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Notice of Intent (NOI)

NOI's: What are they and how can you collect?

By Indie Music StreamPublished about a year ago 3 min read

NOI, or Notice of Intent, is a legal document used in the music industry when a music service provider wants to use a copyrighted musical work but cannot identify or locate the copyright owner. This process is governed by Section 115 of the U.S. Copyright Act, which allows for the use of copyrighted musical works by third-party providers, as long as they pay a statutory license fee to the Copyright Office.

The NOI process is important in the music industry as it ensures that copyright owners are properly compensated for the use of their music. This is particularly important in today's digital age, where music can be easily distributed and shared on various platforms.

When a music service provider files an NOI, they are required to pay a statutory license fee to the Copyright Office. This fee is then held in escrow until the copyright owner can be identified. The NOI process can be time-consuming and complicated, but it is important for copyright owners to monitor the use of their music to ensure that they receive the proper compensation.

If you receive an NOI, it is important to act quickly to identify yourself as the copyright owner and claim the royalties that are owed to you. Failure to do so can result in lost royalties and potential legal disputes.

To collect on NOI royalties, there are two main options available: registering with the Copyright Office as a music publisher or working with a third-party administrator (TPA) who specializes in royalty collection.

Registering with the Copyright Office as a music publisher can be a complex process, but it allows copyright owners to handle licensing and royalty collection themselves. This can be beneficial for those who have a large catalog of music and want to have greater control over their royalties.

Working with a TPA, on the other hand, can be a simpler and more cost-effective option. TPAs specialize in royalty collection and can handle administrative tasks on behalf of copyright owners. Some popular TPAs include Songtrust, CD Baby Pro, and Kobalt.

When working with a TPA, it is important to research and choose a reputable provider. TPAs typically charge a commission or percentage of the royalties collected as their fee. The commission rates can vary widely, so it's important to review the terms and conditions carefully before signing up with a TPA.

In addition to collecting NOI royalties, TPAs can also provide valuable services such as registering copyrights, administering publishing rights, and managing royalty streams from various sources.

It's important for copyright owners to understand the NOI process and take proactive steps to protect their rights. This includes regularly monitoring the use of their music on various platforms and responding promptly to any NOIs they receive.

Here are some additional companies that can assist artists with collecting NOI royalties:

The Harry Fox Agency (HFA): HFA is a leading provider of music licensing and royalty collection services. They offer a range of services for music publishers and independent songwriters, including royalty collection for NOIs.

BMI: BMI is a performing rights organization that represents over 1.1 million songwriters, composers, and music publishers. They offer a range of services to their members, including royalty collection for NOIs.

SESAC: SESAC is another performing rights organization that represents over 30,000 songwriters and music publishers. They offer a range of services to their members, including royalty collection for NOIs.

DistroKid: DistroKid is a digital distribution company that allows independent artists to distribute their music on various streaming platforms. They also offer a royalty collection service for NOIs.

TuneCore: TuneCore is another digital distribution company that allows independent artists to distribute their music on various platforms. They also offer a royalty collection service for NOIs.

It's important to note that each of these companies may have different commission rates and terms of service. Artists should research and compare the different options to find the best fit for their needs.


About the Creator

Indie Music Stream

Indie Music Stream is dedicated to helping independent artists. We believe that every artist deserves a chance to have their music heard. We are committed to providing as many resources as possible.

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