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I have no mouth, and I must scream

Harlan Ellison

By Mother CombsPublished 13 days ago Updated 13 days ago 2 min read
Harlan Ellison at the Harlan Ellison Roast. L.A. Press Club July 12, 1986. Los Angeles, California. 12 July 1986 20:30. Courtesy of Wikipedia.

One of my favorite writers of all time is Harlan Ellison. A true master of his craft, with over 1700 works, he was a very prolific writer, crafting captivating stories such as “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream,” “A Boy and His Dog,” and “'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman.” He wrote not only sci-fi works but also screenplays, comic book scripts, and more. His works, often exploring themes of dystopia, technology, and social issues, have won numerous awards, including several Hugos, Nebulas, and Edgars. He was also an editor and anthologist. He was very successful over his long life, being born in 1934 and passing away in 2018.

I’ve read his books and short stories that I could find in the library and fell in love with his writing style at the age of 25. Then I saw a few books in a yard sale that I bought and read until the cover fell off and the pages became loose. Twenty-four years later, I still have those books; I can’t bring myself to throw them out. They are a testament to his works' impact on my life, and I may want to reread them. Rereading a book you love is like coming home.

Since my husband and his family don’t read much, I never had many people around me with whom I could discuss his works, even though they all had watched his screenplays for Star Trek and Twilight Zone and enjoyed those tales. My oldest brother and I would talk books whenever we got together, but he’s the only one in my family who likes to read the same styles and genres as I do. My brother introduced me to Stephan R. Donaldson; I introduced him to Harlan Ellison.

Imagine my surprise when my youngest child approached me and asked if I’d heard of the story “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.” Then she went on to explain the story to me and tell me that there was a game about it that she wanted to play and that the original author of the tale voiced the game. To say I was shocked hearing the story title from her mouth is an understatement. Now imagine how stunned she was when I asked her how she liked the Harlan Ellison short story, and my teen realized she and her mama liked the same author. She was thrilled, and for the last two weeks, she’s discussed his work with me. I’m in heaven having someone in the family who likes his work as much as I do.

She’s had me watch her play the game for the short story. It was terrific to see Harlan Ellison’s tale come to life and to see his vision for the story. Plus, I had the added perk of listening to my teenager rave about each storyline and talk about the tale's characters. It’s been a fantastic experience to share this interest with my daughter.

If you haven’t read “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream,” I highly recommend it. It is a sci-fi dystopian novel in which AI rules the world and subsequently destroys all we hold dear, mocking the few remaining survivors. But if you don’t read this one, read any of his others. His stories are gripping and provocative—well worth the time it takes to read them. I’m very sure of myself when I say I think you will love anything of his you read.


About the Creator

Mother Combs

Come near, sit a spell, and listen to tales of old as I sit and rock by my fire. I'll serve you some cocoa and cookies as I tell you of the time long gone by when your Greats-greats once lived.

Admin = ViM


Mike Judey Dharr Grz

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  • Shirley Belk7 days ago

    So glad that your daughter got the love reading gene! Great tribute to your favorite author!

  • Cathy holmes12 days ago

    It's so nice that you and your daughter have that in common. I can imagine it was a pleasant surprise.

  • Omgggg, I can truly imagine how happy you were to discover that you can talk about this books with your daughter! I loveeeeee this kinda conversations! I've not read any of his books but I've added it to my TBR!

  • Andrea Corwin 13 days ago

    Ok I am on it!! Thanks for the suggestion❤️ l!!

  • Awesome 🌟

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