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A Heffalump, a Ghost and a Vampire walk into a bar...

Halloween costumes inspired by spooky songs

By CaitlinPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Top Story - October 2021
A Heffalump, a Ghost and a Vampire walk into a bar...
Photo by Sašo Tušar on Unsplash

What do black cats, broomsticks, cobwebs, pumpkins, and bats have in common? For 364 days of the year, they are regarded as normal, but one night a year, they take on an entirely different meaning...

In Australia, Halloween isn’t as widely celebrated as it is in the United States. I’ll never forget my first time trick or treating at the age of eight with two friends, only to discover that not a single house on my street was prepared for us. We went home with bags full of old coins, stray mints and oranges! Not exactly the goodie bags full of sugary sweets we were hoping for.

But the internet changed everything and now Australia embraces the fun of Halloween and although it would be a little odd as an adult to trick or treat sans children, I do get invited to my fair share of Halloween parties. And this always involves costumes that are timely and relevant to the year. When Stranger Things came out, several of my friends came as the character Eleven, rocking shaved heads and holding packets of Eggo waffles. This year, I expect to see people wearing teal coloured tracksuits inspired by the Netflix hit Squid Games. But along with fabulously fearsome costumes you also need a spine-chilling, bloodcurdling, hair-raising playlist to set the tone! So here are my ultimate Halloween songs and the perfect costume to wear while listening.

1. Hedwig's Theme by John Williams

What to dress as: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, or Ron Weasley.

What you need: A wand, a Hogwarts robe and a British accent.

This song takes me back to being 12 years old and watching the first Harry Potter film at the cinema (after reading the book, of course.) Harry, who was the same age as me, received his acceptance letter for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I secretly hoped that I too would receive a letter informing me I was not in fact, a muggle but a witch. Specifically a good, brave and skilled one that was accepted into Gryffindor house.

My favourite scene is when the students first arrive at Hogwarts by boat. The vision of them travelling at night along the moonlit water towards the giant, looming castle, with Hedwig’s theme playing softly in the background, made me truly believe magic existed.

By Tuyen Vo on Unsplash

2. Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation

What to dress as: A blood sucking vampire.

What you need: Fake fangs, fake blood and an exhausted expression (vampires are immortal and over 100 years old after all.)

I'll seek you out / Flay you alive / One more word and you won't survive

And I'm not scared / Of your stolen power / I see right through you any hour

The first film in the Twilight franchise was released when I was 18, and although the franchise is iconic, it has become less cool as the years have gone on. However, no-one can deny the soundtrack is amazing. This song had a particular grip on me as a teen, and listening to it brings back all the creepy vibes that are needed to celebrate Halloween. This song wasn’t written specifically for the film and stands on its own as a hauntingly beautiful song, but it’s hard not to picture Edward, Bella and Jacob’s love triangle. After all, what’s spookier than vampires and werewolves?

3. I Put a Spell on You by Screamin' Jay Hawkins

What to dress as: Witch or Wizard.

What you need: A wand, a witch or wizard’s hat, a broomstick and a big pot for potions (the good kind only!)

I put a spell on you / Because you're mine / Stop the things you do

Watch out / I ain't lyin'

While this song has been covered by many incredible artists over the years, nothing beats the original. This song can be interpreted in several ways, is the spell a love spell? Or is it something more sinister, like a curse? Let’s hope for the sake of whoever the song was written about, it’s a good kind of spell. Bette Midler’s iconic version in the Halloween film Hocus Pocus deserves its own special mention and is also great for costume inspiration.

By Artem Maltsev on Unsplash

4. Spooky by Dusty Springfield

What to dress as: A ghost.

What you need: A white sheet and a pair of scissors to cut eye holes, an affordable and last minute costume for the lazy among us.

Just like a ghost you've been a-haunting my dreams / But now I know you're not what you seem / Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you

Most people can relate to these lyrics. You’re dating someone who is playing games and then BAM! You’ve been ghosted. Very spooky indeed. Dusty Springfield’s sweet and gentle singing only accentuates the eeriness. The song is a good reminder to be very careful about who you fraternise with, especially with Halloween right around the corner. Ghosts, creeps and monsters should be avoided!

By Tandem X Visuals on Unsplash

5. Heffalumps and Woozles from Winnie the Pooh.

What to dress as: A Heffalump. (Disclaimer: This costume is adorable when children wear it but gets considerably less cuter the older you are.)

What you need: Elephant ears, Elephant trunk and a general cute disposition.

They're far they're near they're gone they're here / They're quick and slick and insincere / Beware Beware Beware Beware Beware...

Back to childhood we go with the song, Heffalumps and Woozles, from Winnie the Pooh. For children, Halloween is mostly about candy, what we in Australia call lollies, but I can remember being particularly petrified of Heffalumps and Woozles when I was younger. I insisted I sleep with the lights on and made sure my parents checked under the bed and behind the door for those naughty Heffalumps.

As an adult, discovering the worst thing a Heffalump does is steal honey, has certainly helped me overcome my fears. And Halloween is just that, both overcoming and facing fears while also giving yourself a good dose of fear, just for the thrill of it.

The full playlist, A Heebie Jeebie Halloween, can be found here.

Hope everyone reading this has a spooky but safe Halloween.


About the Creator


Aspiring writer. Caffeine addict. Animal lover. Avid reader.

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