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Blue Diamonds - Chp 4

A Rock and Roll Lust Story

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 9 months ago 13 min read
Blue Diamonds - Chp 4
Photo by Philip Stieber on Unsplash

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Chapter 4

As she and Nikki clambered off the bus onto the busy Los Angeles sidewalk, Julie glanced at the neon sign by the California United Bank. One fifteen p.m. and 77 degrees, she noted. Rachael was probably just rising after her ‘nocturnal activities.’ I hope she’s cool after the club last night. I’ve gotta get my stuff…

“So, which way is it?”

“It’s just three and a half blocks down,” replied Julie setting off at a rapid pace.

“I see you’ve been staying in quite a chic neighborhood,” said Nikki, looking at the rundown tenements and dilapidated little houses as he followed after.

“Only the best for Raul’s girls,” laughed Julie, stepping over an aromatic pile of still fresh dog leavings. “Hey, smells just like your place,” she said. They laughed together and walked on toward their destination.

As they turned into the Buena Vista apartment complex, Nikki gave a laugh. “Buena Vista, huh… Looks more like Mierda Vista.” The perimeter of the parking lot was lined on three sides by buildings holding five units per level and three levels per building. The buildings were bare of paint with exception of a few chips of latex clinging on for dear life and the graffiti that was almost everywhere.

On the second story of the back side of the parking lot in front of the end apartment on that floor stood Rachael, cordless phone in hand, smoking a cigarette. As they started to wave the girl took the last drag of her cigarette and dropped it into an old Folgers coffee can by the front door. Turning, Rachael walked inside; apparently not even seeing the couple approach.


“Yeah. Raul. Last night you said to call if she showed up… Yeah, well…, but I don’t know how long I can keep her here... Sure, okay… See ya.” Rachael hung up the phone, walked over to the sink and grabbed the wash cloth she had been using for her swollen black eye. That little bitch had cost her last night in more ways than one. And now, due to the “educational” beating Raul had given her, she wouldn’t be able to work tonight either.

Rachael heard the knock at the door. Finally, she thought as she left the small eat-in kitchen and crossed to the door. “I ain’t got the rent ready yet,” she yelled at the door as she approached it. “Ohhh…, Julie,… Nikki… What a nice surprise. It was so sweet of you to walk her home,…” Sarcasm almost dripped from her lips as she turned to face Nikki. “Or did you just come back to get your stuff?”

“I came to get my stuff Rachael; and to thank you for giving me a safe place to sleep off the streets.”

“Oh that ain’t nuthin’ for you to thank me for, but wait, look at my manners here. Could I offer you two somethin’ ta drink? I’ve got coke if you want.” As she made her way back to the little kitchen, she heard the two of them say “sure.” Rummaging in the little frig she brought out three cold cans and gave Nikki and Julie theirs before opening her own. Dropping the peel off tab into the can she turned to her guests. “So Julie, you gonna be stayin’ with Nikki and the band now?” she asked, looking Nikki in the eye.

Having noticed the manner in which Rachael had raised one eyebrow and the slight moistening of her lips with a pink tongue as she drawled “and the band”, Nikki curbed his initial response. How dare she insinuate that Julie’s a whore. Besides, she’s mine! No way in hell is she gonna be sleeping with the guys… or, for that matter ANYone else! Noting the rather obvious black eye Rachael was sporting he took a calming breath and replied, “She’s gonna be staying with ME, at the band house for a while.” Putting a proprietary arm around Julie’s shoulders he looked Rachael directly in the eyes. “There seems to be an attraction between us that I think deserves a little investigating.”

Feeling the sudden tension in the room, Julie looked back and forth between the two of them. “Hey Rach,… Thanks again for taking me in, but I never really felt comfortable here…, especially when, uhm…, Raul shows up.” Disengaging herself from Nikki’s embrace she tiptoed up and gave him a quick brush on the cheek. “I’m just, uh..., I’m gonna go get my stuff.”

“Don’t be silly Julie. You know it’s way too early for Raul to be showing up. Why don’t you grab a quick shower and change in my room before you leave.”

“I have to admit a shower sounds great, but…”

“But nothing, Jewel,” Nikki piped in. “We have time and it’ll make you feel better. Go ahead,” Nikki coerced. “Rachael and I can keep each other company for a few.”

Once Julie was ensconced into Rachael’s bathroom with the water running Rachael excused herself to go out for a smoke. Pulling out her lighter, Rachael leaned on the railing and, while nonchalantly tapping out a cigarette, perused the parking lot. Raul should be here pretty soon…, she thought.

“Mind if I join you?”

Jumping, she startled guiltily, almost dropping the cigarette over the rail.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” Pulling a pack of Marlboro 100’s from his jacket pocket, Nikki tapped the top against the palm of one hand. Cupping one hand against the slight breeze he lit his smoke. “Here, let me get that for you,” he said holding the flame out.

Leaning in, Rachael allowed the tip of her Newport to access the dancing flame. Taking a long drag she held it for a second before exhaling in a long, slow stream of minty smoke. Leaning against the rail once more she propped elbows on the cool metal and looked out over the dingy litter strewn parking lot that encompassed the boundaries of her world. As Nikki turned and propped his back against the rail where he could keep an eye on the door and window of the apartment, Rachael sighed. “I just don’t get it Nikki. Everyone seems to want a piece of that girl.”

“What do you mean Rach?”

“Well, there’s you of course. And Raul. I don’t get what it is…”

Tensing, every muscle in his body suddenly taut, Nikki stood upright. “What about Raul?”

“Well, ever since Julie showed up, Raul’s been obsessed with her. Or at least obsessed with getting her into,… well, you know…,” her voice trailed into a low register as she looked down at the pavement below. “Into business,” she finally said.

“I see. Well, that’s not going to happen.” Nikki had a far away look in his eyes as he contemplated the ramifications of what “being in business” with Raul meant. There was no way his Jewel was ever going to be a whore, especially not for an abusive piece of shit like Raul.

“Yeah. I know.” With a whimsical smile which tapped into her own reservoir of dashed hopes and unfulfilled dreams, Rachael turned and looked Nikki in the eyes. “You really like her, don’t you?”

“Yeah. I do. I can’t really explain it, it’s just… Well, the moment I saw her I knew I had to have her. Not “HAVE” her, you know, but… be with her. Get to know her…” He waved the hand holding his still lit Marlboro in a little circle causing a tiny cloud of grey ash to blow off as the orange flame at the tip mirrored the heat of his own internal passion.

“Uh huh. Oh, and, also, there was a guy asking about her the other night.”

Stubbing out his cigarette under a booted heel, Nikki placed thumbs in the corners of his pants pockets and leaned back again. Worried thoughts whirled chaotically in his mind. “Who is he? What’s he look like?”

“I think he said his name was Randy.”

Releasing the pent breath he barely realized he had been holding Nikki relaxed slightly. Julie’s little brother, he thought. I didn’t realize he knew where she was.

“He’s about thirty, tall, brown hair. Not too bad on the eyes. I got him to pay for a night too. He likes it rough.” The downturned corner of her lips and the snort of derision that accompanied this last let Nikki know what she really thought.

Alarm bells rang once more in Nikki’s mind bringing him erect. “About thirty you said?”

“Yeah, why?”

That’s not the brother then. So who the hell…? “Did he say why he was looking for Julie?” said Nikki feigning nonchalance he didn’t feel.

“No, and to tell you the truth, I really didn’t care.”

“I suppose not. Look, I gotta take a piss. Is there another bathroom?”

Spotting a large white car just pulling in off the main drag Rachael straightened. Dropping her cigarette she stubbed it out and turned. “Yeah, sure. Julie’s in the one in my room. You can use the other one.” With a surreptitious glance over her shoulder at the approaching car, Rachael opened the door and stepped inside followed by a distracted Nikki. “It’s down the hall on the right. Second door.”

As Nikki stepped around her she gripped his arm for a second. “Nikki, I’m sorry…”

“Sorry for what?” Nikki said quizzically.

“Just for whatever. I’m sorry for whatever,” she said quietly. Her eyes roamed the room refusing to meet his.

Nikki, one eyebrow raised like a curious Vulcan, looked a question at her. Not getting a response he flashed his fingers in a V and said “Okay…” Shrugging, he turned and headed to the bathroom.

As the door closed behind him Rachael noted the sudden silence. Apparently Julie was finished showering and had cut the water. A frown crossed Rachael’s face, worry wrinkling her forehead as she looked at the bedroom door. Sticking one finger into her mouth she absently nibbled on a fingernail, an unconscious nervous habit. When the apartment door opened behind her she swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to put on a smile. “Raul. How goes it?” she said to the figure standing in the doorway.

Raul’s black eyes were narrowed in anger, his pock-marked olive hued skin flushed. “You tell me. Where the hell is she?” The Hispanic man’s scraggly dark goatee, set amidst patchy spots of intermittent hair where he had tried unsuccessfully to grow a full beard, twitched with indignation.

“She’s changing clothes in the bedroom and getting her stuff. She’s leaving.” , Unable to meet his eyes, Rachael turned her gaze down and shuffled her feet. “Raul, hey…, you know, Julie’s not really the type for…”

“Shut up cunt!” Raul said. Lashing out with a backhand he delivered a stinging blow across the hooker’s face. “I’ll fucking decide who the hell’s the type for what. That bitch owes me!”

Recoiling from his fury, one hand flying to her face where stinging pain radiated from this new injury, Rachael stumbled back against the duct tape-patched brown faux-leather couch. Stifling her sobs she edged around the side of the sofa as the angry pimp strode past her and stormed down the hallway, grey snake skin boots stomping loudly in the thin frayed carpet. Grasping the doorknob with one manicured hand Raul flung open the bedroom door.

Startled by the sudden slam of the door against the wall, Julie dropped the pair of jeans she had been stuffing into a red gym bag. “Raul…, hey… What’s up?” Taking in the fury radiating from the dark haired pimp in waves she took an involuntary step back, her legs bumping against the queen size bed which took up most of the room’s floor space. “Hey, Raul, I… uh…, wanted to thank you for all your help.” Glancing past the five foot two man's shoulder her eyes searched frantically for Nikki. Not seeing Nikki, she looked back at the figure looming in the doorway. Raul’s eyes were narrowed and aimed in toward his flat Mexican nose. Anger and indignation rolled off his skin like rain from a slicker.

Raul took a deep breath and released it in a hiss. Dark eyes raked her up and down, contempt evident in his sneer. Julie’s dark brown hair, still wet from the shower, left damp spots on the shoulders of the thin blue windbreaker the girl had put on over the same black Styx tee-shirt she had been wearing the first time he had set eyes on her. Her tight little ass was encased in a pair of hip hugging jeans. Raul’s nostrils flared as he took in the scent of freshly washed skin and coconut shampoo. A pleasant surge of lust brought a throbbing in his groin. Goddamn! What I could do with that! I could fucking charge double for such a hot little piece of fresh ass. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?” the pimp asked, the underlying threat evident in his tight voice.

“I’m moving out now. You know this was just a temporary thing here with Rachael…”

“Fucking temporary, huh? Moving out, huh? What?! You’re gonna go live with the band?” he sneered. “I’ve put money out on letting you stay here. I’ve let Rachael miss out on paying customers while she pampered your little ass. I’ve been good to you. You fucking owe me you little bitch!” Stepping up to where Julie had backed against the bed frame he placed hands on hips covered by a cheap brown leather jacket. “And you ain’t fucking leaving until you pay. So how much did Nik and those band fags pay you for your little gang bang anyway? Don’t forget, when you give out a piece, I get a piece. So hand it over or I’ll take it out on that tight little ass myself.”

Emerald eyes flashed as her own blood began to roil. “I don’t owe you anything you abusive jerk.” Straightening to her full height, aided by the heels she wore, Julie looked down to meet the pimp’s furious eyes. “And I am leaving.”

“You fucking cunt!...” Raul’s tirade was stopped by the stinging slap which snapped his head to the right. Jerking back in sheer surprise, unable to believe the temerity of this little bitch daring to strike him, Raul gaped open mouthed. Blinking, he gingerly touched his jaw. “Why you ungrateful little cunt!” Lashing out with a ring bedecked hand he smacked Julie square on her left cheek, his hand leaving a red print outlined against her skin. “I’ll fucking show you!” he snarled as Julie fell back across the bed, knees bent over the edge of the mattress.

Stepping out of the bathroom where he had been splashing water on his face, Nikki glanced towards the living room. He saw Rachael standing there, one hand raised to her face which now sported two black eyes. Rachael’s abstracted gaze focused past him. Turning, Nikki took in the presence of Rachael’s pimp, Raul, in the bedroom where his Jewel was at. Focusing on the little man who leaned threateningly close to Julie, his back to the doorway, Nikki took in the dark slick-backed hair curling just at the collar of a brown leather jacket. What the fuck!? Just as he stepped into the doorway the little Hispanic man delivered his Jewel a stinging blow across her face. Hardly able to credit the sight, Nikki’s vision went absolute red, his brain frozen in a miasma of sheer unadulterated fury. With a guttural roar he grabbed the little man’s hand where it was raised in preparation of delivering another blow to the hapless girl now laying half on the bed. Yanking, Nikki spun the pimp around.

A hard knuckled fist blasted into Raul’s face, flattening his already flat nose even more. A crimson gush burst from the pimp’s nostrils to immediately flood the front of the dark purple button-down shirt he wore under the cheap jacket. Pain blasting through his brain and overloading his synapses, Raul pin-wheeled his arms in an attempt to regain his balance and, failing, fell back across the bed, almost landing on Julie who was struggling back to her feet. “FUCK! BY NOBE!” he screeched. Instinct caused the stunned bastard to grasp his nose sending a fresh wave of pain blasting into his forehead like a spear gun piercing to the hind parts of his brain. “SHIT! You fucking broke by nobe! Fucking bastard!”

“If I ever see you near Julie again I’ll break a hell of a lot more than that.” Nikki’s voice was so fiercely cold that Julie started – she wouldn’t have been surprised to see ice smoke leaking from his lips. Reaching out his left hand Nikki helped Julie to her feet and picked up the gym bag containing her meager belongings. “After you my lady,” he said, steering her toward the hallway. With a last warning glare at the abusive pimp on the bed Nikki turned and departed. Passing Rachael in the living room he said “Sorry for,.. whatever, Rach.” The slam of the door reverberated through the small apartment.

Stopping at the base of the stairs just by the edge of the blacktop, Nikki took a deep breath in an attempt to calm the blood boiling in his veins. The sheer power of the protective rage he had felt when he saw that little spic bastard strike his Jewel had surprised even him. Releasing breath noisily from distended nostrils he twisted his neck around in an arc to relieve some tension. Burning eyes alighted on a white Cadillac parked in the nearest spot. It had not been there when they arrived.

Casting a wary look at Nikki, Julie stepped past him. “That’s Raul’s piece of shit Cadillac. His pimp-mobile,” she said. The long car had grey primer spots on the hood and front passenger fender and a pink bondo smear on the passenger rear fender. Inside the car she could see a pair of fuzzy stuffed dice hanging from the rearview mirror, framed by red fringed tassels hanging from a black and white tiger-striped headliner.

Behind her, as his chaotic thoughts began to settle, Nikki said “I guess I know what Rachael was sorry about now.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” said Julie, fishing in her small purse. Pulling out a nail file she stepped over the curb-stop. Palming the file she calmly walked down the length of the car.

The scree of the file scraping along the side of the pimpmobile brought a smile to Nikki’s face. With a small chuckle he caught up with Julie and placed a proprietary arm around her shoulders once more. “Well, that was entertaining. Ready for lunch?”


About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.

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    Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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