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What effect does music have on people?

Music is life.!

By MicutulMicPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
What effect does music have on people?
Photo by LoveFreund .de on Unsplash

It is said that when you listen to music, you do not have time to think about anything else. You only focus on what you hear, which is why people are able to remember a song so quickly. In other countries there are specialized centers for music therapy, with professionals who have pursued university studies in this regard.

Did you know that music can contribute to the development of children, even from the womb? Hearing is one of the first senses to appear in the fetus, and music helps to stimulate its mental and motor functions. It was noticed that a soft song, listened to by the mother, has calming effects on the little one. And when the music is more “agitated”, the belly fan moves in rhythm. Sounds also help to shape a child’s creativity and increase their cognitive abilities.

What does music help us with?

It makes us feel good. Sometimes it calms us down, other times it shakes us. Just because we listen to music or know how to use a musical instrument makes it easier to express our emotions. Most people who suffer from severe physical or mental illness appreciate music on a different level.

To the same extent, it is appreciated by those who have problems in the family, by those who are part of the entourage less accepted or approved by society. Most of the time, no matter what state our mind and body are in, we find refuge in verses that seem to describe exactly how we feel in those moments. And after a few minutes, we let ourselves be enveloped by the creations of the artists and meditate on different situations that can improve our condition. Even if the actions taken are not exactly real, but only imagined, this gives positive results and we notice how our condition begins to improve.

We often associate a certain song with people and events. Thus, it is impossible for us not to think at least a little about those associations when we listen to it.

In some centers, music helps Alzheimer’s seniors remember the beautiful things of their youth. An article was recently published about an old woman from North Korea who had not recognized her husband for more than 6 months. She did not remember that she was married, that she had lived in the same house with the same man for 35 years and that they had 2 children together. When the doctor told her husband to bring her an object she loved, the husband came up with the idea of putting the song on his wife’s headphones that marked their years together. His reaction was incredible. She began to cry and hugged her husband.

Music heals the soul and the mind. People who do not fully trust themselves or are afraid to try something new, listen to motivational, energetic music. Stressed people often listen to sounds that mimic those of nature. Those who go through a breakup choose specific, slow songs. They help to accept the situation and prepare those concerned for new beginnings. We each have our own form of music therapy. We always use it for our many and varied purposes, which is a great thing. The combination of words and sounds describes feelings, something you can’t always explain, even something you’d like to say, but can’t find words.

Music also heals the body. As early as the 13th century, the native Indians used to use music and dance as healing methods. They found that music can have a positive effect on people’s health and well-being, greatly improving their quality of life.

Anyone who says that autism prevents them from listening to music is probably right. But anyone who says that an autistic person can’t feel the music is sorely mistaken. A report published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in 2006 found positive results in increasing the communication of children with autism. Although the study still needs research in the field, it has been shown that music does not penetrate man exclusively through hearing.

The bottom line is that music is ubiquitous in everyone’s life. This creation heals our soul, influences our behavior, and shapes our mood.


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”Failure is just the opportunity to start all over again, this time in a smarter way - Henry Ford”

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