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Shampoos to Avoid

Damaging Effects on Your Hair

By Ada ZubaPublished 10 months ago 2 min read
Shampoos to Avoid
Photo by Taisiia Stupak on Unsplash

Here is a list of shampoos that you should avoid:

By Lindsay Cash on Unsplash

1. Tresemme: I was surprised to discover that Tresemme, a brand frequently used by my old salon, is actually one of the worst choices for your hair. While it may make your hair feel silky and great initially, it contains sulfates and salt, which can have detrimental effects. Salt, in particular, has a drying effect on the hair, while sulfates strip away moisture, leading to increased brittleness over time.

By Shane on Unsplash

2. Head and Shoulders: I used to rely on Head and Shoulders shampoo, especially during winter, due to its refreshing green apple scent. However, I found that it didn't effectively address my dandruff issues and, in fact, made them worse. Surprisingly, I came across a TikTok recommendation suggesting the use of Head and Shoulders on the face. Curious, I gave it a try and was amazed by the positive results. It actually helped clear up my acne, so I started using it as a face wash. The reason it works is because head and shoulders contains Zinc. Zinc reduces inflammation so if you use it on your face it can help with acne, eczema or rosacea. I never went back to regular face wash.

By Helena Lopes on Unsplash

3. Mane 'n Tail: Although my sister swore by Mane 'n Tail shampoo, it was originally formulated for horses and can leave your hair dry and frizzy. Despite its high Keratin content, which is beneficial for hair health, it still resulted in frizzy hair for many users.

By Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

4. Herbal Essences: Herbal Essences was one of my go-to shampoos because of its delightful scents like coconut, mango, and honey. I even tried their Hello Hydration variant for a while, but unfortunately, it didn't do my hair any favors. It neither improved nor damaged my hair—it just seemed to have no effect, leaving my hair in a neutral state, neither oily nor dry.

By 卡晨 on Unsplash

5. Dove Shampoo: Living in a place with extremely dry winters, I struggled to control frizz in my hair. Unfortunately, using Dove shampoo only exacerbated the problem, causing an unbelievable amount of frizz and static. Additionally, a recent study linked Dove shampoo to hair loss, and its formula contains several parabens, known to cause product buildup.

By Markus Spiske on Unsplash

6. Garnier: My mom has been using Garnier shampoo for ages, mainly because my dad finds it on sale. However, discounted prices might indicate underlying issues with the product. Garnier, like many other brands, includes sulfates in its formulations. Furthermore, it incorporates other questionable ingredients such as silicones, phthalates, and phenoxyethanol, which are not easily recognizable. If you can't pronounce these chemicals, it's usually a sign of concern. This particular shampoo is also known to cause scalp itchiness.

By Erick Larregui on Unsplash

While these brands may be affordable, using them can lead to additional expenses required to repair the damage caused to your hair. It's essential to prioritize your hair's well-being by opting for better, more beneficial products. Some brands have made improvements by eliminating sulfates, but it's crucial to remain cautious as they often substitute them with other harmful ingredients. In my next article, I will focus on the best shampoos available, including affordable options.

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About the Creator

Ada Zuba

Hello fellow interweb explorers! I am Ada Zuba. I binge the Netflix shows and just recently Disney plus has been my happy place. I am a creative person with a big love for Disney movies. I hope to one day write and publish a fantasy novel.

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