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What if?

Would you want to know?

By Aethos52Published 3 months ago 3 min read

Life can be funny, strange and even ironic at times. The way things seem to flow nicely one minute and the next you don’t know which way is up!!

How do you distinguish between the two and still hold control over what happens? Control.. now that’s funny, because believing you have control is an illusion, right?

As human beings we are here for a short time, in the grand scheme of life we are like grains of sand drifting along the beach, being blown one way then the other. Hoping that the path you are on is the right one, or if you believe in destiny that fate has it all mapped out for you and you don’t actually have control at all…

Don’t get me wrong I love my life, yes I have had my fair share of ups and downs, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger….yes? I am blessed with being a father to an amazing young man, who unbeknown to him is my rock and my sanity. I have a select group of close friends who have stepped up when I needed them the most.

What does life hold for me in the future. Who knows….? Do any of us know what lies around the corner, let alone in the months and years ahead?

What if we could see and know all about our lives from the minute we are conceived until the day we leave this earth…

Would we still live the life we have so far, or would we change the situations we have faced and the reasons, the problems, and the dilemmas if we knew the outcomes?

What if we could choose how we get to our destination, our reason for existing, would we change the path we followed to make it easier or would we continue on the one we already used knowing the outcome would be no different?

When you are born, you have no choices, you need to eat so you are fed or given milk to sustain you and make you grow, you soil your nappy so someone changes that for you, you need to be bathed, dressed, taught to walk, even to a point even how to speak..

The older you get, the more things your human nature will discover, and with it the more decisions and choice are laid before you. Do you go left or right? Do you take this job or stay where you are and play the better the devil you know card? Do you stay where you are and have everyone know your business and judge you on your past choices, or do you move and see what life is like somewhere else where nobody has heard of you let alone know you, they won’t judge you…. Or will they? Would they judge someone they don’t even know, who knows? We can all sit and wonder what life would be like if we had the choice and power to change it, but would you really leave the life you knew and the friends you had made and all those choices day in and day out? Would you leave that familiar warm feeling of that house, the mundane but reliable job you have had for the past 35 years, would you change anything? Who knows… do you ? Do I ? Does any of us actually want to know our future in advance, or do we want to live it day by day and find out what will happen and where we will be and with whom, as the natural course of events unfolds?

We are still grains of sand blowing this way and that.

We are threads on the great tapestry of life, that the world unfolds each and every moment.

What if though?

WHAT IF?????


About the Creator


Single dad to an amazing young man, i used to have a very active writing imagination. I need to get back to that asap.

☺️ Enjoy

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    Aethos52Written by Aethos52

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