and leather mingled with a musky scented cologne. Mark closed the trunk, got into the driver’s seat and started the car. As Mark put the car in gear, Julie looked up at Nikki. Lifting one hand she idly wound a strand of his bleached blonde hair around a finger. “You said we had to talk. Is now okay, or would you rather do it in private?”

Mark responded first. “Sugar, I’m sure Nikki would much rather do it with you in private, but Nik, if it’s just talk… I know nothiiink” he said in an exaggerated German accent.

“Good Schultz impression, dude.” Nikki complemented.

“Schultz…? Oh, from Hogan’s Heroes. I love that show.”

“Yeah, me too. But back on topic. It’s solely up to you man,” Mark said as he backed up the car.

“No, not really.” Turning to Julie, Nikki said “It’s Julie’s call. One of the main things I need to talk to you about possibly has to do with your stepfather. Unless you say it’s okay, I didn’t want to talk about it in front of anyone.”

“Please, don’t be offended Mark. Nikki, do you trust Mark with this kind of …sensitive information?”

“Jewel, I trust him more than Eddie and Eric, and I’ve had…” Nikki blushed and choked on the words he almost let slip out. “Well… let’s just say I’ve done some pretty crazy shit with and in front of those two. Yeah, I’d trust him with it.”

“Okay, if you trust him, then so do I.”

“Maybe you can give us some advice on this Mark.”

“The benefit of my mature insight and all that,” Mark said with a wink at the rearview.

“Something like that,” Nikki said with a small grin. “Alright, well here’s the story…” With occasional prompts from Julie Nikki filled in the bare details of Julie’s mom, brother and stepfather as Mark nodded, glancing now and then in the rearview to take in the snuggling couple. As he finished the background he turned back to Julie. “Today while you were in the shower, Rachel told me about this guy that came looking for you a few days ago. She said he called himself Randy.”

“Randy! Here’s here?” Shocked, Julie sat upright in the seat. “Was he okay?”

“Hold on hon. I know you think it’s your brother. So did I at first. But then she said he was one of her newer customers. Kind of a freak, and that he was in his late thirties. So, apparently, it’s not your little brother. So, I don’t know, but the only one I could think of that kinda fits the description and would be looking for you would be…”

“Tim.” Julie stated with angry, frightened undertones. “But why? Why now? It’s been almost a year!” she stammered.

Mark pulled the car into a parking spot at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go and turned off the motor. “Okay, first of all, we’re not sure that this guy really is your stepfather. And second, until we do know, there’s no reason to worry right now. Especially since nobody knows where you are, right?”

“Well, Rachael knows Jewel’s staying at the house. But Rachael’s never been there.” Nikki pursed his lips in a slight frown. “Still, just about any employee at one of the clubs could tell someone how to get there” Nikki pointed out.

“Yeah, and half the girls in the audience too,” Mark said with a snort.

“Only the good-looking half,” Nikki replied with a grin. “Still, for now, I think she’s pretty safe. Even if someone does show up at the house looking for her, I think she’d be safe regardless. Hell, you’d probably kill any guy that threatened her, or at least put a hurting on him. Eric and Eddie wouldn’t just stand around and watch either. One would hang around with Julie and the other would jump in and help kick ass.”

“Yeah! He’s right Jewel. We probably don’t have much to worry about.” Stroking her bangs away from an eye he continued, “However; I’m torn between wanting to kick ass and hanging out with you.”

“Is this girl eighteen yet?” Mark queried with a grin. “You better be careful what you let hang out.” As Mark’s jest broke the tension, they all got out of the car and headed to the back doors that Eric and Eddie had got propped open.

Mark, being the oldest and most perceptive of the group, recognized the barely concealed fear and worry in Julie’s eyes. He knew she would continue to worry and fret over this mysterious stranger looking for her. In her current state they couldn’t just leave her alone for the next few hours, let alone the rest of the night. Reaching into a pocket, he fished around until he found the bottle of muscle relaxants his doctor had prescribed. This should do the trick, Mark thought as they entered the brick building. The air-conditioned coolness reaching out to caress the trio felt good on his perspiring skin. “Nikki, get her set up in a booth while I get her a drink.”

Mark went to the bar and poured himself a generous portion of Jack and coke. Pulling out the medicine bottle, he shook out three pills, thought better of it, and put one back. Flicking open his pen knife he cut one of the two pills in half, tossed a half and one intact pill into his mouth and downed them with his drink. Checking to see that Julie was preoccupied, he then proceeded to crush the remaining half of a pill and mixed it in with some ginger ale in a tall glass. Sauntering over to the booth where Julie sat watching the guys, Mark set down the cool glass. “Here ya go. This’ll fix you right up. Guaranteed to melt your troubles away. Well okay, maybe not away, but you sure as shit won’t care as much about them. At least for a little while.”

“Mark, she can’t drink that.”

“Relax dude, it’s just Ginger Ale. It always soothes my nerves,”

“It’s supposed to soothe your stomach, not your nerves.”

“It’s okay Nikki,” Julie said, picking up the glass. “I like Ginger Ale and it soothes my nerves and my stomach. It’ll be fine. I’ll just sit here while you guys get your work done. Don’t worry about me. Okay?”

“Uhh…yeah, sure okay. If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure. Besides, like you said, I’ve got all this great protection around, right? Who would dare mess with me as long as I’m with you?”

Nikki kissed the knuckles of the small hand he gently held in his, releasing it as he pulled his lips away. He and Mark turned and started for the stage where Eric and Eddie were busily running electrical cords. Nikki stopped and looked over his shoulder at the young girl, then back to Mark, concern plain on his face.

“Dude, I know you’re worried about her and all, but chill a bit. Even I can see she’s upset, so I put a little something in her drink - just to help her relax.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah man! No sweat. You know me. I’m the old man, right? I’ve seen it before, she’ll be fine.”

In the booth Julie sipped on her ginger ale and thought about the last couple of days. For the first time in what seemed forever things seemed to be looking up. Nikki was a gorgeous hunk and a musician for God’s sake. As she watched the guys hustle around the stage setting up the drums and sound equipment she found herself daydreaming about Nikki’s muscular chest and how much she’d liked running her fingers through that dreamy hair. As she felt drowsiness settling in, she thought, Please don’t let Tim show up and screw this up.

Noting Nikki’s girl settle back into the corner of the booth, eyelids already starting to droop, Mark sighed. In unconscious imitation of Julie he thought, Please don’t let this infatuation of Nikki’s screw things up for us.

A couple hours later the stage was set up, the sound system checked out, and they were ready for a show. Well, almost ready, Mark thought as he thoughtfully perused the stage. Clapping his hands together he high-fived Eddie and Eric simultaneously. “Good work dudes. Now we just gotta get ourselves together. Can’t leave the ladies wanting you know. Got an image to uphold.”

“You know it man,” grinned Eric.

“Music to make and girls to take,” said Eddie, waggling his eyebrows salaciously.

Grinning at Eddie’s accidental imitation of Groucho Marx, Mark turned to his lead singer. “Nikki, take my car and Julie, and get changed. We all brought a change of clothes and our make-up, but you weren’t home. So get your ass in gear and get back here. We can’t be late this time. You have an hour and a half to get home change and get back. Just let me get my stuff from the trunk.”

“Okay. We’ll be right back lickety split. Come on Jewel!”

“You better not stop to lick at her split or you’ll never get back in time,” Mark threw over his shoulder as he headed out to the parking lot.

Ten minutes later Nikki pulled the tank up in front of the house. Sitting on the front step was Pam. Climbing out of the car, Nikki waved at her as he went around and opened the passenger door for Julie.

Escorting Julie to the sidewalk Nikki took in the sight of Eric’s girlfriend. The waitress was wearing skin-tight spandex pants and a low-cut Black Sabbath Tee-shirt. She had cut a ‘V’ from the neckline which made “Black Sabbath” read “Bla bbath”. Peeking out from between the straining a and b was the neon pink lacey edging of a black bra which matched her socks of black body and neon pink lace trim. Black heels complemented her feet, but, as if to emphasize her small waist and delicious curves, the outfit was completed with a shiny white patent leather belt standing out in stark relief like a single white swan in the midst of a flock of crows.

“Hey!” Pam said as she was getting up. “I was just getting ready to leave. You’re cuttin’ it kinda close ain’t ya?”

“Hey Pam. What’s up? You coming to the show?

“I was hoping to catch a ride, yeah.”

“No problem. I’m sure Eric’ll get a kick out of you coming. Hey, look, I gotta get my shit together for the gig. Think maybe you could help Julie out while I grab a shower?”

“Shuurre, it’ll be fun! Come on honey, let’s play dress up!” Pam said in her sugary sweet New York City accent.

Nikki passed the bag of stuff Julie had picked up from Rachael’s to Pam and headed inside. “Don’t worry Jewel. Pam’ll take care of you.” Giving the bemused Julie a peck on the forehead he headed to the bathroom where the sound of running water was soon forthcoming.

“He’ll be a few girl,” Pam said as she steered Julie toward the bedroom where she had spent the previous night. Rooting around in Nikki and Eddie’s closet, Pam came out with a very short, very tight, black leather mini-skirt which she set on the back of a chair. Rooting around for another few seconds the cheery blonde pulled out a red satin bustier. The boned neck of the strapless blouse was decorated with a frilly black lacing. Holding it up in front of her she bestowed a huge smile on her compatriot. “Here honey this should fit you. You got black heels…right?”

Eyes widening at the sight of the provocative outfit Pam had pulled out Nikki blinked. “Sure do, but I kinda ruined my stockings.”

“That’s okay. You’ve got great legs. You can go without.” Opening her large purse, Pam rooted around in it for a few seconds before triumphantly pulling out a make-up case. “Now, let’s fix up that pretty little face of yours,” she said with grin, snapping open the case.

Half an hour later Nikki exited the bathroom and walked into the bedroom where the two women waited. To his eyes the musician had applied a layer of coal black mascara and some eyeliner which contrasted vividly with the wavy blonde hair to which he was vigorously applying a towel. He was wearing his tight black leather pants and black belt with bullets secured around the whole length of it. His bare upper torso glistened with the dampness of freshly wiped water. Dropping the towel on the bed, he shook his head like a dog just in from the rain. Nikki’s mass of frizzed out blonde locks did a flip, the effect reminding Julie of a lion’s mane fluffing out around his face. Nikki’s handsomely muscled chest and hard abdomen rippled invitingly as he stretched his arms up over his head and then lowered them again.

Nikki flicked at a bothersome strand of hair tickling the corner of one eye. An errant runnel of water flowed down the rocker’s shoulder from the still damp pile of hair lying in a jumbled puddle around his neck and throat. A sudden dryness in Julie’s mouth begged to be slaked by the cool stream meandering toward the barbed-wire tattoo adorning the man’s muscular bicep. “So, did you find something to wear babe?”

Licking suddenly dry lips, Julie stepped out from behind Pam, and sashayed over to him. Nikki’s jaw practically fell to the floor as he beheld the red and black vision of her. “Wow,” was all he could say. Nikki’s pupils enlarged as his eyes threatened to pop from their sockets. Grinning, he ran his gaze over Julie’s nicely tanned bare shoulders, luxuriating in the gentle curve of her neck with the light hollow at the base. A thin silvery chain circled her throat, depending down. Continuing his perusal of the young goddess poised there, his point of view travelled down to ample cleavage only partially covered by the soft lining of the bustier where it lingered for a long moment. Nestled in the valley between her creamy breasts was a silvery heart-shaped pendant on a thin chain. Nikki’s mouth suddenly felt dry, and he swallowed convulsively. Letting out a low wolf whistle he continued traversing his gaze down the rest of her hot body, taking in the miniskirt and the gazelle-like shapely legs leading up to its highly placed hemline. The black heels she wore arched her calves in a salacious manner. “Goooddd Damn!” he whispered.

“You like?” Julie said in a light whisper as she placed an index finger to the line of water dripping down Nikki’s upper arm. As Julie put the finger to her lips and licked off the cool drop which clung there Nikki swallowed convulsively. “Oh yeah,” he breathed huskily.

Thrilled with his reaction to her outfit, she took her still damp index finger and traced a ticklish path down his cheekbone, across his jaw line, and to his chin then lifted. “You had better shut that. You’ll end up catching flies. Come on back into the bathroom.”

Nikki grabbed up a black mesh shirt from an open drawer in his dresser and pulled it up and on. The shirt was like wearing an open net, leaving the view of his pectorals enticingly clear while partly hidden at the same time. The effect took Julie’s breath away. Damn he’s gorgeous. Maybe I’ll play tic tac toe in those holes.

Tugging at his belt loops she led him back into the hall. As they exited the bedroom, she heard Pam give a low chuckle behind her.

“I’ll just be here waiting you two, but you better not get too busy in there,” the waitress said with a laugh.

“Don’t worry. We’ll just be a minute,” Julie replied as she led Nikki back into the bathroom, gently closing the door behind her. “Here, now sit down,” she said. Nikki sat on the closed toilet seat as Julie rummaged under the sink. Now that’s a view I could get used to, he thought as the girl bent over, the miniskirt riding up even higher on her luscious cream colored thighs. He could just see the swelling of her taut ass cheeks. The sudden extra tightness caused from the stirring in his groin caused him to emit a light groan which Nikki turned into a low growl.

Glancing over her shoulder, Julie noted Nikki’s eyes where they were avidly drinking in the sight of her provocatively displayed rear. Grinning, she grabbed the hairdryer from under the sink cabinet and turned. Flicking her tongue in a quick circle over her parched lips, Julie lifted her eyebrows in query. “Mind if I blow you?” she asked with enough sugary, sweetness to kill a diabetic.

“Now that’s a proposal I’ve never turned down yet,” Nikki said with a throaty chuckle, eyes following the dryer in her hand. His heartbeat pounded a rapid staccato rhythm against his chest.

Julie snorted with barely suppressed mirth and, turning slightly, plugged in the dryer. Flicking on the switch she set it to medium heat, tested the temperature, and started running her fingers through the damp curls of his thick hair. Catching a handful of the couple of inches that fell below his shoulder blades Julie curled her fingers into it with a slight tug. “Finally,” she said.


“Oh; did I just say that out loud?”

“Yeah. What do you mean; “Finally?””

“Oh, well… you see, I’ve been itching to run my fingers through your hair for…, well, since I first saw you last night.” Setting the blow dryer on the cabinet she straddled his right leg and, leaning forward, entwined both her hands into his still damp curls.

Enjoying the soothingly erotic feel of fingers rubbing against his scalp, Nikki dipped his head to allow her better access. This had the added advantage of bringing his eyes level with the rounded mounds of gorgeous flesh straining against the thin material of Julie’s bustier. Two pert little peaks poked enticingly out from the centers of her shapely breasts, giving evidence of the girl’s own arousal. As the pulsating throb in his groin began to reach an uncomfortable level Nikki took a breath and closed his eyes. Slowly he counted to five in an attempt to regain his equilibrium. As Julie straddled his right leg a knee brushed lightly against his leather encased manhood. “Arggghhh,” he moaned.

Drawing sharply back Julie blurted “I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?”

“Not in the way you think.”

“No? What way do you mean then?”

Reaching out to the beautiful young woman, he reminded himself sternly - standing there gazing worriedly at him, Nikki placed a hand in the small of her back.

Julie shivered as he traced a finger along the sensitive spot where her spine met the swelling curve of her buttocks. A shot of pure desire caused her to gasp as a fingertip just barely pushed a bit under the edge of the leather miniskirt.

Gazing at her face, Nikki watched as Julie’s eyelids slid partly closed and her lips parted just slightly. Julie shivered with the exhalation of a pent breath. Recognizing the girl’s quivering reaction for the purely sexual yearning it was, Nikki smiled. Maybe not really a girl anymore, but,… not quite a woman yet either. I’m going to have to be careful here or I could cause some real damage. Besides, this is not one of the little groupie sluts that hang out looking for the chance to ‘bang the band.’ “Jewels, Babe, trust me - there are a lot of things I’d love to do with and to you and, God help me, I’m trying to be good. But you sure are making it hard.”

“What do you mean?”

Watching her face carefully for reaction, Nikki took her hand and gently guided it to the spot where he hurt the most. His aching penis twitched spasmodically as her fingers lightly touched it through the leather of his pants. A white-hot jolt of electricity shot up from his groin and through his stomach causing his breath to catch in his throat with a sharp gasp. “That’s what I mean,” he said. Still watching her face, he removed his hand.

Blinking her eyes several times in rapid succession, Julie gnawed unconsciously at her lower lip. She did not, however, pull back as Nikki had half expected her to. Instead, she watched her hand where it lay cupped between his legs. It was as if she was expecting a snake to rear up and strike at it. Swallowing the lump threatening to cut off her air supply, she continued to gnaw at her lip as she felt the unaccustomed stirring of Nikki’s engorged manhood pulsing rhythmically against the leather under her hand. Her heart beat fiercely in her chest as she rubbed her suddenly possessed palm against his hardness. A flood of liquid warmth spread outward from Julie’s center, engulfing her in a storm of new and frightening feelings. She had only felt this level of erotic intensity before when stroking herself in private or, occasionally, when using the shower hose to massage her most intimate parts. The sheer overwhelming power of her reaction to this man both attracted and frightened her simultaneously. Still, the attraction was definitely winning that tug of war.

Nikki arched back slightly and clenched his hands into fists by his sides as his rigidity jumped with growing excitement. “Shiitt,” he moaned. “That’s nice.”

Opening his heavily lidded eyes again, he watched this gorgeous young woman watching her hand where it rested between his thighs. Lowering his gaze once more to the lusciously enticing breasts thrusting prominently near his face, Nikki leaned back to better enjoy the view. With her in a slightly bent over position and wearing a tight bustier, Jewel’s ample bosom was a sight he could lose himself in.



“Could I… I mean… Do you mind if… I want to see it.”


“You know…It. …You.”

In the background a ringing noise intruded. For a second Nikki thought the ringing was just in his overwhelmed head, but then he recognized the sound of the phone. Taking a deep breath, Nikki fought to regain a sense of perspective through the pounding drumbeat of the pulse roaring in his ears. “Jewel…?”

“Hey in there!” Pam shouted through the door. “Eric’s on the phone. He wants to know what the EFF is going on and where everyone is. So, ya’ll better hurry up.”

“Shit! The show,” Julie exclaimed, as the outside world crashed down on them.

Catching her breath Julie firmed her unaccountably weak knees and stood. She yanked the dryer plug from the wall socket. Grasping the bottle of hair gel by the sink she held it out. “Yeah, ummm, here use this for your hair. We’d better get going.” Smoothing her miniskirt back into place, she reached for the doorknob.

Nikki put his hands on her shoulders, left enticingly bare by the strapless blouse, effectively stopping her. “Jewel. Hey, I don’t want you to do anything you’re not ready to do. I don’t want you to feel that sex is all I want. I’ve…I’ve never really dated a girl and…,” one hand twirled as he tried to find the right words. “You know I’m not a virgin, but, …, well. Fuck I just want you so bad, all the time. I’m not used to this cause there are always willing girls around the band. But for the first time, I don’t see them; I don’t hear them, and I don’t want any of them. Since you fell into my arms last night all I see, hear, and want is you.” Standing, he pulled her close and kissed the back of her head. “Now, we really do need to get going.” Breathing in the clean scent of her he thought, What the hell am I doing? Sighing, he released her and reached for the door.


About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.

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    Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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