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Margarita Shamrakov

a multi-instrumentalist who writes, records, performs, and produces all of the project's music.

By mysoundMusicPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Margarita Shamrakova is a multi-instrumentalist. She writes, records, performs, and produces all of the project's music.

Don't Want to Die Alone is Margarita Shamrakova's newest song and video.

Don't Want to Die Alone is a song about not wanting to die without an impact, without making the world somehow better. Living on the edge and living every day, because every day could be your last day on the planet earth.

mySoundMusic presents our Q&A with Margarita Shamrakov:

What is your professional/marquee name?

Margarita Shamrakov (bad name but I cannot guess anything better)

What is your chosen genre?


What first got you into music?

My mom

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

Writing songs and writing music. Just what comes from my feelings.

What is your creative process like?

Music first and then lyrics.

Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music?

I think I feel very lonely at times and I cannot confide in anyone and music provides that for me. I am able to say what I feel and I am able to imagine.

What is the best song you ever released and why?

Not yet I think. I am not famous, not many people know me, maybe music is not good enough, but I am trying.

We fell in love with the talented Margarita Shamrakova when we first heard her song Good Girls and it is still one of my favorites.

What is your favorite song(s) to perform? Or, if not performing, what song do fans seem to favor?

Almost the newest song that I have written.

Do you plan your music releases, or do you just finish a song and release it?

Finish a song and release it.

Have you ever dealt with performance anxiety?

Usually drink a bit of wine.

What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? Why?

Just working on music and learning.

Tell about a magical moment or positive experience that has happened during your music career.

Magical moment is every day, every day I meet someone interesting. Right now is a magical moment because I have the opportunity to interview with MYSOUND MUSIC. I do not take life for granted at least I try to appreciate every day. I have lost my mom and my grandma very quickly, my cousin, and my friend. Life could be unfair, if such a thing a fair exists.

What music do you listen to ‘for fun’?

Classical and Tommy Cash (the rapper)

Who inspires you musically?

Nirvana, the 1975, Japanese House, Tori Amos, and many more.

If one artist were to perform at your party, who would get the call?

The 1975

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Thank you but no-one wants to follow in my footsteps. Just being honest. I am honored that you asked.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted sharing your music? Love computers and the ability to record my music and share it with people. It is hard to break through all the noise, but maybe I am a part of that noise as well.

What is your favorite/best outlet to connect with your followers Instagram, Spotify, FB, Twitter, iTunes? How would you want them to follow?

Youtube and Spotify

What is one message you would give to your followers?

Be compassionate with yourself.

What does the future hold for you?

I do not know.

Believe me, Margarita Shamrakova has a Bright Musical Future.

Did I forget to ask something? Something you would like to say, that I did not address.

Thank you so much for beautiful questions, I feel honored.


Consider adding Margarita Shamrakova's music to your playlist. We did!


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