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Zen Supplement: 30 Minutes to Bliss Meditative Playlist

Five songs that will lead you to a place of peace, order, and rejuvenation. It's a treatment to leave you in a state of zenned-out bliss.

By Steph NicoPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Zen Supplement: 30 Minutes to Bliss Meditative Playlist
Photo by Miguel Salgado on Unsplash

"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” – Kahlil Gibran

Music has the power to transform our experience because it speaks the language of our being. Rhythms and melodies shape our psyche and the right song can take you from feeling anxious, disordered, and weary to a place of peace, order, and rejuvenation.

We like to use music as medicine. We blast our favorite upbeat song when we're feeling down, rock out to angsty tunes to let off some steam, or play "Driver's License" by Oliva Rodrigo to wallow in the misery of heartache.

But the best way to take your music is as a vitamin.

Meditative Music for Self-Care

The right songs can prepare an environment of peace in our beings. When we take time to meditate and reflect on our lives we are preparing ourselves for our future experiences. Music can help us cultivate an inner-place of blissful zen. The best part is--Once we create this sanctuary we can return to it in the crazy moments of our day-to-day life.

Do yourself a favor and spend thirty minutes treating your mind to this playlist. Consider it your very own self-care, musical zen supplement of sorts.

Don't have 30 minutes? No problem, check out the song descriptions below and listen to just one song for a bite-sized bit of meditative bliss.

Your Zen Supplement: 30 Minutes to Bliss Playlist

Your Zen Supplement Ingredient List: The Song Breakdown

This playlist is only five songs long, but don't be deceived: Each song packs a powerful punch of musical medicinal qualities to take you from frazzled to zenned-out.

I've crafted the perfect prescription that will let you know what to expect and the remedy each song offers.

Whether you're feeling distracted or lonely or just craving a dreamlike state, this playlist has got you covered. Check out the songs below.

"Call Within," Manose

How it Feels: You're in the jungle near a waterfall. The sun is shining through the limbs and leaves of the green trees. There is a slight breeze, but the air is otherwise deliciously warm.

In the stillness of the jungle, the outside world ceases to exist and you find you're able to connect to that sacred inward place that exists somewhere in your chest cavity. You find yourself humming along, immersed in the experience of a song.

This Song Cures: Feelings of distraction and the tendency to live in a hurry.

"We Breathe In," Meghan Currie, The Blend Orchestra

How it Feels: You're somewhere in the sky. Everything is light and airy. The sun is beginning to peek over the horizon. Soft, sweetness envelops you--you're in a cloud.

Golden rays of light are piercing the mist in a dance of ethereal radiance. Dewdrops sit on your skin. You take a deep breath in and realize you've never felt more alive

This Song Cures: The desire to dissociate and feeling disconnected from your body.

"So Hum," DJ Drez, Marti Nikko, Steven Anthony Bradley

How it Feels: It's nighttime, but no one is sleeping. The village has gathered for a ritual. A bonfire blazes in the middle of everyone you know and love. There is a sense of mystery in the air as the drum beats seem to usher in the present moment into being.

Smoke from pipes mixes with the gray plumes of the fire. Children are chasing each other. Some young women are dancing. You look up at the sky and millions of twinkling stars seem to speak to you: You belong here and you have much to do.

This Song Cures: Feelings of loneliness and the desire to stay in your room because you feel like you have nothing to offer.

"Cura Cura," Kama Lila Sol

How it Feels: You might be dreaming. You've found yourself in a clearing in the middle of a forest. Moonlight slices down from the sky and paints the lawn in silver hues. A lovely woman wanders from the woods. Her lilting voice fills the air and creatures from every fairytale you've ever read begin to appear.

You don't know how it's happening but the song seems to bring the creatures into existence. Something spectacular is happening but you can't quite comprehend it.

You're swept up in some kind of dance and then there is a feast of the most delicious food you've ever tasted. You drink a goblet and eat a pastry, laughing in merriment, and marvel at a realization: There is magic, goodness, and wonder in this world.

This Song Cures: Weariness that comes from the monotony of everyday life and feelings of cynicism.

"Fatih's Hymn," Beautiful Chorus

How it Feels: You're in a world without form. Bright light shimmers and shines. It's sparkly pink and then sky blue. The light is moving and changing and yet constant and continuing.

A feeling of unity rides on the harmony. There is no end, there is no beginning, there is only the present moment. Is this heaven? Is it nirvana? Does it matter? You are present and connected to something whole, holy, and wholly different than anything you've ever know.

This Song Cures: Thinking you are insignificant and feeling out of step with the world.

How to Take Your Zen Supplement: Ways to use this playlist

Meditation doesn't always have to be an emptying of your mind. As you listen to the playlist allow your experience to develop and accept it for what it is.

Need some guidance? Here are a few suggestions for how to engage the music:

  • Set an Intention for Bliss - Before you begin your meditation reflect on the things that give you a feeling of peace and joy. Allow the sense of bliss to usher you into the musical experience.
  • Practice Intentional Breathing - Music offers a beat to which you can sync your breath. Attend to your inhalations and exhalation. If you want to add structure try breathing in for a count of six and out for a count of six.
  • Allow Your Mind to Wander - Allow your subconscious to direct your attention. Embrace the discomfort, see the thought through, and it will transform. You'll never know what you'll find at the end.
  • Journal What Comes to Mind - Writing can be a therapeutic way to sort out the things in your head and bring you back in touch with yourself. Journal your thoughts or the experience you have while listening as a way to process or as a creative outlet.
  • Lose Yourself in the Music - This one is simple! Empty your mind and let the sounds take you on a blissful trip to zen.
  • How will you love yourself with a little zen supplement today?


    About the Creator

    Steph Nico

    studies philosophy. reads books. drinks coffee. does yoga. writes words.

    Find my philosophical thoughts and yoga shapes on Instagram: @philosoyogi

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