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Large garden

Large garden

By Gerardo MaresPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Looking at the students' diary, the immature and grateful words let me feel relieved, I could not help but think of yesterday's class scene. Yesterday, we learned the passage "told" in comprehensive Exercise 1. It was written in the passage that the mother repeatedly told us full of maternal love. The child was dissatisfied with this at first, but later understood the mother and was full of gratitude to her. After the first reading of this article, I let the students talk about their feelings, but the students feel more or the children nagging tired of mother, perhaps mothers love nagging, perhaps the students have deep sympathy, but the nagging and contains how much mother love ah, I must let the students have a correct understanding of this. So I asked the students to read the text and find the sentences that expressed the author's thoughts and feelings. After careful reading, most of the students found what the author understood about their mothers, but a few found that they were tired of their mothers nagging. When I asked them to explain the reason, Kim said, You see, mother s advice is like a regular program on the radio. I want to listen to this program forever... 'It shows that the author loves listening, and listens actively. How can it be boring?" He Yang also stood up and said, "Look, he speaks of his mother. The voice is' kind and gentle voice, and guide us to grow up, this is not to understand the mother's love for their own? At this time the students suddenly realized, the students combined with their own practical talk about the benefits of the mother told, such as "told to memorize words, the results of dictation full marks." "Told to take an umbrella and not be rained on," and so on, then the students are talking about their mother's love for themselves, words are full of happiness, I did not enjoy the children, and let the children write a diary at night. Today I see the children's understanding of maternal love, is the deep love for mother, at this time I have been satisfied.

The world we live in is like a garden in which everyone is a flower. "People are different, flowers are different", each of us has his own character. Interest. Hobbies. Special skills... Now, let me introduce myself. Small eyes, long black hair, a cherry mouth, glib. This is who I am. I have a weakness: I cry. Who if provoke me, my eyes as if did not close the faucet, tears. Flow non-stop, alas! I don't want to be a girly girl, but I can't turn off the faucet. Remember once, is on the way to school, a girl in our class, accidentally hit my ear, knocked my ear off, ear bleeding, I cried, several girls in our class are comforting me, but, they comfort me all can't, I just cry. I also have a big advantage: perseverance. That day, my friends and I peel peanuts together, at first, we think it is a kind of fun, began to peel up happily. However, we have not peeled to half, we feel boring, my friend went to watch TV, is I want to walk into the house to watch TV, my ear echoed the mother's words: do things to finish, have perseverance. Then, I sat there and peeled the peanuts, finally, I insist, finally, slowly a plate of peanuts will appear in front of my eyes! This is a small test of my perseverance. I see my sea, I see my results, I am so happy! This is me, a love to cry, and perseverance of the lovely little girl.

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