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Freedom means that you have the ability to explore your heart.


By michaeldbarr khgPublished 2 years ago 5 min read



"can you be free at once?

That's the only way to get rid of the pain. "

Krishnamurti: freedom means you can't obey anyone, can you?

You must be free to explore, you must not accept, nor can you count on guides, institutions, saviors, gurus.

Freedom means that you must have the ability to explore, not to explore what others say, but to explore your heart, to investigate and examine the whole structure of the human mind-our mind, your mind.

According to a pattern, any form of compliance and imitation of a mold will hinder free exploration. What we're going to talk about requires you to listen freely-- not only to listen to words, but also to the meaning of words, and not to become slaves to words, not to accept or reject anything the speaker says, but to just listen. and then find out the answer-- find out the answer yourself, not according to some explanation, not according to some other speaker's opinion. It's about finding out the truth and falsehood in what you say.

Freedom does not do as it pleases. Doing whatever you want is not freedom at all. I think maybe this freedom has brought great misfortune to the world-everyone does what they want to do. This is very popular in a country where there is neither tradition nor discipline-I use the word "discipline" to mean a completely different meaning, about which we are about to discuss.

Freedom does not imply choice. A man thinks that if he can choose, then he is free. I don't know if you have thought deeply about the question of choice. You have a lot of choices in front of you-- mentors, yogis, philosophers, scientists, psychologists, psychoanalysts-- constantly blowing up your mind day after day. You choose from these choices the people you think you should follow and the people you think you should listen to.

You choose according to your temperament, your desires, and your pleasure. When many of them tell you, "follow this, don't follow that", "do this" and "don't do that". You will be forced to face the question of who to listen to and who to follow, whether to follow the mentor, the school of philosophy, or the guru.

It is absolutely necessary for you to be free to find out what is truth and what is wrong-no one, no system, no philosophy, no guru will tell you.

The "freedom" of "transcending loneliness"



"how to find a way to deal with loneliness

Only you stop running away.

To know what to do.

At that time, loneliness ended.

Because it has completely changed. "

Q: I began to realize that I was very lonely. What am I going to do

Krishnamurti: do you know what loneliness means? do you realize your loneliness? I doubt it.

We immerse ourselves in activities, books, relationships and ideas that actually make us unaware of loneliness. What do we mean by loneliness? it's a sense of emptiness, a sense of extreme unease with nothing and nowhere to settle down.

Loneliness is not despair, nor hopelessness, but a feeling of emptiness, emptiness and frustration.

What do you do when you're lonely? you try to escape the feeling of loneliness, you try to read a book, follow a leader, go to a movie, or be very, very active in social affairs, or go to church, pray, or paint, or write a poem about loneliness. That's exactly what it is.

Aware of that loneliness, taste its pain, feel your deep fear of it, you seek to escape, that escape is very important, so your activities, your knowledge, your God, your radio all become important, don't you?

Modern civilization based on these things provides you with a way to escape-into your job, your family, your reputation, your research, painting, etc.; our whole culture is based on escape. It is a fact that our civilization is based on this.

Have you ever tried to be alone? you've tried every way to fill the hole of loneliness. Have you ever succeeded, or have you just covered it up? if you just cover it up, it's still there; so it will reappear. If you can really escape completely, you will escape into some sanctuary or become very slow. That's what the whole world is like.

Can this emptiness, can this void be filled? if not, can we escape it, avoid it? if we have experienced it and found that some kind of escape is ineffective, isn't all other escapes ineffective? whether you use this or that to fill the void is not the crux of the question. The so-called meditation is also escape. The way you change your escape is no different.

Then how to find a way to deal with loneliness only if you stop running away can you know what to do. Isn't that true when you're willing to face the truth-- that means you can't turn on the radio, which means you have to give up civilization (all the ways to escape)-- that loneliness ends because it's completely transformed. It's no longer alone.

"initial and final Freedom"



"isn't life itself its purpose and meaning?

Why do we want more? "

Q: to many people, life seems meaningless, but we don't know why we live. Can you tell us the meaning and purpose of life?

Krishnamurti: what do we mean by life? does life have a meaning, a purpose? isn't life its purpose and meaning? why do we want more?

Because we are not satisfied with our lives, our lives are too empty, too vulgar, too monotonous, doing the same thing day after day. So we want more, something beyond what we are doing.

Because our daily life is empty, too boring, too meaningless, too boring, too stupid, we say that life must have a more complete meaning, which is why you ask this question.

Obviously, if a person lives abundantly and richly, if he sees things truthfully and is happy and contented, he will not be confused; he is sober and sensible, so he will not ask what is the purpose of life. For him, life itself is both the beginning and the end.

If you say that the purpose of life is to be happy and to find God, it is obvious that the desire to find God is an escape from life, and your God is only a known thing.

Only what you know can be found. If you build a ladder to what you call God, it is obviously not God.

The truth can only be understood in life, but it is not possible to escape. If you seek a purpose in life, you are actually running away from life, not understanding it.

"initial and final Freedom"


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michaeldbarr khg

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