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Good Information is Hard to Find.

A somewhat short and lazy analysis on the spread of information.

By Achie gives good advicePublished 9 months ago 2 min read

The spread of inaccurate information. Will it end with our computer savvy generation? Probably not. As information is spread and produced locally, common sense still seems to be on the brain both in first world and third world countries where people, even the younger generations then tend to build identities around, which then often churns out adults who make unscientific inferences around that identity and those thought processes.

The culture. The culture, our culture, that is modern-western society culture is not one of those that fall under the vibe of change, and facts. Our culture more than anything else seems to promote attachment, to people, to ideas, to stuff and everyone seems to have certain worldviews to which they interact with the world. Just as the allegory of Plato’s cave provides, it is such that most people once forming an identity and strong core beliefs find it hard

*(even for me, the author because a person really has to train themselves in such skills and we seem to be hardwired to not change on a biological level, we’d rather ‘use our instincts and intuition’ than have solid techniques that track and catch us every-time. If we did have those, we’d see just how much we do it- use our flawed know it all instincts and how much it would actually fail to actually adhere objective reality)

to operate outside those worldviews and to work with objective reality even if the truth stares us in the face. In other words, in some ways, we all have the capacity to become ‘flat earthers’ . So I wouldn’t even judge what it took to get to those certain mind frames. I think it’s such a bigger problem than we actually give it credit for, smaller subsets of this problem can look like Jordan Peterson fans (I used to be one) and if you asked me how I got sucked in…well, I think the YouTuber Olisunvia would give a better explanation the video like is attatched to this piece.

I’m any-case, his theories seemed accurate, it just wasn’t. But luckily it wasn’t tied to my identity, which I think is the problem most people face when they become ‘swarms’.

So if I had any advice for people just trying to figure out life in the first place. This would be my starting line;

Build your identity as an individual before anything else.

Calm the f*** down. Easier said than done but don’t be afraid kids, we’ll figure it out. Enough with all this fear based thinking.

I think here the best thing to do is acknowledge that sometimes you will fail. Sometimes it’s just too hard to change, too stressful and doesn’t seem worth it. We’re kinda lazy by default, meaning we like the path of least resistance. We want the easiest way out, not saying it’s a bad thing, it just to happen, regularly.

And finally, become experts at trying to integrate change into your life. To be an expert is no easy feet, but if you can even make small incremental steps, you make the worlds culture of integrating change, a better place for your children to be able to do the same and better than us if I do say so myself.

If you enjoyed my longer than I needed it to be rant please you can support me by buying me coffee here:


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Achie gives good advice

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