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A Tale of Musical Serendipity

My Journey with Madlib and Four Tet's Sound Ancestors

By Nerd EyePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Four Tet and Madlib. The artist collaborated in the Sound Ancestors album

Hey there, fellow music enthusiasts! Prepare yourselves for a story that will make your ears perk up and your soul groove. Settle in, because I'm about to take you on a wild ride through the realms of hip-hop and electronic bliss.

Picture this: I'm a 38-year-old guy from São Paulo, Brazil, with an insatiable appetite for all things Madlib and Four Tet. These two musical geniuses have been my sonic mentors for as long as I can remember. Their beats have infiltrated my playlists, and their collaborations have left me in a perpetual state of sonic euphoria.


One fateful day, while aimlessly scrolling through the vast wilderness of YouTube, I stumbled upon a channel called "Ollie Loops." It was like stumbling upon a secret musical oasis, a treasure trove of auditory delights. And there, amidst the sea of recommendations, it appeared—a full album by Madlib and Four Tet titled "Sound Ancestors."

Cue the gasps, the uncontrollable excitement, and the awkward dance moves that would make even Elaine from Seinfeld proud. You see, the mere idea of these two musical powerhouses coming together was beyond my wildest dreams. It was like finding a unicorn sipping tea with a leprechaun while playing a jazz flute. It was a mythical collaboration I never thought possible.

I wasted no time clicking that play button, and from the moment the first track hit my eardrums, I knew I was in for something extraordinary. The album was a sonic odyssey, a kaleidoscope of samples, beats, and melodies. It took me on a journey through time and space, where past and future collided in a whirlwind of musical brilliance.


The beauty of "Sound Ancestors" lay not only in the mastery of Madlib's production and Four Tet's electronic wizardry but also in the meticulously curated samples that paid homage to musical history. It was like taking a crash course in music appreciation, taught by the most eclectic professors imaginable.

As I immersed myself in the album's depths, I couldn't help but marvel at the seamless fusion of genres. Hip-hop grooves collided with ethereal electronic landscapes, creating a sonic cocktail that defied categorization. It was like witnessing a culinary experiment where you mix pizza, sushi, and a sprinkle of moon dust, and somehow, it works.

But the surprises didn't stop there, my friends. Oh no, "Sound Ancestors" had more tricks up its sleeve than a magician with a rabbit farm. It was a masterclass in sonic storytelling, with each track unfolding like a chapter in a musical novel. From the infectious energy of "Two for 2 - For Dilla" to the contemplative introspection of "Road of the Lonely Ones," the album grabbed hold of my heartstrings and played them like a virtuoso pianist.

J. Dilla, Four Tet, and Madlib

Now, let's talk about the vinyl. Ah, the vinyl—those magical black discs that have the power to make any audiophile weak at the knees. Determined to solidify my bond with this masterpiece, I embarked on a quest to find a vinyl copy of "Sound Ancestors." It was like hunting for the holy grail, except the grail was made of grooves and emitted mind-blowing sounds.

After scouring every nook and cranny of the internet, I finally stumbled upon a pristine copy. It was as if the music gods had heard my plea and guided me to this treasure. With trembling hands, I carefully placed it on my turntable and watched as the needle delicately caressed the vinyl's surface.

Madlib's Sound Ancestor album

And there it was, the crackling warmth of analog goodness filling the room. The music enveloped me, swirling around like a sonic embrace. It was a moment of pure bliss, as if the universe itself had conspired to bring Madlib, Four Tet, and me together in an awesome state of musical delight.

So, my fellow music aficionados, let this tale serve as a testament to the power of serendipity and the magic of collaboration. "Sound Ancestors" has become an instant classic, my go-to soundtrack for all of my mornings. It's an album that defies expectations, transcends genres, and reminds us that music is the universal language that connects us all.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to create a b.boying routine with my dog to the enchanting sounds of "Loose Goose" Remember, my friends, keep your ears open and your hearts ready for the unexpected — because that's where the magic truly happens.



Signing off with a funky beat and a cheeky grin,

Your resident Madlib-Four Tet aficionado.

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Nerd Eye

Searching and tracking treasures.

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    Nerd EyeWritten by Nerd Eye

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